Nuovo Stadio?

Discussion in 'Fiorentina' started by HuntKop, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. Il Ciuccio

    Il Ciuccio Member+

    Feb 17, 2010
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
  2. NickyViola

    NickyViola Member+

    May 10, 2004
    ACF Fiorentina
    As always with these lazy, bureaucratic eyeties, I'll believe it when I see it.

    It would be awesome, though.
  3. Falc

    Falc Member+

    Jul 29, 2006
    Juventus FC
    Considering that they want to build it where the city's largest fruit & vegetable market is located, bureaucracy and protest should be expected. Not knowing Firenze, is this a market area for the people or for retailers to pick up their products? If it is where people go to shop, then the club would be wise to partner with the city and include a market as part of the design. I don't know if there is enough space for that. But if this is going to disrupt the people's way of life and that is part of the charm of Firenze, then this is going to be a difficult project.

    Is the Artemio Franchi not worth reconstructing?
  4. NickyViola

    NickyViola Member+

    May 10, 2004
    ACF Fiorentina
    It's wholesale.

    The problem with the franchi is that we don't own it.
  5. Falc

    Falc Member+

    Jul 29, 2006
    Juventus FC
    And the city is not willing to do a deal then. Juve purchased a 99-year lease for Stadio delle Alpi, tore it down and built its current stadium. If Fiorentina is able to build its own place, Artemio Franchi gets rarely used. But you can't convince these short-sited politicians/bureaucrats.
  6. NickyViola

    NickyViola Member+

    May 10, 2004
    ACF Fiorentina
    Renzi became President of the Republic the morning of the day that he was supposed to have the big let's-finally-finalize-everything-and-get-this-shizz-done summit with the club, so... Everything just stalled.
  7. Falc

    Falc Member+

    Jul 29, 2006
    Juventus FC
    The Artemio Franchi is one of five Italian stadiums that I have visited. I took a train early morning from Salerno to head out to Firenze. Accompanying me was my zia's young neighbor Roberto. I think he was only 15, maybe 16 at the time. None of my cousins wanted to make the trip as it was only the US playing Austria. So Roberto volunteered as he had never been to the Tuscan city. We arrived early afternoon, walked around the city seeing what we could. We stopped at a Church but I don't think it was the Cathedral. We just went where the path took us. There was plenty of artwork and this one gorgeous gal with a fantastic set of gambs on her. She had some guidebook with her and was studying the artwork. I noticed the book was in English, so I asked her where she was from. Turned out to be a Jersey girl. I think we made our way to center city although my memory does not remember specifics. The thing that stood out for me in Firenze was how beautiful the women were. I only spent an afternoon and it is a place I would like to visit again someday.
    Vulpinous and NickyViola repped this.
  8. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    #133 falvo, Sep 28, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
    I lived in Florence for 3-4 years and was in charge of a reconstruction /historical restoration project and dealt directly with the city hall/ "comune di firenze" officials, architects, "progettisti" "ufficiali di sicurezza", title/"catasto" , "muratori" , "giardinieri" ,water works officials to name a few. Then I had to deal with the heads of the city accountants, lawyers of the "belle arti" and the "Misrecordia". Suffice it to say they are a bunch of low life leaches who do nothing all day but collect a paycheck. I know because I worked, broke bread, ate and even lived with many of them. As Americans we think that everything would come a lot easier when it comes time to getting things done but its not the case in Tuscany or Firenze or anywhere in Italy for that matter. I'll believe a new stadium will happen when I see it and even then it will be a miracle.
  9. NickyViola

    NickyViola Member+

    May 10, 2004
    ACF Fiorentina
  10. Vulpinous

    Vulpinous Moderator
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    Mar 15, 2007
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    Will there be food, or the same guy selling gelato out of his cooler?
  11. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
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    "Se non vedo nelle sue mani il segno del costato, e non metto il dito nel posto dei chiodi e non metto la mia mano nel suo costato, non crederò".

  12. NickyViola

    NickyViola Member+

    May 10, 2004
    ACF Fiorentina
    No clue.

    You Roma fans get super stoked about all of the opportunities for soulless retail in the stadium.

    Doesn't matter to me.
    Il Ciuccio repped this.
  13. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    There are so many surrounding bars , cafes and restaurants within walking distance of where the current Artemio Franchi is that I'm sure there will be plenty of places to wine and dine. The problem is getting the project off the ground and up and running.
    NickyViola repped this.
  14. Vulpinous

    Vulpinous Moderator
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    Mar 15, 2007
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    I like the gelato guy. Don't let my crass remarks fool you.
    NickyViola repped this.
  15. NickyViola

    NickyViola Member+

    May 10, 2004
    ACF Fiorentina

    E’ tutto pronto. E stavolta ci siamo davvero. La Fiorentina consegnerà il progetto preliminare della nuova cittadella viola in Comune il 20 o il 21 dicembre. Contestualmente, lo stesso giorno, ci sarà la presentazione in Sala d’Arme, a Palazzo Vecchio. Con le immagini in anteprima del nuovo stadio sul modello del Matmut-Atlantique di Bordeaux.

    “Ci rivedremo prima di Natale, vogliamo parlare anche dello stadio, stiamo lavorando sul progetto che presenteremo prima di Natale o a metà gennaio in grande stile alla cittadinanza. Ci siamo quasi”, aveva detto domenica scorsa, dopo la partita contro il Palermo, il presidente onorario Andrea Della Valle.

    Il dubbio sullo slittamento a gennaio non deve lasciare spazio a cattivi pensieri, rassicurano, perché il progetto è ultimato. L’incertezza del patron, infatti, è legata unicamente ai suoi impegni che nei prossimi giorni lo porteranno all’estero. Ma martedì 20 o mercoledì 21 sono le due date in cui probabilmente riuscirà ad essere a Firenze per mettere il timbro dell’ok sul progetto.

    Firenze aspetta. E il regalo di Natale non si può negare. Otto anni fa era stata presentata al Four Seasons la ‘Nuvola’ di Fuksas, l’idea progettuale da realizzare a Castello, un attimo prima che sullo sviluppo a nordovest della città scoppiasse un’inchiesta giudiziaria conclusa appena pochi mesi fa. Nel frattempo per la realizzazione del nuovo stadio si è cercata una soluzione alternativa che ha preso corpo negli anni, soprattutto con Matteo Renzi che, da sindaco, nel 2012 lanciò la proposta Novoli.

    Ma prima di arrivare a un punto di concretezza si è dovuto aspettare che Palazzo Vecchio riprendesse in mano il destino dell’area di Castello prevedendo lo spostamento sui terreni – adesso di proprietà Unipol – della nuova sede di Mercafir. Il trasloco dei mercati generali è essenziale al compimento del progetto della cittadella viola, perché libera integralmente gli oltre 50 ettari di Novoli che potranno accogliere il nuovo stadio, 11mila metri quadri di alberghi e 77mila metri quadri di spazi commerciali e 168mila di parcheggi.

    Non più tardi di una settimana fa era stato lo stesso sindaco a mettere il sigillo sulla nuova presentazione. «Si farà sicuramente a dicembre – aveva detto NardellaBabbo Natale arriverà con lo stadio per i fiorentini». Poi c’erano state le parole di Andrea Della Valle. Ma la Fiorentina non ha intenzione di differire la consegna del progetto a Palazzo Vecchio rispetto alla presentazione alla città. Si era pensato di poter consegnare i documenti e poi di convocare la stampa a gennaio. In verità, a meno che un imprevisto tenga lontano il presidente onorario viola da Firenze, il 20 o il 21 dicembre vedremo finalmente il progetto nei dettagli.
    MutuILFenomeno and dimaradona10 repped this.
  16. MutuILFenomeno

    MutuILFenomeno Member+

    Jan 25, 2010
    ACF Fiorentina
    Stadium plans have been submitted. If everything goes smoothly (which it won't) we could see the stadium being built by 2020 and first match by 2021
    NickyViola repped this.
  17. Il Ciuccio

    Il Ciuccio Member+

    Feb 17, 2010
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Fixed your post for Italian time.
  18. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    If its true, that would be fairly quick.......Speriamo bene ma come disse Tommaso..........

    "Se non vedo nelle sue mani il segno dei chiodi e non metto il dito nel posto dei chiodi e non metto la mia mano nel suo costato, non crederò"!
    MutuILFenomeno repped this.
  19. indestructible

    indestructible Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Jan 14, 2007
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    It looks stunning

    Fingers crossed for you guys*
    MutuILFenomeno and NickyViola repped this.
  20. Payback

    Payback Member

    Aug 15, 2011
    ACF Fiorentina
    Wow Just wow! have to hurry up to watch a game in the franchi.
    MutuILFenomeno repped this.
  21. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    Sadium in Bagno a Ripoli? From fist hand experience, I know exactly how difficult it is to get tings done not only in the constriction but also in the bureaucratic mess in he Comune di Firenze and Toscana. I'm sure Commisso would build it but everyone wants their cut...

    Good luck with that!

    Commisso: “Stadio a Bagno a Ripoli? Potrebbe, ma non credo”

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