NSR: Official Music Thread (What Are You Listening To?) Vol. 6

Discussion in 'Chicago Fire' started by skinut, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. thorus

    thorus Member

    Feb 28, 2016

    robin trower
    Mac97 repped this.
  2. thorus

    thorus Member

    Feb 28, 2016
  3. thorus

    thorus Member

    Feb 28, 2016
  4. thorus

    thorus Member

    Feb 28, 2016
  5. thorus

    thorus Member

    Feb 28, 2016
  6. xtomx

    xtomx Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Sep 6, 2001
    Northern Wisconsin, but not far from civilization
    Chicago Fire
    Why is someone posting Kansas videos?

    What's the point, really?

    Over the summer, they did sell out the theater where my partner works.
    People seemed to like them, but I had to explain to here who they where.
    bunge repped this.
  7. bunge

    bunge BigSoccer Supporter

    Oct 24, 2000
    Outlaw Music Fest.

    Willie Nelson closing later tonight.
    thorus, harrylee773 and Mac97 repped this.
  8. bunge

    bunge BigSoccer Supporter

    Oct 24, 2000
    Willie may be 90 but he can still strum.
    thorus and Mac97 repped this.
  9. Mac97

    Mac97 Member+

    Jul 15, 2014
    Chicago Fire
    And w/o a teleprompter
    thorus and bunge repped this.
  10. harrylee773

    harrylee773 Member+

    Jul 28, 2004
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    There’s nothing wrong with a little Willie!
    bunge repped this.
  11. xtomx

    xtomx Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Sep 6, 2001
    Northern Wisconsin, but not far from civilization
    Chicago Fire
    Well, according to Russell Brand. See the latest accusation about that disgusting, talentless, creature.

    The latest is that he exposed himself to a staffer at the BBC office in LA and then laughed about it shortly thereafter on his radio show, the co-host actually saying something like “showed his willy to a lady.”

    I originally wrote "pig of a human being" instead of "creature," but that would be insult to pigs. Pigs are intelligent, talented (and tasty). Brand is none of those things.

  12. harrylee773

    harrylee773 Member+

    Jul 28, 2004
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Some people never surprise you, no matter how awesome they turn out being. Example: Willie Nelson
    Some people never surprise you, no matter how shitty they turn out to being.
    Example: The British ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    (in all seriousness though ******** Russell Brand with a prison shank- top tier piece of shit, even before this)
    xtomx and bunge repped this.
  13. bunge

    bunge BigSoccer Supporter

    Oct 24, 2000
    Who is Russell Brand? I mean, I’ve seen the headlines and photos of him but why would anyone know who he is?
    xtomx repped this.
  14. xtomx

    xtomx Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Sep 6, 2001
    Northern Wisconsin, but not far from civilization
    Chicago Fire
    He is a bad British comedian and made a couple of movies. Pretty much the times I have seen him has been as a talk show guest. He was married to Katy Perry for a short period of time.
    He claims to be a "public thought leader."

    Really, he was never funny, although he does have a very distinctive, almost stream of conscious way of speaking.

    He has become a major conspiracy theorist over the past several years. He has some internet talk shows or something.

    Several women have credibly accused him of raping them and another woman said he exposed himself to her. He has been accused of inappropriate behavior towards women for many years, going back publicly at least 10 years.

    Let me put it this way, the people defending him at the moment are Elon Musk, Andrew Tate (currently under indictment for rape and human trafficking), Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones.

    I won't bother linking to their conspiracy laden bullcrap.

    The really sad thing is that he has been advocate for mental health funding and an advocate for fighting against authority. But he is just dreck as a person.

    Attached Files:

    bunge repped this.
  15. bunge

    bunge BigSoccer Supporter

    Oct 24, 2000
    Guess I never saw his comedies.

  16. xtomx

    xtomx Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Sep 6, 2001
    Northern Wisconsin, but not far from civilization
    Chicago Fire
    You missed precisely nothing!
    bunge repped this.
  17. bunge

    bunge BigSoccer Supporter

    Oct 24, 2000
    Who is Taylor Swift?

    I mean, she’s a singer but she doesn’t seem to have any positive contributions to society.

    Am I missing something?
  18. Jiggly_333

    Jiggly_333 Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Mar 8, 2015
    Corner of Bedlam and Squalor (It's that way ->)
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    I've asked myself that many times.
    bunge repped this.
  19. xtomx

    xtomx Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Sep 6, 2001
    Northern Wisconsin, but not far from civilization
    Chicago Fire
    Well, to some she is the most important person on Earth.

    To the rest of us, she has made no positive contributions to society.

    Me? I was at a bar playing Taylor Swift and I admitted I had never heard a song of hers. They played her for an hour or so and it made no impression.
  20. Jiggly_333

    Jiggly_333 Member+

    Chicago Fire
    Mar 8, 2015
    Corner of Bedlam and Squalor (It's that way ->)
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    I will say that she's worked with some pretty great people recently. Jack Antonoff, Aaron Dessner, Phoebe Bridgers. I listen to their stuff, but not her.
  21. harrylee773

    harrylee773 Member+

    Jul 28, 2004
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Are singers supposed to have other positive contributions to society than their songs? I mean, I think it’s great when they do, but if I know someone as a singer and nothing else, I still know them. Hell, with how shitty some singers have been proven and alleged to be (hi Ryan Adams, Chris Brown, R. Kelly, Ted Nugent, Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis et al) not being a huge piece of shit seems like a positive contribution in and of itself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    xtomx, Jiggly_333 and bunge repped this.
  22. Mac97

    Mac97 Member+

    Jul 15, 2014
    Chicago Fire
    thorus and xtomx repped this.
  23. sportscrazed2

    sportscrazed2 Member+

    Jul 30, 2008
    Mordor, Middle Earth
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  24. sportscrazed2

    sportscrazed2 Member+

    Jul 30, 2008
    Mordor, Middle Earth
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

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