Fans of Chicago Fire and MLS- An online petition has been created that will be forwarded to Major League Soccer upon completion of this season, imploring them to ban what has been known as "Soccer Horns". I urge you, if you do not want these horns at the matches next year, please sign the petition which can be found at Let's put forth a solid effort and rid MLS of thse horns.
I would really like to ask the individuals that use such horns a simple question: Why? How does an airhorn inspire the players on the field? How does an airhorn get the crowd pumped? ¿Para el amor de Dios, por qué???????
I agree. They do nothing at all and when you watch a game on TV from Metro or LA that is all you hear out of the crowd. Same goes for those thundersticks. They are for people too lazy to use their hands and mouths.
'Tis a blissful thing that we're not plagued with them here. However, I've suffered through them in the stands in LA & DC and they're hidious and painful. Petition signed!
I hate those damn things. I was surrounded by stupid little kids making noise with those horns during my only visit to the Meadowlands and it sucked. It was a double-header, though, and when all the kids disappeared for the second match (Rangers-River Plate) you could hear some real singing. It was much much much much better. Only 25 names so far! Get the word out!
---a damn sight sweeter sounding than one pair of thunder sticks or one "soccer horn" More baloons! Shorter pants!
Willing to live with that. . . especially as they make excellent weapons to beat morons over the head with when pulled from the hands of annoying "outlaws" who've been blowing the damned things into your ears for 90 minutes - with the percussive effect of the bleedin' things causing ear damage. The only appropriate response is to box the idiot's ears until they're damaged as well. Medication taking affect, urge to kill fading. . .fading. . .RISING. . .fading. . .
signed last night. these things make a boring game insufferable. whoever thinks they're a good idea needs to......well, they're just an idiot.
Perhaps MLS will come to their senses concerning those damn horm when they are served with the first lawsuit for causing hearing damage. I have moved to a different seat before just to get away from those things. They are more that just a nuisance; the are physically painful.
Ugh, As I read this thread, I recall the sound of the mindless tooting at RFK during a match against the FIRE. It's as if all the dairy farmers in Virginia and Maryland had made a failed attempt to teach their cows Kyrie Elison, or some other choral work, and yet brought their herds to the stadium anyway. Make it stop MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!
Don't look now Marcin, some Dutch boner is talkin smack about you over in Rivalries.
Petition signed. Also, if anyone is interested I got a large number of kazoos left over from my wedding and would be willing to bring them to Friday's game (or maybe on the road to C-bus).