Need help with Pol. Systems Class [NSR]

Discussion in 'Women's Fans and More' started by AB1FAN, Jan 9, 2003.

  1. AB1FAN

    AB1FAN New Member

    Sep 11, 2001
    whereever I want
    FFC Turbine Potsdam
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I need to get 10 adult (college age and older) and 10 students (high school and middle school) to answer 10 agree/disagree and WHY you voted that way. PLEASE HELP me!! This is our first grade in this class and I would love to make a great grade!!! (please include your state and if you are a student or adult)

    1. Everyone should be given an opportunity for a free public high school education in the US.

    2. Burning the American flag should be made unconstitutional.

    3. Freedom of speech includes the right to lie on your income tax form.

    4. Wealthy people should pay a higher % of taxes than low-income people.

    5. The drinking age should be lowered to 18.

    6. The death penalty should be allowed in any case involving murder or rape.

    7. The pledge to the flag should be changed to take out the phrase "under God."

    8. A convicted felon should be allowed to vote.

    9. Abortions should be made illegal.

    10. Students in high school should be required to wear a uniform.

    Thanks so much to everyone that takes the time to do this!!!! you are helping me sooo much.
  2. piper

    piper New Member

    1. Everyone should be given an opportunity for a free public high school education in the US.


    Every young adult should have access to an education, even if they can't afford it.

    2. Burning the American flag should be made unconstitutional.


    Although I don't agree with it, if someone feels like burning the flag we don't really have the right to tell them not to. (I'd never do it though)

    3. Freedom of speech includes the right to lie on your income tax form.


    Lying is wrong.

    4. Wealthy people should pay a higher % of taxes than low-income people.


    They can afford it.

    5. The drinking age should be lowered to 18.


    Not when 7% of the drivers in America are between the ages of 15-20 and it's the leading cause of death... with the drinking age at 21.

    6. The death penalty should be allowed in any case involving murder or rape.


    It depends on the circumstances.

    7. The pledge to the flag should be changed to take out the phrase "under God."


    Not everyone believes in God.

    8. A convicted felon should be allowed to vote.


    It depends on what they were convicted of.

    9. Abortions should be made illegal.


    Freedom of choice.

    10. Students in high school should be required to wear a uniform.


    It'd stop the stupid fights and bullying for kids who can't afford the 'trendy' clothes.


    Some of these answers may change, however. :D
  3. M9fanatic

    M9fanatic Member

    Oct 31, 2000
    North Side.
    OK AB I'll send ya my answers via PM.
  4. AB1FAN

    AB1FAN New Member

    Sep 11, 2001
    whereever I want
    FFC Turbine Potsdam
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Thanks M9.
  5. phats_away

    phats_away Member

    Jul 28, 2001
    Atlanta, Ga
  6. FearM9

    FearM9 New Member

    Jul 14, 2000
    On my bike
    Re: Re: Need help with Pol. Systems Class [NSR]

    I've covered a gazillion tax law cases here at work and every quarter the Idaho State Tax Commission has to deal with yokels that are considered "tax protestors" in both state and federal courts. Tax protestors always pop up and their arguments are always shut down due to legal precedents set forth in both state and federal court. Bottom are LAWFULLY required by state law (if your state imposes an income tax) and by federal law to file individual income tax returns. If you try to appeal to the Tax Commission and don't agree with your decision you can appeal to the Board of Tax Appeals (at least here in Idaho). Don't agree with their decision? Take it to the court system in your state..hell even go to the state Supreme Court. And then try to throw out the "Freedom of Speech" line. You'll get shot down the way some Charge fans got shut down by Iverson's man :D. The courts will reject your argument.
  7. AB1FAN

    AB1FAN New Member

    Sep 11, 2001
    whereever I want
    FFC Turbine Potsdam
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hey Fear while you are in here can you fill the survey out.
  8. UWHusky

    UWHusky New Member

    Aug 27, 2001
    Seattle, WA
    please include your state and if you are a student or adult student

    1. Everyone should be given an opportunity for a free public high school education in the US.

    Agree. If poor people couldn't go to school, they'd probably never get out of poverty. An education is the best ticket out. Education is power.

    2. Burning the American flag should be made unconstitutional.

    This is a tough one. On one hand, I know a number of people (mostly in the armed forces) who take serious offense to flag burning. After all, soldiers have given their lives and lost friends for that flag.

    On the other hand, where would we draw the line? What about a picture of the flag? A design similar to the flag with stars and stripes but not quite the real thing?

    I can't see myself ever doing it, but I don't think it should be made unconstitutional.


    3. Freedom of speech includes the right to lie on your income tax form.


    Okay, we have laws. And these laws require that we pay taxes. To lie on an income tax form would be to circumvent the law.

    4. Wealthy people should pay a higher % of taxes than low-income people.


    If you're asking if wealthy people should pay more taxes than low-income people, then I agree.

    If you're asking if wealthy people should be taxed at a greater percentage than low-income people, then I disagree.

    When you use the '%' symbol, are you saying percent or percentage?

    I think wealthy people and low-income people (and the middle class for that matter) should be taxed the same percentage. In this case, wealthy people pay more than low-income people, but they're not being punished for being rich.

    5. The drinking age should be lowered to 18.

    How much does it really matter? 18-year-olds who want to drink will find ways to get alcohol.

    Anyway, I disagree. We shouldn't encourage teenage drinking.

    6. The death penalty should be allowed in any case involving murder or rape.

    I few years ago I would have heavily agreed. Murderers and rapists deserve no compassion, right?

    Maybe not, but it doesn't mean that we should kill them in return. It's not our place to decide who lives and who dies.

    Also, think about all those people on death row who have been exonerated because of new evidence or because of the emergence of DNA-testing.


    7. The pledge to the flag should be changed to take out the phrase "under God."

    I don't think so.

    What's the history on this? I once knew it, but now I can't remember. When was that phrase added?

    Maybe they should just stop requiring students to recite it. Few people ever did it at my schools.

    Anyway, I disagree. If anyone seriously has a problem with the pledge the way it is, they should just have the right to refuse to say it.

    8. A convicted felon should be allowed to vote. does it go now? This way? I say, just leave it whichever way it is.

    9. Abortions should be made illegal.


    Ever seen the bumper sticker that says "Abortion stops a beating heart"? Well, it's true. After just a few weeks, the baby already has a beating heart. Call it an embryo or a it whatever you want. It's alive, and it's been alive since the point of conception. Science has proven this.

    I believe in women's rights. I believe in science. I believe abortion destroys a human life.

    10. Students in high school should be required to wear a uniform.

    Now that I'm no longer in high school, I don't really care as much whether students are required to wear uniforms or not. lol

    It's generally true that schools with uniforms have less discipline problems than schools without. Not all schools have serious problems with dress code, though.

    At the schools I attended (with the exception of when I was in kindergarten and first grade while we lived in Chicago), we didn't have uniforms. As long as the uniforms weren't as bad as the ones I had while in Chicago, I think I would have been okay with it.

    I suspect, however, that the majority of high school students don't want uniforms. I remember what it was like to never have a say in anything, but to always have to put up with it all.

    I don't think uniforms are necessary for all high schools.

  9. AB1FAN

    AB1FAN New Member

    Sep 11, 2001
    whereever I want
    FFC Turbine Potsdam
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    UDub- It is Precentage, sorry I got lazy.

    and Students do not have to say the plegde, but depending on the teacher they might make them stand up. It is your choice to say the plegde or not as long as you allow others to say it.
  10. UWHusky

    UWHusky New Member

    Aug 27, 2001
    Seattle, WA
    Thanks for answering my questions.

    I stick by my answers:

    If wealthy people are paying the same percentage of their income as low-income people, then the wealthy people are paying more.

    I don't think the pledge needs to be changed. I don't think it's necessary for students to recite it at all. How many students can say what it means without reciting it to themselves to think about it?
  11. Bonnie Lass

    Bonnie Lass Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2000
    Up top
    Olympique Lyonnais
    1. Everyone should be given an opportunity for a free public high school education in the US.

    Agree. Everyone pays taxes in some shape form or fashion -- even illegal immigrants.

    2. Burning the American flag should be made unconstitutional.

    Disagree. Infringement on the whole freedom of speech thing.

    3. Freedom of speech includes the right to lie on your income tax form.

    Disagree. Freedom of Speech protects opinons, not facts (or their misuse)

    4. Wealthy people should pay a higher % of taxes than low-income people.

    Agree. The wealthy should be made to pay even a little more than the average Joe because when it comes down to it, even if the wealthy man pays $10,000/year in taxes, he won't exactly be starving ...

    5. The drinking age should be lowered to 18.

    Disagree. A.) At 18, many students are still in high school and would be able to provide it to more minors and B.) DUI's and DUI deaths would greatly increase. As it is, most 18 year olds haven't had enough driving experience when they're sober, much less if they've had a drink or two.

    6. The death penalty should be allowed in any case involving murder or rape.

    Disagree. The government needs more true rehabilitation programs for it's criminals rather than the death penalty.

    7. The pledge to the flag should be changed to take out the phrase "under God."

    Agree. It's unconstitutional. And Ben Franklin was one of the first to bring up the whole church and state separation thing even back then.

    8. A convicted felon should be allowed to vote.

    Agree. They represent a part of the U.S.'s demographic as well.

    9. Abortions should be made illegal.

    Disagree. It's a woman's choice.

    10. Students in high school should be required to wear a uniform.

    Disagree. I think it should be decided by parents, teachers, administrators and students on a school by school basis.


    Oh. And I am an adult residing in NC (although if you put me down as GA, I wouldn't complain ...)
  12. Bonnie Lass

    Bonnie Lass Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2000
    Up top
    Olympique Lyonnais
    5% flat income tax:

    Man 1 income: $20,000/year ... $384.00/week
    Man 1 taxes: $1,000/year

    Man 2 income: $160,000/year ... $3076.92/week
    Man 2 taxes: $8,000/year

    Now, the figures look as if the wealthier man gets bent over by taxes when compared to the other guy. $8,000 vs. $1,000

    But if you stop to think about it, the wealthier man isn't going to be the one sweating whether or not he's going to be able to pay his utilities bill or be able to make rent that month. He still has $152,000 left to 'make ends meet.'

    Flat taxes are the stupidest thing ever.

    Sorry. had to vent while I'm waiting here bored until my friend gets home.


    Nevermind, take 2. Was gonna edit it, but since Phats quoted it, I guess I'll put it back up.
  13. phats_away

    phats_away Member

    Jul 28, 2001
    Atlanta, Ga
    i lub joo!
  14. Bonnie Lass

    Bonnie Lass Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2000
    Up top
    Olympique Lyonnais
    And while I'm at it, Forbes was a tool for trying to sell flat income tax when he was running for prez.

    It always sounds like a good thing until you stop to think about it and add common sense to the numbers.

  15. djwalker

    djwalker BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 13, 2000
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    glad to help. I'm an adult, not a student btw.

    Hope you get an A,

  16. FearM9

    FearM9 New Member

    Jul 14, 2000
    On my bike
    I meant to respond to this while at work and give an Idaho tax system perspective but for the life of me I couldn't find my Excel file that did a comparison of different GROSS INCOME levels and the amount of taxes paid by each of those levels. If I can find it tomorrow I'll pull some figures and post them here. FWIW these are numbers from the tax rolls that is provided by the Idaho State Tax Commission. The point I want to make with those numbers is that the higher income brackets pay more in Idaho individual income taxes. Internal Revenue Service federal income tax data more or less reflects this notion on the national level.

    As of several years ago the IRS defined "wealthy individuals" as those with Adjusted Gross Income of over $55,000. That was the 2000 number. Obviously it is higher now. Please keep in mind that the feds are a tad slow in releasing this type of data..they usually are behind a year or two :rolleyes:. Go figure. I do a tax comparison of all 50 states plus the District of Columbia each year and the latest tax information I could get is from 2000. Eeesh. Anyhoo.....

    Individuals that make over $55,000/year are in the top 25% of wage earners in the US. They accounted for OVER 80% of federal individual income tax paid. Also the average tax rate for the top 25% is higher than it is for lower income levels.
  17. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2001
    I'm in. I'd fall under the "adult" heading and as you can see I'm in Nebraska.

    1. Agree, though the emphasis is that it's an opportunity, not a guarantee. If they opt out voluntarily and are old enough (15 around these parts), then they can go about their merry way. Whether the education they get is worth a hill of beans is another matter altogether, though....

    2. Tough call ... it's toeing the line in terms of being inciteful, but I don't think it crosses that line. I disagree, but with reservations.

    3. Disagree. I fail to see where bilking the government falls under the First Amendment.

    4. Since when did being successful in a market economy become a crime? I'm not saying give the rich folks more breaks than the less fortunate, but don't punish them just because someone else isn't as well off. Disagree.

    5. Disagree. Much as Jesse Ventura's pleas tug at my heartstrings, the drinking age is fine where it is.

    6. Disagree. Ours isn't a government based on the Old Testament, so an eye for an eye is out. Besides, there are far more creative things the government could be doing with them.

    7. Disagree. While "that's the way we've always done it" doesn't wash as a valid reason, this nation was founded with belief in God as a core value. After all, it's on all the currency, right?

    8. While incarcerated? No. After they've served their time, though, I see no reason why they shouldn't. Being a felon shouldn't invalidate their opinion. Agree, so long as their sentence is up.

    9. Disagree, though I'm hardly an expert. A blanket ban would create a number of very uneasy situations, especially those where the mother's life is threatened. I'd rather take it on a case-by-case basis, but on an issue as sweeping as this that's pretty difficult.

    10. Disagree, emphatically even. Most of the problems in high school seem to eminate from social strata and cliques more than fashion. You can make the students all dress the same, but you're still going to have the same classes of people (i.e. jocks, nerds, preps, garage bands, etc.) and the inherent differences between them.
  18. FearM9

    FearM9 New Member

    Jul 14, 2000
    On my bike
    In-shape 30 year old male in Idaho.

    Agree. See TrooperBari's's a good one. On a in Idaho we have alot of teachers bitching about how "little" they get paid. ************************. First off state law mandates that the pay for an entry level teacher start at $25,000. Oh sure that may seem like pocket change to many around here but let's compare that $25,000 to the AVERAGE Idaho income. Unfortunately I've got this data back at the office. You know what the answer is? That AVERAGE teacher salary in Idaho is much HIGHER than the AVERAGE Idaho income.

    Disagree. Burning the flag is a form of protest that is protected by the United States Constitution.

    Disagree. If you lie on your taxes I see this as a form of "tax protestor" and like I stated before in an earlier post, tax protestor arguments have been tossed out in both state and federal courts many, many, many times.

    Disagree. Please see my previous post.

    HELL NO! Who cares if this is the age in Canada and Mexico? We're better than them. What would be the rationale in having 18 y.o's being able to buy alcohol? The way I see it just gives more 18 y.o's the right to buy more beer and booze and supply it to even a younger crowd with more frequency. At least the 21 year old minimum age limit serves as a deterrent.

    Disagree. This question is making too broad of a statement with "any case involving murder or rape". I think you have to take each case on a case-by-case basis.

    I disagree but without a good reason. Each morning while the Idaho Legislature is in session the pledge is recited by both sides...Senate and House. I don't's just something I'm use to.

    While in prison? Of course not. But if he/she is released out of prison...well if that individual has met all the requirements of being released then I say sure why not.

    Someone clue me in on the various state laws on this. In Idaho it is illegal (I think). Do some states allow abortions up until the kid is gonna pop out? Do some states only allow abortions within a certain time frame between sperm hitting the egg and whenever? I don't agree with the act of terminating a life but at the same time this decision needs to be ultimately made by the doesn't need to be legislated by either the state or the feds.

    In a public school no. But students should adhere to a reasonable standard of dressing as to not create a air of controversy while in school.
  19. AB1FAN

    AB1FAN New Member

    Sep 11, 2001
    whereever I want
    FFC Turbine Potsdam
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I can but I'm also one of those geeks that enjoys learning about that kind of stuff.
  20. SomebodyOrOther

    SomebodyOrOther BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 8, 2002
    Over here!
    (Wacky liberal) adult, CA

    1. Everyone should be given an opportunity for a free public high school education in the US. Agree.
    Absolutely, and while we're at it, how about access to more free adult-ed classes as well, especially ESL classes? A better-educated population is better for everyone.

    2. Burning the American flag should be made unconstitutional. Disagree.
    This is an infrigement on freedom of speech and expression. Besides, the flag is in actuality just a piece of fabric. Get over it.

    (As an aside, even many people who are supposedly being respectful of the flag don't know the rules about properly displaying it. The post 9-11 flag diplays that were all wrong really pissed me off. When we, as a people, don't even bother to know how to be respectful of the flag, how can we get upset about someone burning it?)

    3. Freedom of speech includes the right to lie on your income tax form. Disagree.
    Freedom of speech is about freedom of opinion. It does not give you the right to lie about facts, whether on your tax form or in court or anywhere.

    4. Wealthy people should pay a higher % of taxes than low-income people. Agree.
    There's really no way to make taxes "fair" for everyone, but...The purpose of taxes is not to cripple the poor. The wealthy can more easily afford higher tax percentages. The money has to come from somewhere.

    5. The drinking age should be lowered to 18. Agree.
    If kids want to drink, they're getting alcohol anyway. De-mystifying alcohol by making it legal may actually keep 18-21 year olds from drinking as much--it eliminates that rebel aspect to drinking.

    Don't most countries have a legal drinking age of 18, anyway?

    6. The death penalty should be allowed in any case involving murder or rape. Disagree.
    I'm not for the death penalty in any instance. The death penalty achieves nothing different than life witout parole does. Dead people also don't learn, and they can't teach.

    7. The pledge to the flag should be changed to take out the phrase "under God." Agree.
    "Under God" was an adulteration of the original pledge, and it is unconstitutional.

    So is our money, by the way. [​IMG]

    8. A convicted felon should be allowed to vote. Agree.
    All citizens of the US should be allowed to vote. Is a convicted felon still a citizen? Then (s)he should be allowed to vote.

    9. Abortions should be made illegal. Disagree.
    Government involvement in reproduction is bad news.

    10. Students in high school should be required to wear a uniform. Disagree.
    There are many schools at which a general dress code will suffice. The value of school uniforms should be taken into consideration on a school-by-school or district-by-district basis.
  21. thegoofy1

    thegoofy1 New Member

    Dec 8, 2001
    Denver, CO
    I'm a little late to the party. I hope thats okay. I'm an adult, as much as I don't act like one.
    AND I live in Oho.

    i]Originally posted by AB1FAN [/i]
    I need to get 10 adult (college age and older) and 10 students (high school and middle school) to answer 10 agree/disagree and WHY you voted that way. PLEASE HELP me!! This is our first grade in this class and I would love to make a great grade!!! (please include your state and if you are a student or adult)

    1. Everyone should be given an opportunity for a free public high school education in the US.
    Agree. Absolutely, everyone should have the chance to a free education, thats how we become stronger as a nation.

    2. Burning the American flag should be made unconstitutional.
    disagree. As much as I might disagree with the act of burning a flag, it should still be someones right of free expression

    3. Freedom of speech includes the right to lie on your income tax form.
    Disagree, freedom of speech does not include lying, period.

    4. Wealthy people should pay a higher % of taxes than low-income people.
    Agree. Pretty much what Phats and Bonnie have already said.

    5. The drinking age should be lowered to 18.
    Agree. If you are old enough to vote and help make decisions in this country, as well as serve the country in war and die for it, why not be allowed to drink?

    6. The death penalty should be allowed in any case involving murder or rape.
    Disagree. Death penalty should be decided case by case. Not any case.

    7. The pledge to the flag should be changed to take out the phrase "under God."
    Agree. What part of seperation of God and state do people not understand. "under God" was added in the 1950s or 60s because of the Cold war. The Senate felt we needed to differentiate between us and the 'god-less' communists. It was left out of the original pledge because of the freedom of religion, the freedom of united states citizens to believe, or not believe in what they want. It shouldn't be forced.

    8. A convicted felon should be allowed to vote.
    disagree. You break the laws of our country, you should loose the rights and privelidges that includes, including the right to vote.

    9. Abortions should be made illegal.
    disagree. It might not be something I necessarily agree with, but its not a decision I, or anyone esle can make for someone else. Its their body, not the courts.

    10. Students in high school should be required to wear a uniform.
    disagree. This one is tougher. It should be in the schools decision whether students wear uniforms or not. If a school requires it, then yeah, they have to wear one. But not all schools require them. There is something to be said about wearing uniforms, and putting people on an equal playing field though. *Shrug*

    Eh, but what do I know?
  22. melbrown

    melbrown New Member

    Aug 27, 2001
  23. Mel10

    Mel10 New Member

    Apr 24, 2001
    in your underpants
    Can a forgien uni student answer? :D

    1. Everyone should be given an opportunity for a free public high school education in the US.

    Of course.

    2. Burning the American flag should be made unconstitutional.

    Any and all flags should be respected, but if someone wants to do it, you kinda have to let em. Just punch em in the face after.

    3. Freedom of speech includes the right to lie on your income tax form.

    Yip, but you get caught you suffer the consiquences, no whining.

    4. Wealthy people should pay a higher % of taxes than low-income people.

    No. Mainly because some people work hard to earn their money and should be treated the same. If somene earns 40G a year and has to give half away, someone who earns 100G a year should half to give half a way.

    5. The drinking age should be lowered to 18.

    Sure, it works fine here.

    6. The death penalty should be allowed in any case involving murder or rape.

    The death penalty should be abolished. I care not what a person has done, we do not have the right to take anyone's life away.

    7. The pledge to the flag should be changed to take out the phrase "under God."

    Ummm, that's hard. Let's compare it too the Canadian National athem. Womens rights groups wanted all the male tirminology changed to neutral genger like, 'persons'. Once you start changing, where do you stop? You can't neutralize religion, without doing it too Race, Genger, etc.

    I'm going ot say no to this, just to keep it from snowballing into a pledge of 'I like everyone and everything.'

    8. A convicted felon should be allowed to vote.

    No. A felon should suffer the consiqences of his actions. He was aware he might get caught, he did, boohoo cry me a river.

    9. Abortions should be made illegal.


    Freedom of choice for the fetus.

    10. Students in high school should be required to wear a uniform.

    Meh. Depends. What does clothing have to do with developing ones character, or expressing one's self? Do uniforms conform us and strip us of our individuality?

    I'll go with no.
  24. Mel10

    Mel10 New Member

    Apr 24, 2001
    in your underpants
    Re: Re: Need help with Pol. Systems Class [NSR]

    I just want to briefly comment on this. I'll ignore the ignoramous comment made at the beginning and jsut say that people begin drinking at the same age in both our countries. Preteens are going ot drink no matter the drinking age, and having a higher drinking age DOES NOT deter anyone. IMO, it makes it more attractive, look at me, I'm being a rebel Oooo.
  25. AB1FAN

    AB1FAN New Member

    Sep 11, 2001
    whereever I want
    FFC Turbine Potsdam
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: Re: Re: Need help with Pol. Systems Class [NSR]

    I completly agree. Hince one reason I wish we still lived in Europe.

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