Old times.

Discussion in 'West Ham United' started by TheNewOrleansHammer, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. TheNewOrleansHammer

    TheNewOrleansHammer New Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    New Orleans
    I was chatting with a friend today, we were talking about the most memorable momments in Football history and the topic of, my hero, Julian Dicks came up.
    Does anyone remember when we had used all our subs and Ludek got injured, so Dicks had to play in goal. His first duty was to save a penalty. Does anyone remember who we were playing?
    'Razor' Ruddock was also mentioned, how I wish we had him now.
    Actually, how I wish we had both of them now. We need some grit because without it talent doesn't get a chance to shine.

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