Soccer notebook: Zoffinger says no game on 9/11 - Star Ledger "The NJSEA also is looking to land the United States-Brazil match, which may be played Nov. 19, the next open date on the FIFA calendar." I thought we were playing Australia in Nov?
Even after 70K, there's no way Chicago's going to support NJSEA by scheduling a friendly with an organization that many perceive to be screwing over its own tenant with horrible rent terms in a stadium with football lines in a cold weather area in November. Move along now, nothing to see here. Come back again for seven, I mean five, I mean three, international club friendlies next summer at lovely Giants Stadium.
Chicago is the HQ for the USSF. The Metrostars are tenants of NJSEA's Giants Stadium, where they pay 80K a game in rent and receive no share of concessions or parking. And security there sucks. The first soccer event held at Giants Stadium w/o assistance from the Metrostars was last week, where NJSEA promoted a match between Real Madrid and AS Roma. It had 70K spectators and was roundly considered a huge success. NJSEA is talking about hosting five international club friendlies next summer. One is already scheduled for August, with Manchester United playing an as-yet-undetermined team.
Do us all a favor and not refer to USSF as "Chicago." It will help keep the peace around here. Sweeper is well aware of the rest of that stuff.
sorry-o It's easier to type than USSF with my broken CapsLock. I'm not around enough to recognize people, so sorry, Sweeper.
Has anyone ever seen Giants Stadium in November? That isn't actual grass on the field, it is mud painted green. No international soccer team in their right mind would play on that field, especially Brazil. The only good thing that comes out of all this is that maybe, just maybe the field for the Metrostars next year is going to be in tip top shape. This as a result of the international friendlies that will be hosted.
US vs. Brazil When? This Year! It looks as though the promoter is just begging/trying to make this happen. The USSF surely sees the antagonisms at the Metrolands and will stay away. My best guess of what will likely occur is a west coast venue for Australia on this date. The match is allready agreed upon, likely a double header with the USWMNT. Then in December for the other open FIFA date it would likely appeal to Bruce and the rest of the players to get together somewhere like Miami and have a good week there. There your assured of just as big a crowd as anywhere in the USA. We'll see. RGR
What about USA /POLAND Everybody really want to see USA/ POLAND, for the USA the same lineup we use against PORTUGAL.....
I hate this guy. Everyone, please do your part in writing to New Jersey senators to vote for the MetroStars' future stadium. Then, we can avoid jack@$$es like George Zoffinger who charge far too much rent and screw us over.
You want to send hate mail to George Zoffinger or do you want to send e-mails to the NJ Senators persuading them to vote for the stadium? Here is the link for the senators: I'll work on finding George Zoffinger's email.
I was pretty much looking for the senators, but I will send a blast to Zoffinger as well. Many thanks.
I'm having a hard time finding Zoffinger's email. I found the NJSEA website by typing in his name at Yahoo!, but they didn't have an email link to him.
USA Women play Oz in Cary on Oct. 2. Are they really playing again in November? Women's Gold Cup (and WWCQ) is from Oct. 27 to November 9. Sachin