For those who know nothing about the next generation here were the members for the AFC U-22 Asian Cup qualifiers which is the tournament that will decide who will participate in the Olympics. GK 12 櫛引 政敏 クシビキ マサトシ KUSHIBIKI Masatoshi 1993.01.29 182cm 68kg 清水エスパルス 31 杉本 大地 スギモト ダイチ SUGIMOTO Daichi 1993.07.15 186cm 79kg 京都サンガF.C. 1 中村 航輔 ナカムラ コウスケ NAKAMURA Kosuke 1995.02.27 182cm 70kg 柏レイソルU-18 DF 19 松原 健 マツバラ ケン MATSUBARA Ken* 1993.02.16 177cm 66kg 大分トリニータ 6 山中 亮輔 ヤマナカ リョウスケ YAMANAKA Ryosuke 1993.04.20 171cm 65kg 柏レイソル 13 犬飼 智也 イヌカイ トモヤ INUKAI Tomoya 1993.05.12 180cm 70kg 清水エスパルス 36 鈴木 隆雅 スズキ リュウガ SUZUKI Ryuga 1994.02.28 180cm 66kg 鹿島アントラーズ 2 川口 尚紀 カワグチ ナオキ KAWAGUCHI Naoki 1994.05.24 175cm 67kg アルビレックス新潟ユース 5 岩波 拓也 イワナミ タクヤ IWANAMI Takuya 1994.06.18 186cm 72kg ヴィッセル神戸 15 植田 直通 ウエダ ナオミチ UEDA Naomichi 1994.10.24 185cm 70kg 熊本県立大津高校 MF 28 田鍋 陵太 タナベ リョウタ TANABE Ryota* 1993.04.10 176cm 64kg 名古屋グランパス 7 熊谷 アンドリュー クマガイ アンドリュー KUMAGAI Andrew* 1993.06.06 181cm 67kg 横浜F・マリノス 29 廣田 隆治 ヒロタ リュウジ HIROTA Ryuji* 1993.07.16 172cm 62kg FC岐阜 30 橋本 拳人 ハシモト ケント HASHIMOTO Kento 1993.08.16 178cm 68kg FC東京 32 荒野 拓馬 アラノ タクマ ARANO Takuma* 1993.04.20 176cm 60kg コンサドーレ札幌 11 野津田 岳人 ノツダ ガクト NOTSUDA Gakuto* 1994.06.06 175cm 65kg サンフレッチェ広島ユース 26 秋野 央樹 アキノ ヒロキ AKINO Hiroki 1994.10.08 174cm 62kg 柏レイソルU-18 35 松本 昌也 マツモト マサヤ MATSUMOTO Masaya 1995.01.25 169cm 60kg JFAアカデミー福島 FW 25 渡 大生 ワタリ ダイキ WATARI Daiki* 1993.06.25 176cm 62kg ギラヴァンツ北九州 21 鈴木 武蔵 スズキ ムサシ SUZUKI Musashi* 1994.02.11 184cm 71kg アルビレックス新潟 *- Already has made their pro debut (no Nabisco Cup) The next tournament will also include members from the U-17 WC team which has been dubbed the 無慈悲世代 (ruthless generation). Highlights from almost all the matches at the 2011 U-17 WC. Japan vs France (first half) (second half) Japan vs Brazil Japan vs New Zealand Japan vs Argentina edit: Results from the AFC U-22 Asian Cup qualifiers
No I literally ment where they are I checked and saw Marinos and Cerezo interesting Also isnt Musashi Suzuki out for like a season and god knows when he'll be ok to resume?
2ch always comes up with names for squads after specific tournaments. The name for the 2009 U-17 WC team was the "Platinum Generation" because the team was filled with many players that some felt were the most talented ever in Japanese football history (Usami, Miyaichi, etc). The name for the 2011 U-17 WC team came from this article that FIFA wrote after Japan defeated New Zealand 6-0 which had the headline "Ruthless Japanese sweep Kiwis aside". The people on 2ch liked the name so they christened this team with the name "ruthless generation".
I don't know anyone of this.. but i hope there will be some space for players like Kubo or the CB from Shonan..
That's pretty hard to say but those names changed form Olympics to Olympics and without a clear borders. There was Golden for Sydney (born in 1979), Valley for Athenes, New Golden called before and Bottom of the Valley after the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Then you've got Platinum with Usami, Miyaichi etc and new one with the guys who qualified to the best 8 in last year's U-17 World Cup.
some news for you: I can assure you that Zac will do everything he can to manage the U23 too. So if it doesn't happen, it's because of the JFA.
All right, let's just say that we don't know if Zac already asked for the U23 too when he was appointed (though it's obvious that it ended being Sekizuka).
I dunno, I feel if Zac is still in JFA ranks come 2016 it'd be cause he's in control of both the senior & olympic jobs which is something I'd prefer to avoid.
It's too early to tell. For comparison, this is the team that failed to qualify for the 2009 U-20 WC and what some considered the best youngsters at the time. GK 1 松本拓也 MATSUMOTO Takuya 1989.02.06 182cm 76kg 順天堂大学 GK 18 権田修一 GONDA Shuichi 1989.03.03 187cm 82kg FC東京 DF 6 下田光平 SHIMODA Kohei 1989.04.08 180cm 70kg FC東京 DF 2 鎌田翔雅 KAMATA Shomo 1989.06.15 172cm 66kg 湘南ベルマーレ DF 12 橋本真人 HASHIMOTO Masato 1989.10.12 190cm 76kg 浦和レッズ DF 5 村松大輔 MURAMATSU Taisuke 1989.12.16 175cm 73kg Honda FC DF 4 金井貢史 KANAI Takashi 1990.02.05 174cm 60kg 横浜F・マリノス DF 3 高橋峻希 TAKAHASHI Shunki 1990.05.04 169cm 68kg 浦和ユース/ウィザス高校 MF 10 金崎夢生 KANAZAKI Mu 1989.02.16 180cm 70kg 大分トリニータ MF 8 鈴木惇 SUZUKI Jun 1989.04.22 168cm 69kg アビスパ福岡 MF 13 青木拓矢 AOKI Takuya 1989.09.16 179cm 72kg 大宮アルディージャ MF 14 山本康裕 YAMAMOTO Kosuke 1989.10.29 177cm 76kg ジュビロ磐田 MF 7 水沼宏太 MIZUNUMA Kota 1990.02.22 175cm 66kg 横浜F・マリノス MF 16 河野広貴 KAWANO Hiroki 1990.03.30 165cm 58kg 東京ヴェルディ FW 9 大山恭平 OYAMA Kyohei 1989.05.22 178cm 71kg アビスパ福岡 FW 17 宮澤裕樹 MIYAZAWA Hiroki 1989.06.28 182cm 72kg コンサドーレ札幌 FW 11 押谷祐樹 OSHITANI Yuki 1989.09.23 169cm 69kg ジュビロ磐田 FW 15 柿谷曜一朗 KAKITANI Yoichiro 1990.01.03 182cm 58kg セレッソ大阪 Only Gonda and Muramatsu made the Olympics. So it's entirely possible that none of the players from the AFC U-22 qualifiers will make the Olympics, but we'll have to wait and see.
It was a joke anyway but the comparison you made is very enlightning, thx. I'm not for Zaccheroni coaching this team, sure the synergy between the U23 and the senior NT would be enhanced but I'd rather see him focusing on his actual duties and the Olympic team given to a Japanese guy. Norio Sasaki ffs.
I think WWC is more of a priority than Olympics mens so I'd rather Sasaki be in charge of the Nadeshiko. Don't see why Sekizuka shouldn't have another go if he's keen. If not him, then I agree another Japanese coach.
I'm just name dropping without too much substance, but how about Akira Nishino? Doesn't seem to be doing to well with Kobe at the moment but it can't be a coincidence that Gamba collapsed after he left. And were any of the U 23 players even on anyone's radar four years ago, aside from Gonda and Muramatsu? Can't imagine Usami was a household name at age 15, but what about guys like the Sakais, Otsu, Nagai, or Kiyotake? Here's hoping that Japan's current success inspires a second platinum generation. Maybe the diamond generation? This could get to be like picking colors for the new Pokemon games
I've posted this ages ago, but here's a bad quality clip from a U13 friendly vs SKorea from 2005 again. So household name -> no, but he was known to the JFA all the time, as was the guy who scored from his assists: YTakagi. I think Sugimoto was in that team too, dont know about others though.