Opinions on USMNT from RSL fans

Discussion in 'Real Salt Lake' started by Section 5, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Section 5

    Section 5 Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I wanted to get some opinions on the USMNT from RSL fans in this forum. Do you think more MLS players should be called up? Why or why not? Do you think it is important that American soccer fans know who the players are? Should the head coach be American? Does that matter? Please give me your honest thoughts. Thanks!
  2. SenordrummeR2

    SenordrummeR2 Member+

    Jul 21, 2008
    Layton, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I think the best players should be selected, regardless of where they play. If there is an MLS striker that is in better form than a European league player, the MLS player should get the call up. I also think the incumbent status of some players should be removed. It seemed during previous regimes that some players got called up regardless of how they were playing (looking at you, Onyewu).
  3. RoyalNonesuch

    RoyalNonesuch Member+

    May 10, 2009
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Depends upon what they do with the Gold Cup. There's an idea circulating to have the winners of the two inter-WorldCup Gold Cups to play for the Confederations Cup berth.

    So if it's meaningless, scout your depth. If it's significant, release the hounds.
  4. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don't care where the coach comes from, as long as he's good. As far as player selection goes, I've always preferred either picking a system and finding the best players that fit that mold, or picking the best players and using a system that plays to their strengths. It always feels like we're taking the 'best' available, yet trying to play them in a system that doesn't work. We always seem lost because players are either out of position, or playing a style that doesn't suit them.
  5. Ivensor

    Ivensor Member

    Nov 10, 2011
    Real Salt Lake
    Building off of this, I'm wondering what people think about whether the USMNT should have a style. Seems like Klinsmann talked about instituting a style when he became coach, but I'm still not sure what that style is. What is the soccer culture here in the US, and how should that be reflected in our style of play? I don't think that necessarily means a fixed formation, as that might adjust depending on the best players available, but it seems like we're constantly having an identity crisis in the US, with lots of European-based players but also lots of influence from Latin America, mixed with a good dose of MLS as well. In the end, we seem to end up being kind of hurky-jerky on the field, despite having some legitimately good players. Thoughts?
  6. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I think he genuinely wanted to implement a style but failed because of the player selection. Whether it was his choice, or pressure from higher ups, the players chosen weren't the best for that style. I think we're stuck in a rut where we want to play better, but aren't willing to pick the players that best fit the system. I feel that we look too disjointed because we're trying to pick the best players available, then trying to force them all onto the field at once. IMO we shouldn't have Bradley and Jones on the field at the same time. I think Beckerman would be better at DM with Bradley as a CM. Technically Jones is the better overall player, but I think Beckerman fits better in the system Klinsmann wants to play.
    Sabra repped this.
  7. UPinSLC

    UPinSLC Member+

    Jul 11, 2004
    Real Salt Lake
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    United States
    I'm going to flip this and say he tried to implement a style, much in the way he did with germany back in 05-06, but there just aren't enough high quality field players currently available to play it. He tried, he really did, you could see that through the first 5-10 games of his tenure, but it just never worked out. Then he shifted to the DM shield because at that point our defense had deteriorated significantly and became a true weak spot of the team. We have a glut of midfielders, including the DM position, so he adapted and implemented the defensive shield. This sort of forced his hand into what kind of formations he could put out there to play to our strengths and surprise surprise, we morphed back into the pre-klinnsman style of play.

    quite frankly I just think we lack the athletes necessary to play anything other than what we currently do. We have a few quality players spread throughout the field, but not even close to a starting XI and nothing close to having a full roster.
  8. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You said it better than I did. I think we have the players to do what he wanted, they just aren't the top tier players. Whether playing the system or the players would be better would be a topic for another day.
  9. Section 5

    Section 5 Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ok, so my follow up question(s): In your opinion, should there be more emphasis on calling up players in MLS? Would soccer fans here have more interest in the USMNT if there were more players they were familiar with? I might be in the minority, but I have a hard time following and supporting the national team when I don't even know who many of the players are. I'm not saying we shouldn't call in players playing in Europe who are playing at high levels, i.e. Bradley, Dempsey, Howard, but I get the feeling many times that players are called to the national team simply because they are playing in Europe. As far as the coaching goes, is Klinsmann and improvement over Bob Bradley, or is it still to early to tell? Would the national team be better off with an American Coach, i.e. Dom Kinnear, Jason Kreis, etc.?

  10. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Coaching change is likely always a toss up. I think there's different challenges in being a national team coach, and a lot of club coaches wouldn't make for a good national team coach. I really don't care where our player pool comes from. Pick whoever is the best at the position you need for the style of play you're going after.

    I'll always be club over country. I love USA and wan't them to do well, but aside from some qualifiers and tournaments, I really don't care if I miss games.
  11. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    My feelings in no particular order:
    1. I think Klinsman has an idea of where he wants this team to eventually be. However, he doesn't know how to do the transition phase very well. The end picture is a grand one (see how Germany plays) but getting there isn't just a snap of the finger. He realized he was going to have to start at the basics/youth and made his contract one that allowed that. However, it means growing pains and a weird transition phase before it (if it does in fact) happens
    2. I feel Bradley was a better manager for this set of players. Long term Klinnsman is probably better for US soccer. But Bradley did things with this team (not pretty, granted) that were new highs. Bash his inability to win the biggest games all you want, at least he got the team there. Nobody before him did it, and we're in a state of fright about even qualifying for the world cup right now
    3. I think that Klinnsman is very guilty of the "you only pick euro players" complaint. However, some of these guys have proven to be real finds so I'll take a few misses here and there. I do want to see more MLS guys get a look. I think it would legitimize the league and also show future players that you can make it to the highest level (world cup) if you play in this league.
    4. I don't think USSF does itself many favors with how it prices it's tickets and treats it's fanbase. This is why many people, especially here in Utah, are much more "club over country" in their approach. If USSF wanted to get support, they'd consider pricing games for the fans and not just their pockets. You want a home crowd> Make sure they can afford it.
    RoyalNonesuch repped this.
  12. El-ahrairah

    El-ahrairah Member+

    Sep 20, 2004
    Wanker County
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I think the coach's system is more important than the players. I am reminded of the Swedish national hockey team. I think it was the first olympics where NHL players could play. The Swedish coach was basically being told to take the top 15 goal scorers in the Swedish league for his team. Unfortunately, although that looks good on paper, in real life, you still need role players for defensemen and your checking lines.

    I think the coach should have an idea for a system and then find the players, whether MLS or European, who fit that system. A big plus would also be a system that many players have experience with since national teams are just bascially thrown together and the least amount of explaining how to play the system, the better.

    Ergo, a team of Pele's might look good on paper, but I think in real life, it would basically suck.
  13. Ismitje

    Ismitje Super Moderator

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Allez RSL repped this.
  14. SenordrummeR2

    SenordrummeR2 Member+

    Jul 21, 2008
    Layton, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I read that last night. Very interesting points. The 23 different lineups in 23 games is a bit worrisome. Is it time for Jurgen to give up on the change in style he wants? I'd like for the US to play a more attractive game, but that comes 2nd to qualifying, IMO. Hopefully we see a result this week.
  15. BalanceUT

    BalanceUT RSL and THFC!

    Oct 8, 2006
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  16. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    the most worrying part of it is Jurgens' attitude of "this is just what happens"

    No, it really isn't.
    Yeah, some guys are going to be upset at every team, bu the whole damn team shouldn't' be confused. You shouldn't have this confusion leading into the biggest games of your US coaching career.

    I think the guy would make a great consultant for US Soccer, but I'm really starting to doubt his coaching abilities.
    Section 5 repped this.
  17. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It'd be nice if he'd field the same players at least once. It's hard to build any sort of chemistry when you're constantly playing with different players. I get that change is sometimes necessary, but the absolute lack of any sort of similar lineup isn't going to help.
    Section 5 repped this.
  18. Section 5

    Section 5 Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I really could care less about an attractive style of football at this point. Win some games and qualify for the World Cup. That sounds more attractive to me. :)
    15 to 32 repped this.
  19. El-ahrairah

    El-ahrairah Member+

    Sep 20, 2004
    Wanker County
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    What did Al Davis used to say? "Just win baby"
    15 to 32 repped this.
  20. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    MASSIVE game tonight. Really wish I could have made the road trip out... or that the game would have been tomorrow.

    Regardless, should be interesting to see how Klinnsman handles this mounting pressure.
  21. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm bummed that it's blacked out on ESPN3, unless you live in Alaska. Looks like it'll be proxy time. Kind of a shame to offer a service so people can actually watch your programming, and still black it out.
  22. Allez RSL

    Allez RSL Member+

    Jun 20, 2007
    I'm not so sure. While Klinsmann hasn't convinced me he has a real, coherent plan, his argument that there will be growing pains when a system is changed is compelling.

    Before Klinsmann, the US could "just win, baby" in most games, but not against Ghana when it counted. Maybe JK's new system can push the US into that next level. Maybe not, too, but I'm willing to see what happens.
  23. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It's also going to take time. We certainly need a change in philosophy if we plan on consistently taking on bigger countries. This will likely take a cycle to really see any sort of change, and even then it'll likely take longer. I have a feeling he'll be replaced before any real change can happen, and we'll go back to the status quo.
  24. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    um, where do you live that ESPN is not readily available within 5 miles?
  25. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    South Ogden. I could easily swing by my parents if I needed to. I just work weekends and have to be up at 4am so watching from home is generally easier. I dream of a day I can buy channels a-la-carte at a reasonable rate.
    15 to 32 repped this.

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