Peter Wilt to head Milwaukee soccer group

Discussion in 'Chicago Fire' started by Fanaddict, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. Fires Of Fulham

    Fires Of Fulham New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Chicago, USA
    I really hope this happens. My brain is already a-flutter with possible derby chants!

    But I think the big question is, can Fire supporters ever really root against a team with Peter Wilt? And the second biggest question is will the far northern suburbs be split alliegances?

    This is a great relief, however for all the people who wanted the stadium to be in the northern suburbs as opposed to Bridgeview. There. Now you'll have a team in the farthest north suburb that Chicago has - MILWAUKEE! :D

    Sorry, had to get a dig in on our northern Lake Michigan neighbors.
  2. PhantomTollbooth

    PhantomTollbooth New Member

    Jul 20, 2004
    Appleton, WI
    Chicago Fire
    As a Fire fan, I'm sad to see him move on, but it's not like I didn't know that he was leaving before.

    As a Wisconsinite, this totally rules! Welcome back to the Wisconsin sports scene Peter!
  3. BrianJames

    BrianJames Member

    Jul 30, 2000
    I've been positive about an MLS team in Milwuakee since the orginal rumors. It's great they seem to have some stadium/ownership momentum and it couldn't be better for them and MLS that Peter Wilt will be available to lead the way.

    It's bittersweet though, seeing Wilt leading what could be the biggest rival to the Fire. Seeing him on the other side will be like seeing an ex-girl you're not over quickly hooking up with a familiar foe.

    Either way, best of luck of Peter!
  4. NotAbbott

    NotAbbott Member

    Oct 11, 1999
    My Own Little World
    Farthest north suburb of Chicago comment notwithstanding, isn't the term "derby" reserved for teams that play in the same city? Or even the same stadium?

  5. Pyro

    Pyro Member

    Apr 18, 2000
    Fulton River District
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I guess we can all stop worrying about Peter's fate now. This guy has more high profile consulting jobs than Paul Bremmer!

    On a serious note, I don't know if Milwaukee (or any other city could ask for a better guy to help get things off the ground).

    I know it is early in the game, but Salt Lake has to be looked upon as a benchmark. Storyline: Guy with strong local ties heads ownership group to bring US fringe sport to small market. Sound familiar? However, the big challenge is deep MLB and NFL roots exist and MLS franchise 1 1/2 hours to the south (depending on traffic). Peter, where do we send our resumes? :D
  6. leftwing

    leftwing Member

    Dec 9, 1999
    Lake Bluff, Il
    Not likely to be any support for Milwaukee out of the far north suburbs. The state line pretty much decides things for most people. However, I will say that I will probably be able to get to Milwaukee as fast or faster than the Fire's new place, which could be the difference in whether I spring for season tickets for the Fire, or just take a lesser plan and catch some games up north. Either way, this can only be a good thing.
    As for Peter, although I am happy for him, all loyalties go to the shirt. As with Peter Nowak, once you're with another team, you're on the other side.
  7. bing1985

    bing1985 Member

    Jun 14, 2004
    Near West ChiSuburbs
    Great news, I think. If anyone can pull this off its Peter. I'm sure both the league and the Milwaukee business community have complete confidence in him.

    This should lead to a great rivalry. It will be exciting to play with both home and away supporters in attendance, for a change.

    Two more thoughts.

    - Boat charter up to milwaukee. Go early on make a day of hanging on the lake. Arrive in force. Leave in victorious splendor. (I know this involves logistical hurdles and will probably never happen. But how cool would it be?)

    - Train. It sounds as if the stadium location is targetted for downtown, not far from the train station IIRC. If Amtrack ever got their heads out of their collective a$$es long enough to do a promotion, this would be a fun and reasonably safe way to deliver a payload of fans. The Hiawatha runs 5-6 times a day and you can party a bit.
  8. Fires Of Fulham

    Fires Of Fulham New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Chicago, USA
    Oh, not at all. Newcastle United v. Sunderland and Portsmouth v. Southampton, two of the biggest derbies in English football, come to mind.

    Portsmouth v. Southampton is actually exactly the same kind as Chicago v. Milwaukee would be. The "South Coast Derby" is a regional derby with a road in-between (of about the same distance between Chicago and Milwaukee). Try telling anyone in those two cities that they don't have a derby.

    A derby can be anything from two teams that play in the same borough (Fulham v. Chelsea) to two teams that just play in the same county (Ipswich v. Norwich). All it really takes to get a derby classification (which is subjective by the fans anyhow though some are much more recognized by the media than others) is some common bond of geography.
  9. Fires Of Fulham

    Fires Of Fulham New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Chicago, USA
    Amtrak does a promotion from Chicago to Milwaukee (and thankfully back to Chicago at the end of the day) during the entire run of Summerfest. It would be brilliant marketing on the part of the Fire to try to somehow hook into this deal that already exists. After all, what would be a better July 4-ish game for the Fire than Milwaukee?

    Alternating between the two cities of course. And on the years it's in Milwaukee Amtrak can work a package deal (like they currently work for Summerfest) to include a ticket to the match (in Section 8 North of course), a ticket to Summerfest for that day, the day before, or the day after and the train ride.
  10. bing1985

    bing1985 Member

    Jun 14, 2004
    Near West ChiSuburbs
    Excellent - There's some decent old hotels downtown too - The hilton comes to mind - for a complete gonzo package.
  11. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    Actually, I was thinking the other way. Those who are more interested in the sacred YSA chant at the expense of the club could root for Milwaukee and leave Chicago to the rest of us who are committed to seeing the team survive and prosper for the long haul. :D
  12. jjayg

    jjayg New Member

    May 9, 2002
    Rolling Ghettos, IL
    I think people who 'support' the YSA chant are as idiotic as people who think it's killing the fires business. So maybe both groups of idiots can go to milwaukee now.
  13. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    It would be idiotic to think it is killing the fire's business. That's why I never said that. Please respond to what I say, not to what you want me to say so that you can respond.

    My post was tongue in cheek in response to the post that said those in favor of a north suburban stadium should support Milwaukee, which was also tongue in cheek.
  14. Fires Of Fulham

    Fires Of Fulham New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Chicago, USA
    Traitor! How dare can you want Milwaukee to have the majority of our die-hard fans (who doesn't take a stand on the third rail of Fire politics?)! :D
  15. jjayg

    jjayg New Member

    May 9, 2002
    Rolling Ghettos, IL
    If you didn't say that then you aren't included in my statement. My response was that both groups are idiots. Please look into reading comprehension. If you are not either 1) someone who thinks that YSA is important and should stay or 2) someone who thinks it's killing business then there is no reason for you to take any offense.
  16. #10 Jersey

    #10 Jersey Member

    May 2, 1999
    Umm, your post quoted me and then you made the above statement. Excuse me for thinking you might be talking to me when you included my quote in your post.
  17. jjayg

    jjayg New Member

    May 9, 2002
    Rolling Ghettos, IL
    I quoted your post because it mentioned YSA and it's 'expense to the club'.
    Quoting a post doesn't mean that someone is pointing a finger at you, it is used as a point of reference. In my reply I didn't mention any particular person, rather two groups of people. The fact that you took so much offense to the reply, including giving me negative rep, could or could not mean that you consider yourself part of one of these two groups. I am not one to make such an assumption.

    So to answer your question, no I don't think your reading comprehension is very good. And obviously none of this says anythign about my ability to remember what I wrote 5 minutes before and who I'm responding to.

    PS: nice edit. :rolleyes:
  18. heybeerman

    heybeerman Member

    Aug 2, 2001
    Chicago Burbs
    Chicago Fire
    Ahem, this is another "We love Peter" thread, not the pissing match thread. Don't ruin a beautiful moment. :p

    I think people that discuss those that discuss the "YSA" chant to be idiots... ;)
  19. jjayg

    jjayg New Member

    May 9, 2002
    Rolling Ghettos, IL
    Dude, if you show any more love for Peter Wilt he's going to get knocked up.
  20. heybeerman

    heybeerman Member

    Aug 2, 2001
    Chicago Burbs
    Chicago Fire
    That was fast, I hadn't even finished editing my post.

    And, obviously I'm not getting any at home right now so I'm spreading it around. Watch yourself, you're starting to look good.
  21. jjayg

    jjayg New Member

    May 9, 2002
    Rolling Ghettos, IL
    I knew that was a long hug on Saturday. I'm talking about when you hugged me not my wife!
  22. KC135E

    KC135E New Member

    Mar 18, 2005
    Chicago IL
    This is the best News of the year,it is good for all . :D :D :D :D
  23. Peter Wilt

    Peter Wilt Member

    Jun 11, 1999
    Whitefish Bay, WI
    Thank you all for your kind words and your support. First, i am glad that i will be able to continue on as gm of the Fire through this season. i love the team this year and want to be in Frisco when we hoist the Cup.

    Milwaukee will be a big challenge. There are many good pieces to the puzzle, but there is a lot of work that needs to be done to put the puzzle together and make this real for 2008. If there is anyone in Wisconsin that would like to brainstorm some time and talk about ways we can work together to make this happen, please PM me.

    Take care, wish me luck, go Fire, Go Milwaukee.

  24. Fires Of Fulham

    Fires Of Fulham New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Chicago, USA
    Alright, now this board really has crossed into the gay that some people were claiming on the "blue uniforms for AC Milan" thread. :)

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