DEM AND GOP LAWMAKERS HAIL GITMO TREATMENT AND NYT BURIES STORY!"The New York Times has given front-page, above-the-fold coverage to every whisper of alleged abuse at U.S. detention facilities around the world. But when a bipartisan group of lawmakers visits Guantanamo Bay and praises the facilities, the Times puts it on page A-19." Courtesy of Laura Ingraham=> B-turds! Senators Laud Treatment of Detainees in Guantánamo By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK June 28, 2005 "Senators from both sides of the aisle who took a weekend trip to the military detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, said they opposed closing the center..." And Michelle Malkin! And Ann Coulter! The Troika of Doom for the average Liberal Leftist Patsy!
Wow. You are a piece of work. I now remember why I avoid this forum. Laura Ingraham as your first source. That's just..."priceless."
Judging from those old grizzled coots that I've seen at the track who apparently spend the entire day, everyday, at the track, horse racing is apparently also an addiction.
...and so it begins. This could get REALLY ugly. If Jefe and 'stick join in, you're more toasted than Hiroshima, August, 1945. I'm eagerly awaiting, against my own better judgement.
The way ITN and other right-wingers slurp up to her and Coulter and Malkin, despite their noticeably deficiencies in writing things that are non-stupid, reminds me of the way that a bunch of Michael Stivic wannabes get really hyped up about WNBA and WUSA. I suspect that they think that if they write enough nice things about them on the Internet, they'll score with them. Or maybe they're hoping for a Ingraham/Coulter/Malkin threesome. Whatever.
That was the truth popping up on your screen! You just chose to ignore it! You really should read a bit of Laura Ingraham, or listen to her show if your reading comprehension skills are deficient.
I have photographic proof that he, indeed, does have better. Why would you expect any different from Chief Eats Beaver? No, I will not post it.
I see that the liberal lefty moonbats -- in order to derail, sidetrack, and/or avoid a serious issue like the loony New York Times burying a story -- often resort to finding an aspect of the issue to cast dispersion... Thus, Laura Ingraham becomes the issue and the liberal lefty moonbats have yet again avoided coming to the serious realization that their flagship propaganda rag, The New York Times, is indeed seriously biased!