I want to start a WE9 online league (ps2) on this forum...If you want to join post your gamertag here... It will have 8-10 teams in it... Each team will play each team twice.... Each week i will update the standings and goal leaders.
Hehehe You got that Right bro ! Everyone always play with Brazil No Biggie though,I really enjoy 100 times more beating them with Venezuela ! haha they don't expect to lose 4-1 and so... And we tried to play a Club league and an International League but that went to hell.. everyone signed up for it but not a lot of people played their games so i guess it had to be canceled.
I will join. My ps2 name is also mckolit. Are we going to pick just one team or can we change them every match?
a league would never work. one thing i have learnt on bigsoccer, among other places, is to take peoples word with a grain of salt. (ie. people would sign up. promise to play then not show for their games.)
well if we get a lot of people (say, 16 or 32), we can implement a bracket (a la NCAA b'ball) format, one or two game series, and if you don't show up, you forfeit... it's as simple as that... maybe only 10 teams will show up, maybe 6, but you'll still get your games in... gamers have to agree to a time and maybe an alternate time... we all swap screen names or just use PMs on here. I see it working if people are actually interested and willing to play.... of course, that is the main concern... if people will show interest once it starts.
slippy, we had two PS2 leagues that ended in failure because of people signing up and then hardly making any effort to play their games. they were started by myself and scaryice, if you want to browse those threads. i am all for trying again tho. i would suggest, however, that with the format you have chosen to keep it small. (or if a lot of people sign up, split into groups i.e. MLB american and national league) that way, it might be easier to allow for missed games. just an idea tho. i will sign up. my WE9 name is .. Thanks!
SN-club Slippy627-Celtic FC ..-?? mckolit-?? Disco-?? Post you team you want to use-^ Well if we can get 6 people that will commit to the league we can play each team 2 times for a total of 10 games for the first season and then expand from their. Now im thinking if i should generate a schedule and have everyone just try to play who ever is available till all the games are completed or play games week to week. ideas?
i can get our league on a we9 league site. Would you rather have it there? All you have to do is register and the site. I will get the admin to set it up. http://www.sportsgamingnation.com/sgnlocker/forum/default.asp
haha I'm still game... my internet was down at my house for a little while. I'll play as FC Barcelona.
all right... now we're rolling... I'll keep a tally on here so slippy doesn't think his/her dreams have been shattered. Code: [B](BS name) ......... WE name .............Club Team (default WE9 name)[/B] (Slippy627).........Slippy627............Celtic FC (DiscoWarrior11)....Disco................FC Barcelona (mckolit)...........mckolit..............Galatasaray (they in WE9?) (the stranger)...... .. (2 dots)........Lyon (Rhone) (Peruvian_6663).....Peruvian_6663........Real Madrid okay so we have 5 teams, and our goal is 8... so we just need 3 more teams and we're set. I suggest people start searching for each other and leaving messages or adding friends so it's more organized when we start up. any more suggestions?
(BS name) ......... WE name .............Club Team (default WE9 name) (Slippy627).........Slippy627............Celtic FC (DiscoWarrior11)....Disco................FC Barcelona (mckolit)...........mckolit..............Galatasaray (they in WE9?) (the stranger)...... .. (2 dots)........Lyon (Rhone) (Peruvian_6663).....Peruvian_6663........Real Madrid nevermind you can be galatas
(BS name) ......... WE name .............Club Team (default WE9 name) (Slippy627).........Slippy627...... ......Fulham FC (DiscoWarrior11)....Disco.......... ......FC Barcelona (mckolit)...........mckolit........ ......Galatasaray (they in WE9?) (the stranger)...... .. (2 dots)........Lyon (Rhone) (Peruvian_6663).....Peruvian_6663.. ......Real Madrid i switched to fulham* Does any one know anyone else we can get?
i would like to join. i have crazy work hours, so i have a different schedule every week, but if it will be setup so that each opponent can email to each other and set a good time for both, then i'm in. never been in an online league, so the whole setup and rules will be new to me. oh yeah, Arsenal WE: Reyes1
(BS name) ......... WE name .............Club Team (default WE9 name) (Slippy627)...........Slippy627...... ......Fulham FC (DiscoWarrior11)....Disco...................FC Barcelona (mckolit)...............mckolit................Galatasaray (they in WE9?) (the stranger)...... .. (2 dots).............Lyon (Rhone) (Peruvian_6663).....Peruvian_6663 ......Real Madrid (Reyes1)...............Reyes1.................Arsenal ok everyone picked their team ,and you all signed up for the website so i get the league started.
i registered at the website in the link on page 1, is that all i am supposed to do for now? or do you also mean to sign up for that WE ladder thing?
yeah I went into the section for WE9 Online but there wasn't a thing for our league... I'll sit tight though and just await further information... but I'm signed into it, and my name on SGN is the same as my BS name.
The league site for your WE League is here: http://www.sportsgamingnation.com/sgnleagues/ You'll see Dream League 1 listed as the 4th league.