Okay Krafts, where is our head coach?

Discussion in 'New England Revolution' started by rkupp, Nov 27, 2023.

  1. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    The fact that we've been without a permanent coach since the beginning of August (will be 4 full months in a few days), personnel decisions are being made, a Director of Soccer has been hired (but not announced?) and there's been no word about who is going to coach this team, who are the candidates or anything else is pretty astounding.

    The team used the cover of deciding to hire a DoS to not say anything about a new coach. Since they haven't announced Onalfo, they can still continue to hide behind that - but, since they really aren't answering questions about anything anyway, they can take their merry old time.
    pwykes repped this.
  2. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
    Boxborough, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Onalfo as the DoS is one of the worst-kept secrets in Rev-land. It was the easiest path to go down, and whoever we get as the head coach will probably be either a "safe" choice or an ex-Rev player on his first gig. Either way, it'll be a "company man."

    It would be nice to know if Onalfo was the one who brought in the Czech keeper who was more of a waste of a roster space than Tony Farias III.
    pwykes repped this.
  3. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
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  4. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    pwykes repped this.
  5. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
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  6. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
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    Yeah, I mentioned him in another thread. I'd be happy with that decision...
  7. Feldspar

    Feldspar Member+

    Nov 19, 1998
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    Oscar would be particularly good given that he was working with peanuts in Orlando, salary-wise. Even if the Revs get cheap again, we should still outpace Orlando's spending, which ought to make Oscar that much more effective.
  8. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    Feels unlikely to me, though I'd like to believe otherwise.

    Seems like that group is pretty comfortable working together - would Pareja even want to work with Onalfo?
  9. Minutemanii

    Minutemanii Member+

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Yeah but what's discouraging about the article is that there's no whiff of Revs speculation.
    Feldspar and pwykes repped this.
  10. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
    Boxborough, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
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    Who are they gonna hire, Savarese?

    I still would like to see them get an established Mexican or South American manager with a relatively "big" club who has won stuff. A Tata Martino type. Getting (well) paid on a regular basis and not having to worry about your family getting kidnapped or having your own fans pelt the team bus with rocks when you lose 2 games in a row might be appealing to someone like that.

    But that will never happen here.
  11. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
    New England Revolution
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    Or, even more likely, Tab Ramos. :(
  12. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    I'm not sure why Pareja would come to NE - but, I'm also not sure why they've let his contract expire. That sounds like someone who wants all his options open.

    And, if he is (or soon will be) out of contract, do other teams need to ask permission to talk to him or give compensation in order to sign him for an equivalent role?

    I suppose waiting for his contract to officially expire could be one reason no candidate has been identified or hired, but I'm still pessimistic and prepared to be underwhelmed.

    I am surprised at the total, but we've only had 8 non-interim head coaches in our history. Here's the list, with my initial reaction:

    • Stapleton (1996) - no idea
    • Rongen (1997–98) - very pleased
    • Zenga (1999) - eh, not sure
    • Nicol (interim) (1999) - good
    • Clavijo (2000–02) - pretty excited
    • Nicol (2002–11) - very pleased
    • Heaps (2011–17) - uh, pretty underwhelmed
    • Soehn (interim) (2017) - whatever
    • Friedel (2017–19) - hopeful
    • Lapper (interim) (2019) - whatever
    • Arena (2019–23) - thrilled
    • Peay (interim) (2023–) - quite concerned
  13. tsb11

    tsb11 Member+

    United States
    May 31, 2018
    Richie the rat is missing from your list,
    pwykes repped this.
  14. patfan1

    patfan1 Moderator
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    Aug 19, 1999
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    They were so very busy interviewing all the guys for the SD position that they obviously had no time to start looking for a coach. Let's see ... checks list ... yep, we interviewed one person for the SD role.
    BERich and pwykes repped this.
  15. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    Foxborough brain trust: okay guys, we know it's Friday, but lets meet up for a few minutes and brainstorm on some names.
    pwykes repped this.
  16. Mike Marshall

    Mike Marshall Member+

    Feb 16, 2000
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    The SD should have the most say in who the new Head Coach is, no?

    Also, I know of at least two other names that were reportedly interviewed for the SD job.
  17. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
    Boxborough, MA
    New England Revolution
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    United States
    There was a guy from Orlando, but I don't know about the other.

    After all that happened this year, sometimes it make sense to make a clean break from the status quo and bring in someone with fresh ideas. No idea if the Orlando guy would have been better than Onalfo, but he wouldn't have whatever baggage Curt may be saddled with.
  18. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
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    You forgot "check the answering machine for messages from coaches interested in the job."
    rkupp and pwykes repped this.
  19. patfan1

    patfan1 Moderator
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    Of course. But I think many (most?) of us were hoping for a thorough house cleaning at this point, not just keeping one of the lackeys around. Maybe Onalfo will prove me and others wrong in the 2024 season, but I have less faith in him than I did in Friedel (and I HATED that hire).
  20. KapeGuy

    KapeGuy Member+

    Mar 21, 2010
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    I have never posted about the front office -- I have really only been interested in what happens on the field. After years of following the team and attending 3 or 4 games per year, I bought a season ticket when they hired Arena because he had built interesting teams everywhere he had been. I had a great time watching the club improve under his leadership -- including the second team and the academy. Under his leadership, the franchise was in good shape. When Arena left and management did nothing to replace him, I lost interest and I did not renew my season ticket for 2024. I have loved the game for more than 60 years so I will keep watching the USMNT and I'll go see occasional Revs games, but I won't be following the Revs closely -- unless they hire a proven DOS and a proven coach. As for the current DOS -- I learned all I need to know when he told us that the team was fine and boy everyone better watch out in Colorado . . . and then the team went out to Colorado and put in a lifeless performance.

    Thank-you to Monty and Bob and Mike and Patriot and the other stalwarts who have kept the discussion going all these years. You guys are good fans and you deserve much better than what the Krafts are giving you.
  21. rkane1226

    rkane1226 Member+

    Apr 9, 2000
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    By reportedly, you mean that if I had been paying enough attention to the right press sources, I would have seen a press report on those 2 names? I still don’t know any names. All I’ve learned is there was (maybe?) someone from Orlando?

    I really don’t understand why the team itself wouldn’t make a bit of a deal about their interview process. It keeps the team relevant, it gives radio shows, podcasts, papers and discussion boards something to discuss. In the end some percentage of reporters will say they made the wrong decision, some percentage of fans will too. But they will have been engaged throughout and the team will be more noticed… IMHO.

    Anyway glad to hear there may have been 1-2 warm bodies beyond Onalfo but I remain underwhelmed.
    pwykes and BERich repped this.
  22. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
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    One was Orlando City technical director Ricardo Moreira, according to Scoops Bogert:

  23. patfan1

    patfan1 Moderator
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    Aug 19, 1999
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    With the serious lack of depth in the front office right now, who was even doing the interviews? Brian and ...?
  24. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
    Boxborough, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Maybe Onalfo interviewed Moreira and the other guy. Hey, who would better be able to describe the job than the guy who's been doing it?
    pwykes repped this.
  25. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    On the Revolution Recap podcast, they are really roasting the Revs for saying last week that they were starting the coaching search. They made the point that whatever coach they hire is pretty much going to have to be okay with going with the roster they have, since significant decisions have been made and others are coming up real soon.

    They also made the point that what message does it say to potential candidates that after 4 months they are just getting started on a coaching search?
    Sachem07 and pwykes repped this.

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