OK so who actually thinks Kirkland is better than Robbo?

Discussion in 'Tottenham Hotspur' started by LedleybetterthanSol, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. LedleybetterthanSol

    Jun 16, 2004
    Gold Coast/Australia
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Seriously, that gimp can't even beat out Dudek in Liverpools goal, yet people are willing to annoint him as the next god or something.

    Face it, Kirkland is a disappointment and Robbo owns the England #1.
  2. sendorange

    sendorange Member+

    Jun 7, 2003
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Kirkland is made of glass. He has talent and the coaches seem to rate him, but I would not swap him for Robbo. Great penalty save by Robbo last night, hopefully that will get him back in the groove. He was a bit off-form against Charlton and Arse, but I suspect his marriage problems and having them plastered over the papers had got to him, as they would any player.

    Form is temporary, class is permanent :cool:
  3. metropolis2k

    metropolis2k New Member

    Sep 7, 2004
    Not a chance. I've never been impressed with him.
  4. Rmort99

    Rmort99 New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    Kirkland's a very good keeper but has been really unlucky with injuries. Had he not been injured so much i'm pretty sure he'd be england's no.1 at the moment. His advantage over Robinson obviously is his size and this is where Robbo has a few problems. Robbo has the best reflexes in the country and is a fantastic shot stopper but struggles to cope with some crosses, such as Yakubu's goal.
  5. jumhed

    jumhed Member+

    Mar 26, 2001
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Even Kirkland has said he's not ready for the England #1 jersey yet. So for the time being, I'll go with Robbo.
  6. prk166

    prk166 BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 8, 2000
    Med City
    To be fair to Kirkland, Dudek's in the prime of his GK career. He's a very good, experienced GK. But Kirkland better than Robinson? I just don't see it. Maybe Kirkland will start to pull things together and suprise me. Seems to me if Benetiz is smart, he'll be in the market for a new GK next summer.

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