New Digital Soccer Channel in Canada?

Discussion in 'TV, Satellite & Radio' started by Glory Hornet Boyz, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. Glory Hornet Boyz

    Glory Hornet Boyz New Member

    Jan 21, 2005
    Barrie, Canada
    I was reading an article by Globe and Mail columnist Bill Housten and he said the CRTC has recieved and application for a new Canadian Soccer Channel that would show live soccer from Europe.

    Would be a nice addition to the coverage we recieve on FSWC and Sportsnet.

    Has anyone heard anymore about this?
  2. Cantona

    Cantona Member

    Jul 12, 1999
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    rumours on another board suggested that Goltv were preparing to go into the canadian market.... just a rumour though.....

  3. Hellas04

    Hellas04 Guest

    I believe that this is the channel you are referring to,

    "Application by Insight Sports Ltd., on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated (OBCI), for a licence to operate a Category 2 national English-language specialty programming undertaking to be known as The Soccer Net.

    The applicant states that the programming will be devoted to soccer and soccer enthusiasts. Programming will focus on instruction from beginner to advanced play and on amateur and professional soccer games."

    Insight sports also owns the NHL network along with TSN and the NHL. I believe that TSN will be involved as a partner with this channel also. The hearing for this channel took place in early June so now we await a decision from the CRTC which hopefully will come by the fall. I hope its approved, I wonder what it will show in terms of games?! I am quite sure FSWC will object to this channel, so that may make things difficult.

    If approved, I hope they do a better job than FSWC.
  4. OttawaBear

    OttawaBear New Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Hmmmm, cue Dick Howard as he laments on and on about the major soccer advancements through the years such as shorter shorts whilst criticizing players for having dodgy haircuts! Next we have Vic Rauter who will expertly point out that kicking the ball with your toe really DOES hurt. Then quickly cut away to hilights of the North York Girls Under-13 final where, surprisingly, the game has gone to sudden death penalties after a nil-nil 120 minute draw. "Melissa steps up to take her team's 35th penalty. We're still scoreless but if she makes this......."

    [/QUOTE] "Insight sports also owns the NHL network along with TSN and the NHL. I believe that TSN will be involved as a partner with this channel also. The hearing for this channel took place in early June so now we await a decision from the CRTC which hopefully will come by the fall. I hope its approved, I wonder what it will show in terms of games?! [/QUOTE]

    Ahhhh, get ready for more ESPN studio simulcasting from Conneticut with, wait for it.......Ol' Onion Bag himself, Tommy Smyth. Yes Tommy, you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't full all of the people all of the time. The fact that the scope of your commentary is based on the cameraman's ability to show you as much of the field in his lens as possible (whilst trying to convince everyone YOU really CAN see off the ball runs that no-one else NOT at the game can't) is obviously lost on you. Mix in some CPSL games and the obligatory Vancouver Whitecaps (gawd, they're STILL around!) matches and you've got yourself a winner!

    [/QUOTE] "I am quite sure FSWC will object to this channel, so that may make things difficult. " [/QUOTE]

    And why shouldn't they object? They have been the only ones to step to the plate with a (mostly) soccer channel. Where were TSN three/four years ago? Remember the show we used to get with Graham Leggat? Where did THAT disapper to? Oh yeah, no interest. Hell, even Rogers Sportsnet is far and away better soccer coverage than TSN (Gerry Dobson notwithstanding). Maybe it is the popular thing to do now, have a one sport channel. NHL Network, NFL Channel, etc. No, FSWC have every right to object as they put their money where our wishes were and gave us what we wanted.

    [/QUOTE] "If approved, I hope they do a better job than FSWC."[/QUOTE]

    Sure, FSWC has made some mistakes. But thinking back 25 or 20 years ago when the best we could get was a Toby Charles/Mario Machado 7-day tape delay game of the English First Division, what we have today in North America with FSWC and FSC is quite remarkable and congrats to them (yes, even with their faults - Max Bretos) for providing it to us.

  5. GutBomb

    GutBomb Red Card

    Aug 28, 2003
    Outside Boston
    jesus, what the hell are you complaining about? OH NO, SOMEONE WANTS TO PROVIDE ME WITH MORE SOCCER... I BET IT'S GONNA BE HORRIBLE

    Boo ********ing hoo. there is no satisfying some people.
  6. OttawaBear

    OttawaBear New Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    Ottawa, Ontario

    Come on man, do you really think that "Programming will focus on instruction from beginner to advanced play and on amateur and professional soccer games." will appeal to anyone? Isn't that what Direct Kicks for Chicks is?

    Nope, pretty satisfied already thank you very much.


    But then again you do have over 1200 posts on here so your opinions count more than others I suppose.
  7. GutBomb

    GutBomb Red Card

    Aug 28, 2003
    Outside Boston
    "instruction from beginner to adcanced play" and "amateur and professional soccer games" sound like different things to me. could it be that they will have shows like "Direct Kicks" and they will also show "Amateur and Professional soccer games"?

    complaining about this is like complaining that the ************** you just got was too good.
  8. OttawaBear

    OttawaBear New Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    Ottawa, Ontario

    Ah, adult hour has arrived! Although the relationship between soccer instruction and blowjobs is lost on me. Must be a uniquely Real Salt Lake thing.

    Seriously though GutBomb, how many amateur games are you going to watch (not counting MLS)? I can't even bring myself to watch MLS games (personal opinion, trust me). I think the amount of soccer fans that will watch 'amateur' games will be no higher than 3-5 percent top, IMHO.

    Then again GB, based on your previous comparison you could always hope they show the Women's (ahem, Professional) Soccer League and sit in front of the TV and pray that they take off their top when someone scores.

  9. GutBomb

    GutBomb Red Card

    Aug 28, 2003
    Outside Boston
    i wish i had said "complaining that the cake you had eaten tasted too good" instead so i could see how spectacularly you could miss the point with that analogy instead.
  10. OttawaBear

    OttawaBear New Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    Ottawa, Ontario

    Hmmmm, nope. That one doesn't really make any sense either.

    Oh well, never mind. I'm sure you meant well. I think?

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