That says it all!!!!! When a player on the winning team says that, what is one suppposed to think? It is obvious that it was a 'no call' and play should have been resumed.
can you explain what happened? i didnt get to see the game, but my friend tells me that Rooney took a dive. is this the case?
Rooney took a lesson out of horseface man's book...Dive, you ask? He was ********in Greg Lugganis!?!?
Gosh you all still with this?! Rooney might have took a dive but 3 mins later we SHOULD have had a penalty so the decision even it self out. Sheesh!!
I say so as well - Cole swiped both of Ronaldo's legs in the penalty box. You arsenal fans are strangely quiet about Toure's dive for a penalty in the last few minutes.... do you think that was ok or not?
It may not be ok, but if Riley is going to call crap contact, you will try to do anything get the call.
Well if he result was a draw or went our way, I'm sure I would here you lot **********in' whining about it.
Talk about diving. Pires, Reyes and Henry are the worst offenders in the game. Hey, are you citeh in disguise?
So it "may" not be ok for Toure to do it but it is definitely not ok for Rooney to do it? Is that what you are saying? Can you explain the difference in the concept?
Congratulations Wayne - through a wonderful display of poor sportsmanship you have secured 3 points that may just mean at the end of the season your team has enough points to secure a UEFA Cup berth in Europe next year. The only good to come of tonight is that this immature brat Rooney has earned himself a spot amongst the pathetic divers of the game, and we will now see real challenges against him (both inside and outside the box) widely disbelieved by the refereeing community. What goes around comes around. This kid needs to focus on his own game rather than running about the pitch trying to ref the game and pouring abuse on the officials. He had a shocker, both in content and gamesmanship. They should give him his yellow for diving in the box after a video review, another for abuse of officials, and a 3rd for bringing the game into disrepute. This laothsome oink needs to be stepped on roughly at the start of his career before the little pissant starts believing too much of his own press.
Okay I guess Cole did not bring down Ronaldo. I guess that Toure just lost his footing at the end. I guess Pires does not dive!
Fine - give Toure a yellow for his dive in the box and disreput. Also give yellows to the Arsenal players who abused the officials just as bad as Rooney did. Alternately, put it in the past and let it go. You can look forward to trying to gain revenge at Highbury in February....
Well Wayne can be proud...he can now be mentioned in the same breath of players like Reyes, Pires, and the incredibly talented COUGH:IVER::COUGH Thierry Henry...shut up wansksta's it's over, no amount of crying is gonna get the result's final YOU LOST!! EDIT: The word with the smiley face is suppose to be diver, but bc of bigsoccer it is a smiley
LOL - the fishing is wonderful at this time of year - 3 Manure's on the line at the same time. What a pity I have to wander off to work. Say what you like guys - you're team is shite this year, and the immature brat Rooney still needs a massive dose of "Grow the F*** UP". Enjoy the win, and try to convince yourselves you really earned it. That may give you solace in an otherwise barren and disappointing season
I always predicted we would NEVER get outplayed when we lost out unbeaten run! Just out lucked! Great job Riley, really great job!!!!!!!!!
Really pathetic guys. Blatant double standards to be complaining about diving. Your run was ensured by certain members of your team doing exactly the same thing. Swings and roundabouts. As for Rooney, I take it you will all be booing him next time he puts on an England strip? I take it everything is okay until it happens to you...
You better quit reading what those pathetic pro-gooner writers in the paper say. Arsesenal only had one chance the entire match and Henry missed it becuase he is not a big game player. You got out hustled, out-tackled and outscored in our 2-nil victory!! I just f'n hate Arsesenal, their manager, their players and everyone one of their fans even though they haven't won **********e. If you win the next 8 of 11 titles then I will actually believe, wait while I laugh for a second, the balance of power has shifted.