Not Beckham, but the MLS support clubs as the real draw

Discussion in 'MLS: Rumors' started by emmettoconnell, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. emmettoconnell

    emmettoconnell New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    Olympia, WA
    My apologies if this has already been covered (I've looked around shortly, but couldn't find anything), but I've been toying around with a theory about how big time soccer could break though.

    The theory goes: No other major sport has the potential community appeal that soccer does. With dozens of team supporter clubs throughout the sport, MLS has the opportunity to attract and hold fans in ways unique in American sports. Supporter clubs can be a venue for fans to find community and support their teams in unique ways, bringing together the personal and the communal in one venue.

    If you haven't read the book "Applebee's America," that is where I'm getting most of the backup for this theory.

    Anyway, am I way off base here? Or really close to home? Please tell me how.

    Also, if I'm close to home, what can the MLS do to maximize the impacts of the supporter clubs?
  2. boomersooner027

    May 13, 2004
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    Are you writing a paper on this and want us to write it for you?
  3. emmettoconnell

    emmettoconnell New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    Olympia, WA
  4. MannieG

    MannieG Member+

    Nov 30, 2006
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well whatever you're doing, don't ask an FCD fan on the impact of an hincha/SG....for your own good. ;)
  5. CeltTexan

    CeltTexan Member+

    Sep 21, 2000
    Houston, TX USA
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Research this. Is it possible that loud and passionate SG's and Barras push their teams to perform? Did the NASL have any type of Supporters Groups or Barras? Even for the Cosmos?

    Is the NASL still around???

    Here's a starting point for theories.
  6. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States sports editor took a view of this locally here in Philly.

    "If MLS had more rabid fans like the Sons of Ben, the league wouldn't need Beckham to help build the business." It is the last part of the column and about 12 paragraphs.
  7. BBBulldog

    BBBulldog Member+

    Jun 25, 2004
    Dinamo Zagreb
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    they can ******** off and stop trying to cockblock and extinguish it at every possible opportunity?

    There's atmosphere at these games in spite of MLS, not because of it.
  8. Beto

    Beto New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
    New York Red Bulls
    i'll have to agree.
    the ESC is actually forced to protest next game after the giant's stadium security has gone from being tolerant of our presence to outright belligerent and instigating altercations last couple of games which has been more there m.o. since 1996.
  9. CrewVillain

    CrewVillain Member

    Mar 21, 2002
    I think one thing needs to be done to get this to work in the USA -- the supporters groups need to be very open and vocal against the wannabe hooligans that have always hovered around this sport like flies on sh!t.

    Most Americans seem to think that team rivalries mean playful ribbing of other supports not actual fights. Take OSU/Michigan or Yankees/Red Sox - no one would ever expect fan groups to need security to attend games. Sure, there's going to be an occasional scuffle, but it's rarely newsworthy.

    As the supporter club culture grows teams have to be assured that they aren't going to keep away other fans. I think most FO are probably a little scared of that happening and why they seem to hover around the supporter sections just waiting to swoop down.
  10. emmettoconnell

    emmettoconnell New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    Olympia, WA
    Wow! Thanks guys, it does seem like on the surface that there is some unfair bias against supporter clubs in general. I wonder if that is because MLS owners come from an American sport culture where this kind of organization is unknown, or for other reasons.

    It would be nice to see the kind of relationship between owners/managers and supporter clubs that exist in Europe. I've been kicking around in Cork City FC sites the last couple of days, and they have regular monthly meetings between the supporter club and the management.
  11. emmettoconnell

    emmettoconnell New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    Olympia, WA
    I took a couple of wacks at the concept here and here. The second on is a bit more precise, I hope. Let me know what you think.
  12. Going Mobile

    Going Mobile Member

    Apr 15, 2004
    CD Chivas USA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    you can't blame the owners, in reality they have little to do with the day to day running of he FO and their policies. You can lay the balme squarely at the feet of the GMs and front offices of MOST clubs. I do think the "American" thing is the issue. before MLS they saw the hoolies in Europe and were scared
    that would come to the US. So they shut them down and put very strict restrictions on them. Its been a rocky relationship ever since in most cases.

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