v Date|Time:Sunday, July 8, 20124:00P EDT Venue:PPL ParkChester, PA Gametime Forecast:Partly SunnyTemp 91º | Humidity 57%Feels Like 100º TV Broadcast:6abc Current League Standings MLS Injury ReportMLS Disciplinary Summary Last Meeting:May 26, 2012BMO Field | Toronto, OTPhiladelphia Union 0 - 1 Toronto FC Game RecapGame Highlights
Yes we can finally get our revenge against....Toronto? Our team is in good spirits and we have a lot of momentum coming from the LA game. I can see us winning 2-0, 3-0 even with a makeshift squad in order to rest some of our key players for next week's USOC match.
Toronto has been doing a lot better since signing Mariner and even managed to look dangerous at times. That being said I think this can easily be won 3-0. Though I'm interested in seeing how many of our guys Hackworth will rest on Sunday. Anyone know if Soumaré will get the nod this week to start?
I'm going to guess 2-1 Union! Speaking of rest..... I think Adu should get a rest and give Torres the start.
I'm thinking he gets the start in one of our next 2 home league games, Sunday vs TFC or the 14th vs Montreal.
Could have Martinez side in Adu's spot up front and have Torres in Lahoud's spot. Then in the 2nd Hoppenot is subbed in for Martienez and Gomez for Torres. This will give Adu and Lahoud some needed rest and Martinez and Torres much needed play time. I wouldn't mind seeing Soumaré playing this weekend. Okugo has done great for us in CB but I think we should give him a games rest.
4-3-3 again please. Pajoy, McInerney, Martinez Daniel, Okugo, Torres Garfan, Soumare, Valdes, Williams MacMath Attack and run up the score on them.
I think we first need to figure out who is starting next Wednesday against SKC and work backwards from there. Since Soumare and Perlaza are not permitted to play on Wednesday, I think there is a good chance we see them on Sunday. I would like to see Torres play, but I don't think he can go 90 yet since he hasn't played at all.
Is this the lineup to give some starters rest for the USOC? If not, there is no way you can sit Marfan right now. He was arguably our best player against LAG. If you have him sitting to rest him for the USOC that is cool. Same goes for Carroll, though I may start Gomez instead of Okugo so Okugo gets rest to play as CB on Weds. I might put Torres up top instead of Martinez, though I am not sure if he has ever played on the wing up top before.
I think Torres could thrive in that wing position in the 4-3-3 we've been playing. He's more aggressive then Adu, and makes better decisions when passing. Hopefully Adu will get out of his recent funk, and start playing like he did in the first half against NY.................one can hope.........
Still going to be pretty damn hot out for a 4pm start. I can't predict the scoreline, but I'm pretty certain that there will be some issues in the parking lot with alcohol and dehydration.
If by recent you mean most of his career. I think the Union get revenge. 3-1. I'd like to see Martinez get the start ahead of Adu.
Interesting nugget from Gabriel re: Soumare's Union debut: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports...ey_Union_players__before_and_after_Nowak.html
Ugh............Love it when Local TV dictates the time of a match......Thank You 6ABC! Side rant: MLS really needs to mandate that all Summer matches need to be played at night for player and fan safety (heat).
Well you can vent your frustration at them before the match... it's 6 ABC day at PPL Park, including "personality apperances and autographs".
I wonder if 6abc was forced to purchase a large block of season tickets in order to have their name associated with Sunday's festivities ...
With Soumare not being ready for action, do you think Hack will send out Lopez or Albright for CB to give Okugo a rest for Wednesday?
As a rule of thumb with the whole USOC international cap at only 5 players I'd guess more on an international player playing on Sunday, i.e. Party Rock since only a few will be able to play on Wednesday anyway...
dude wont know how to spell it without looking at his little tablet. have you ever seen him on the news? he needs to read his name of that damn tablet. he is the worst