Overseas Premiership Matches

Discussion in 'West Ham United' started by Birminghammer, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. Birminghammer

    Birminghammer New Member

    Jun 19, 2005
    Wiltshire, England
    West Ham United FC
    What do we think about this then?


    Proposals that ten Premiership matches per club could be played overseas, most likely in North America or East Asia.

    Countries would have to bid for the right to host matches and the top five teams would be seeded to ensure that they don't play each other, presumably to ensure that each country gets it's fair share of bigger games.

    I'm not sure what to make of it. I know that there was an American Football game played at Wembley last year, it messed up the pitch for the Croatia match. And in an ever decreasing world, why not?
  2. John K

    John K Member

    Nov 8, 2007
    Football is dead. Game over.
  3. Prenn

    Prenn Member

    Apr 14, 2000
    Bolton Wanderers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The idea is that each club plays one extra game and that game is abroad. The draw for the games is seeded and, here's the crucial thing, the points count towards the league.

    I can happily say right now that it will not happen in that format. The points are the real issue.
  4. blainehammer

    blainehammer Member

    Oct 12, 2004
    White Rock, Canada
    West Ham United FC
    Massive disadvantage to the team that is considered "at home".

    Who wants to see Bolton V Birmingham? Not many outside the committed (and they should be).
  5. Birminghammer

    Birminghammer New Member

    Jun 19, 2005
    Wiltshire, England
    West Ham United FC
    I had always imagined the future where I would be watching a game on my coffee table holographic imaging device, much like a vitual chess match. My daughter would be by my side taking a small break from her job as first female Archbishop of Canterbury and we would both be shouting at the table. The jet packs had been safely stored and the protein pills saved for a half time snack.

    It didn't strike me until now that the game could be being played anywhere other than East London. For the life of me I can't get the name MK Dons out of my head. What happens if the Chinese like us so much they want to buy us and move us to Shanghai?

    Should it matter?
  6. Prenn

    Prenn Member

    Apr 14, 2000
    Bolton Wanderers FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Lets be honest, who abroad would want to see anyone outside of Liverpool, Man Utd, Arsenal and Chelsea?
  7. west_ham

    west_ham Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    Peterlee, Co. Durham
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Well Blaine for a start! :D
  8. west_ham

    west_ham Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    Peterlee, Co. Durham
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    OK Mr Devil's Advocate, I can't think of one reason why taking West Ham away from East London would be a good idea. At least not one you would agree with. :rolleyes:

    Plus jet packs and protein pills are such a 1960's retro image of the future and holographic coffee tables would never work as putting your dinner down would mean missing the match!! :D
  9. Clint Eastwood

    Clint Eastwood Member+

    Dec 23, 2003
    Somerville, MA
    FC Dallas
    It's gonna happen and we all know why. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ And this isn't just about the North American market, it's about the Asian market. Just a matter of time. In the US Baseball (Mexico) and Football (Wembley) have already played regular season matches overseas. I believe the NHL is planning on expanding their overseas regular season games next season, and the NBA isn't that far behind. Last year the NBA even hinted at the possibility of putting teams in Europe.


    Silly I know, but they at least talked about ti.

    Let's face it. It's a matter of if, not when, the EPL plays games overseas.
  10. Birminghammer

    Birminghammer New Member

    Jun 19, 2005
    Wiltshire, England
    West Ham United FC
    I think that it will happen also, again just because of the cash involved.

    I recall reading an article stating that when David Beckham signed for Real Madrid within two weeks they had made the transfer fee back in shirt sales. Many of which are in the far east.

    I wonder if other countries will follow suit, and UEFA as well. You could have West Ham versus Juventus in the Champions League final played in Seattle.

    How soon before we have an international league? The top twenty teams from around the world competing in a different stadium each week?
  11. hammermolder

    hammermolder New Member

    Apr 3, 2006
    LA born chelmsford
    Living in southern california,i would love west ham to play a "real" game anywhere in north america,i think everyone would be suprised at the amount of support the hammers have over here.
  12. Birminghammer

    Birminghammer New Member

    Jun 19, 2005
    Wiltshire, England
    West Ham United FC
    I just read an article on the beeb about this, and the potential audience figures are huge, 3-4 billion.

    It is not just the ex-pat audience or the colonials either. China and the Middle East fork out millions to secure the TV rights for Premiership matches.

    I think the game is going to change beyond recognition over the next ten years. And to think we get all dewy eyed at the memory of terracing and bovril.:rolleyes:

    Incidently, did anyone else notice at Wembley last night the stadium looked half empty as the teams came out yet was packed at the first whistle. That would be all the corporate slots then. Glugging their Pimms before taking their seats.
  13. Footstomper

    Footstomper New Member

    Oct 4, 2004
    Frederick MD
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Yeah but would it be a 'real' game? This is an idea I just dont think will fly. What about the atmosphere, the very real, almost tribal, sense of place which is so much a part of all football, and is so lost in the vastness of America? Aside from curiosity and Harlem Globetrotter type exhibitionism I dont think there would be any appeal apart from as a one-off curiosity.

    Christ on a bike! Harlem Globetrotter style football? Now thats an idea that could fly!
    Best not tell anyone!
  14. norwaytips

    norwaytips Member

    Oct 4, 2004
    Oslo, Norway
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Can you imagine 30,000 Chinamen singing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I'm folever browing brubbles????:confused:

    Seriously, this will get off the ground, but it ain't just the USA, and it ain't dollars either: it's Sydney, Rome, Calcutta, Tokyo, Paris, Oslo.....Oslo? Also it's Euros; Dollars ain't worth enough.:p:p
  15. lesliemoss

    lesliemoss New Member

    Oct 4, 2004
    Malibu, California
    Relative to overseas interest in Premier League games, I think it's bad news that ESPN is hoping to outbid Sky for future screening rights; apart from the pathetic ESPN commentators, ESPN has consistently failed to understand where the real interests are of fans in the USA;
    They show European Championship games, and think the majority of fans here want to see Sevilla vs Benfica, instead of Man.Utd, or Arsenal, and yes, or West Ham Utd!
    Fox Soccer Channel and Setanta show a great cross-section of games; I'm not sure who chooses them but if it's up to ESPN, it'll be lousy choices, I'm sure.
  16. blainehammer

    blainehammer Member

    Oct 12, 2004
    White Rock, Canada
    West Ham United FC
    Thank you West_Ham. I could not care less about Chelsea or Arsenal.
  17. claret50

    claret50 Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    An article on this topic from Sam Wallace of the Independent:

  18. blainehammer

    blainehammer Member

    Oct 12, 2004
    White Rock, Canada
    West Ham United FC
    I think that's what I said in two lines....or was it one line?
  19. claret50

    claret50 Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    You did Howard, but that bloke got paid for his opinions.;)
  20. west_ham

    west_ham Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    Peterlee, Co. Durham
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    An update from Scudamore:


    Despite the slightly sinister edge to his persona Scudamore makes all the right noises here, concentrating mainly on the entertainment factor involved in playing EPL matches abroad.

    He does make some attempt to comfort us all about some of the issues which may ensue for British based fans, like ticket availability and travelling. But generally it seems as though it's too early to tell whether it will work in a way which will please us longsuffering UK fans.

    But he does make promises about the clubs' roots being the priority. We'll see if he keeps this promise.
  21. blainehammer

    blainehammer Member

    Oct 12, 2004
    White Rock, Canada
    West Ham United FC
    I watched that vidoe. Two impressions: 1. Fait accompli. 2. Driven by money.
  22. Hammerette 1

    Hammerette 1 Member

    May 24, 2007
    Greed, that's all it is. The only teams with any substantial and committed overseas profile are Manchester Unitd and Liverpool. Sorry but West Ham are as high profile as Ebbsfleet to the average fan overseas. This proposal has been roundly derided by everyone outside the chairman and PL board, the press, fans, UEFA even. Sky have kept quite. Leaving aside the nonsense of jetting 20 teams in an English league all around the world mid season we have the inequity of a 39 game season. The teams that get to play the Chelseas and Manchester Uniteds three times are at a huge disadvantage to the team that plays say Derby three times. That long article says it all for me, I would gladly pay to not have to be inflicted with the crap I saw yesterday. I'd love to transport it to the far east so that they could waste their time and money watching it rather than me.
  23. lsuhammer

    lsuhammer New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
    Upon hearing about this I had two thoughts:
    1- This is a really dumb idea, and there is no way it will happen.
    2- It would be really cool to see West Ham play a real match in the US.

    I have been a lifelong fan of the New Orleans Saints in the NFL, and a couple of weeks ago the NFL announced that the Saints would be playing a game in Wembley next fall. I was very excited when I heard this, even though it is taking away one home game. I think it is great that we going to be able to get that kind of exposure.

    So looking at it from that angle, I could see being excited and optimistic about this for the EPL.

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