i was just playin.. you're my little wuss, just like liz is my normal crackhead, beth is my slut, and hanes is my cow farmer. everyone has a title.
ew... lil miss wuss keeps telling me she is farting. that is sick. SoccerSuzie0908: hey! i am taking some effort here! SoccerSuzie0908: fine! ::lets it all out:: courtsafan7: ew jesus *holds nose* SoccerSuzie0908: yes! SoccerSuzie0908: ::lets out a string:: SoccerSuzie0908: i didnt do aynthing! courtsafan7: yeah RITE courtsafan7: i'm telling everyone SoccerSuzie0908: uhh SoccerSuzie0908: ::quickly sprays air refreshener:: SoccerSuzie0908: nothing happened! courtsafan7: *goes to post* SoccerSuzie0908: ::goes to wait::
okay just to make it officially know.. wuss ass has redeemed her wuss ass title cause she just went to bed.
LIZ i was gonna leave u alone so you could have one of your world famous "one person convos" this 60 sec. rule is seriously gonna be the death of me.