Off-Season Acquisitions

Discussion in 'LA Galaxy' started by CDM76, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. CDM76

    CDM76 Member+

    May 9, 2006
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    FYI, I still have hope for this season. I think we'll make the playoffs and might even have a nice run but the roster is thin.

    Here are the club's concerns as I see them.

    Keeper - Are either of our backups going to develop into starting keepers? Remember when Reis and Hartman were pushing each other?

    Center Back - How long will Tyrone's legs hold out? Do we need another veteran back? Is Sturgis a back or a holding mid?

    Outside Back - Where's the depth after Albright and Jazic?

    Mids - Can Martino become a creative force? How much gas is left in Cobi's tank? Is playing time all Quaranta and Kirk need?

    Forwards - Time to let Cornell go? Is Gordon the right strike partner for Landon? If Herculez isn't going to play, can we trade him?

    My question is:
    What positions do Yallop and Lalas need to strengthen the most this winter?
    Any specific players that would fit?

    Try to be realistic.
  2. Baysider

    Baysider Member+

    Jul 16, 2004
    Santa Monica
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    I think our priority during the summer window should have been a target forward, so unless Gordon shows that he really has changed, it should be a priority afterwards.

    It may sound odd, but besides a target forward, I think we are in good shape

    We have reasonable depth on defense, although we need about another three bodies. If it were me, I would use the later rounds of the draft to pick up wide midfielders who could be converted to wide defenders.

    Central midfield is good with Nags, Vags and Stags(?).

    Wide midfield is OK. Quaranta and Gardner left. If it were me, I would play Herc right, but otherwise Martino as starter and Kirk as a prospect.

    With a target forward + Landon and with Herc and Glen as backups we are solid at forward.

    The big questions are who will we lose in the expansion draft and is it worth it to keep Cobi for another year.
  3. churchill2000

    churchill2000 3x MLS Cup Champions

    Jul 12, 2004
    Monde Virtuel
    Los Angeles Galaxy

    For the most part I agree. I think Cobi has proven he is still an important player on the team.

    I'd actually like to see Marshall used as trade bait. He is my favorite player but he isn't getting any younger. Veris (before injury) and Roberts look like strong candidates to take over the reins of central defense alongside Ugo.

    As for possible acquisitions that is the real question, most of the Canadians Yallop might/might've want(ed) will either stay where they are or join Toronto.

    The Red Bulls, Toronto, will probably join LA in rebuilding their teams respectively so the competition for good players in MLS will be strong.
  4. duckworth92807

    Aug 16, 2005
    The OC
    hurc will prob be lost to expansion draft along with glenn perhaps
  5. SoCalian

    SoCalian New Member

    May 17, 2003
    San Diego, CA
    I have a feeling we'll get a fairly big name in the January transfer window. preferably a winger. quaranta is already good, he just needs to get match fit. kirk will get much better, and I think will develop into a reliable starter in about two years. We should start looking for a replacement for jazic. I'm pretty sure he was brought in as cover for this year, with the idea that he would probbably go to toronto in the expansion draft. If we are able to keep him, then great. but I think he'll be gone. I think we are good at forward, unless we trade herc, which i wouldn't be opposed to if it meant getting more depth elsewere, or was for a better forward. I would really like to see someone like paulo wamchope come in to partner with LD, but that's more wishful thinking than anything else. Over all, we just need to build depth, and we should be in very good shape for next year.
  6. Baysider

    Baysider Member+

    Jul 16, 2004
    Santa Monica
    Los Angeles Galaxy

    Agreed, although I expect that either Marshall or Jazic will be exposed in the expansion draft.
  7. taco jones

    taco jones Member

    Dec 23, 2003
    I can imagine a scenario where we protect Jazic, then have Toronto nab an unprotected player that we're interested in and trade Jazic for him. I think Marshall's salary may make him too unattractive to take in the expansion draft.

    This year isn't going to be like two years ago when we lost Torres and nobody gave a shit. The WC and injuries forced us to play a lot of young players and quite a few of them have shown potential. And as good as that is for our depth and team's future, it also means we'll probably lose someone like Roberts or Veris.

    Anyone else wondering if Albright will try to make the jump to a lower European league after this season?
  8. Calexico77

    Calexico77 Member

    Sep 19, 2003
    Mid-City LA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    :( :(

    I would not be surprised, only saddened. Albright has always been my favorite player since I became a G's fan (2002).

    No matter what, we will have to be extremely active in the off season. Here are my quick hits:

    1) Right now, Gordon has 5 games to prove that he is worth keeping, otherwise he is playing for the contract he gets from his new team next year. This is the first real stint of serious playing time that he has gotten in the years that he has been with us. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    2) Herc won't be going anywhere.

    3) Glenn staying or leaving will depend entirely on the offers received from other teams, not based on his importance to this team.

    4) For some bizarre reason, I am beside myself with joy at the thought of a Sturgis/Martino/Quaranta/Kirk midfield next year.

    5) Don't count out the possibility of one of Yallop's boys still in Houston coming to play for him again in LA.
  9. jason1551

    jason1551 Member+

    Apr 9, 2003
    Columbus, GA
    DC United
    FYI, developmental players are protected from the expansion draft. Gardner, Kirk, Sturgis, and Veris will stay right where they're at (unless traded, of course).
  10. Dammit!

    Dammit! Member

    Apr 14, 2004
    Mickey Mouse Land
    Whatever happens, the midfield problems need to be worked out.

    I think Sturgis,Kirk, Q, Martino in a box-type midfield is workable; especially since we have fairly strong outside backs. But the box midfield is too susceptible to inujuries, imo. THere's just not enough good midfielders in the league to be able to go to your bench; especially since the box relies on a short-quick passing game that falls apart when there is a weak link in the chain.

    SO, Yallop needs to look at what is available in the off-season, pick a formation, and get players according to what he needs. I like the idea of an unbalanced midfield, strong left, but anyways...

    I'd sign every one of our back line again. They are awesome. There's concern about Hartman and age, but there are a lot of decent keepers out there sitting on the bench that could be signed fairly easily in a worse-case scenario. Albright heading off to Europe would definitely be a blow since you can always tell the difference when he's not there. Roberts at R-back doesn't get me excited.

    I would perhaps go back to Dunivant and beg his forgiveness and ask him to come back...but I don't see that happening.

    The front line is a little more difficult but I think that Herc, Glen, Donovan (?), Gordon, give you options and will put the ball in the back of the net if given half-decent service (which goes back to the midfield again). A strong holding-type forward (like Gordon is supposed to be) would be nice, but is not top-priority.

    Tell Coach Yallop I am available for consultation for a minimal fee. :)

    PS> Going off the end of Calexico's post: how pissed would the SadJosers be if DeRosario came over this way? THat would be awesome in more ways than one.
  11. SoCalian

    SoCalian New Member

    May 17, 2003
    San Diego, CA
    I'm just going to echo how much of a blow it would be if Albright left.
  12. Topper

    Topper BigSoccer Supporter

    Oct 19, 1999
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    [spits out coffee in disgust]

    Please don't mention that chicken-dancing terrorist coming to play with us.

    I don't care how good he is, I don't want that fruitball on our team.



    :D :D :D
  13. churchill2000

    churchill2000 3x MLS Cup Champions

    Jul 12, 2004
    Monde Virtuel
    Los Angeles Galaxy

    On another note, if DeRo stays in MLS he will more than likely join Toronto FC, unless Europe comes calling.
  14. StillKickin

    StillKickin Member+

    Austin FC
    Dec 17, 2002
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    If we got anybody from Houston, I'd rather it be Ching.

    Did you know he's the only Hawaiian in MLS?
  15. FlapJack

    FlapJack Member+

    Mar 3, 2006
    Los Angeles
    I always get confused between those Houston forwards in the bright orange - They're like twins. Are you sure Moreno's not the Big Kahuna?
  16. SoCalian

    SoCalian New Member

    May 17, 2003
    San Diego, CA
    maybe we can pull a West Ham, and persuade the next big thing for South America to come play for the Galaxy.
  17. kyleprather

    kyleprather New Member

    Apr 27, 2006
    I definitley think Chris could go play in Europe very easily. I think we should look for a right back anyway or a guy who can play either fullback position, maybe a Kelley Gray, no Albright but still formidable and one of Yallop's old boys from San Jose right? Also some size in the midfield someone with some bite, Serioux from Houston isn't an automatic starter and could maybe be pryed away, or how about Shalrie Joseph, no one seems to want to be in NE anymore why not see if we can get him, maybe to expensive but hopefully in the offseason MLS will up the salary cap by a million, keeping fingers crossed. If the rest of our current roster stays intact I like our wings and our forwards enough, hopefully Glenn can get healthy next season and show us what he's capable of, remember when their was talk of Andy Herron coming to LA, I didn't think it would be smart but damn wish we would've he has really kick started Chicago's push for the postseason hasn't he.
  18. Samminish

    Samminish New Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    ALAN is not, and never will be the solution up top .. .. Physically and tactically, he moves to slowly to play up front unless we use him as target man and have others make runs off of him .. ..

    Right now, the key is MARTINO - If he recovers well, and FY slaps the '#10' jersey on him, that may cure all kinds of ills .. .. He may become the creative forced missed since CIEN went upstairs .. ..

    TROY has proved that the reads the backline better than any of the other center-backs and has made TYRONE available .. ..

    Canuck Expansion Draft aside, we can package up MARSHALL, GORDON and a high pick for a pretty nifty forward somehere, huh?? And, if that fella isn't available in MLS, then that package should get us a full allocation to chase that kind of dude .. .. Getting a striker will be easier than a #10 .. ..
  19. churchill2000

    churchill2000 3x MLS Cup Champions

    Jul 12, 2004
    Monde Virtuel
    Los Angeles Galaxy

    You lost me at "the key is Martino".

    He is a never has been and a never will be.
  20. FlapJack

    FlapJack Member+

    Mar 3, 2006
    Los Angeles
    I liked "MARSHALL, GORDON and a high pick for a pretty nifty forward somehere".
  21. New Mexican

    New Mexican Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don't think Martino will ever be a Cienfuegos.
  22. duckworth92807

    Aug 16, 2005
    The OC
    galaxy have never had a decent midfielder since day eventually galaxy will find 2 forwards that can score so landon can drop down
  23. Burden

    Burden Member

    Apr 20, 2005
    Long Beach, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Seriously. Alan Gordon continues to play well just to make JuiceBox eat his words. :D
  24. CDM76

    CDM76 Member+

    May 9, 2006
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Not sure we're going to need much in off-season acquisitions. Looks like Yallop and Lalas are remaking the roster on the fly.

    I like what I've read about the new forward, Hansen, and the new mid, Miglioranzi.
  25. Esco

    Esco New Member

    Aug 1, 2005
    Long Beach
    Liverpool FC
    I hope we address our issues up top. Gordon is the 2006 Pando Ramirez, thanks for the goals but no thanks.

    I seen Hansen play at the reserves game. Small frame, so-so speed so although it may limited, my diagnosis is EH.

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