NE @ LA Pre-match or 5/25 v 8/10 [R]

Discussion in 'New England Revolution' started by Coach_Barry, Aug 5, 2002.

  1. Coach_Barry

    Coach_Barry Member

    Aug 18, 2001
    Taunton, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We beat LA at home on 5/25 - 3:2 - and we did it without Llamosa, Franchino or Pierce. It was Nicol's first game as interim head coach and the first game after the big trade.

    ...........Harris Twellman
    Kamler Semedo Rooney Ralston
    Downing Hernandez Cullen Heaps

    I am guessing that we will at least have Llamosa and possibly Pierce back by then, as well as Kante, Griffiths and Leonard. Griffiths scored against us in that game.

    This time it's away and we will not have Franchino (again) or Heaps(LA has only lost once at home this year with 2 ties), but does anyone feel just a little optimistic?

    I am. We have some new help in the back and on the left and a little time to apply the gel.

    Any ideas about a starting line up?

  2. The Magpie

    The Magpie Member

    Nov 19, 1998
    Cambridge, MA
    Well, Marshall played a good bit at left back in college, so one could argue that he could fill in for Franchino in his absence. If Pierce comes back then that effectively provides cover for Heaps.

    Just one thought

    GK: Brown
    RB: Pierce
    CB: LLamosa
    CB: Cullen
    LB: Marshall
    RW: Ralston
    DM: Hernandez
    DM: Rooney
    LW: Griffiths
    FW: Twellman
    FW: Chacon

    The Magpie
  3. Soccer Doc

    Soccer Doc Member+

    Nov 30, 2001
    Keene, NH
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    As many of you know I've been heading the "Rev Guess" table for most of the season and if it wasn't for three matches where I went against my better judgement and bet my heart I would be miles in front of the pack. BUT--I'm at loss to predict this match. The Revs have undergone so many changes and with injuries and suspensions the roster has been so altered that I just don't know what to expect. I've alwayd been good at playing "Christal Ball" but I'm stumped by this one. What kind of a team will take the field against LA is a mystery.

    That having been said, a wise call is to predict a Rev loss. But you know, this is just where this bunch of underachevers might just pull an upset. A Few factors I'm looking at:
    ~Revs with Llamosa are less vulnerable in defense
    ~Revs play LA tough in LA
    ~Griffiths will have something to prove against his old team
    ~LA has a predictable, one demension offense (just like Revs)
    ~If Rusty is back we are more solid down the right side.
    ~Leonard could be a reasonable replacement for Joey
    ~It will be interesting to see who plays and how they do today against the Wolves. It may be a testing ground that will give some hint to who will be playing on Saturday.

    I'm going to wait till late in the week to make my call.
  4. soren_k

    soren_k New Member

    Oct 28, 2001
    It wouldn't surprise me to see Kante on the field...either at left back in a straight swap for Marshall or at center back with Cullen movning to dmid and Hernandez benched.
  5. goyette82

    goyette82 Member

    Jan 16, 2000
    Lowell, Ma
    Why the hell wouldn't Nicol bench Rooney. he has sucked total behind as of the last 3 or matches. Hernedez is younger and more skilled at D-Mid. Rooney is an old man playing a young mans sport. Sorry but I just feel Rooney needs to be riding the pine.
  6. Rodan

    Rodan New Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    Gotta agree about Rooney, although (seeing that Nicols has made him captain several time), I doubt Rooney will be sitting the bench any time soon. How about this(?):

    Forwards: Harris, Twellman
    Midfielders: Griffith, Cullen, Hernandez, Ralston
    Defenders: Leonard, Kante, Llamosa, Pierce
    Keeper: Brown

    If the Revs gets the first goal, rather than try to ride out the storm, sub APC for Cullen in the 60th minute and try to put the Galaxy away (aw, what the hell...).

    If the Galaxy get the first goal, sub in Tony Frias, Shaker Assad, and Juergen Sommer, and see if the team can grab a plane home at intermission...;)
  7. goyette82

    goyette82 Member

    Jan 16, 2000
    Lowell, Ma
    I don't understand what Nicol's beef with Chacon is. He ha splayed very limited this year but has done an above par job. He is better than Fuller and Harris by far. I don't really get many of Nicol's descion making. Let's bring Zenga back!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Popero

    Popero Member

    Jul 5, 2002
    I put Chacon with Twellman, Wolde playing attacking midfield, Cullen playing defensive midfield, Ralston and Griffiths at right and left midfield, respectively, and whoever we can throw together at defense. Brown in net.

    We're gonna win.
  9. sideshowmatt

    sideshowmatt New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    Chacon definitely should be getting more playing time than he has been especially given the way Fuller has looked recently.

    Does anyone know when Kamler will be healthy again?

    Revs 2 LA 1
  10. IN_Touch

    IN_Touch New Member

    Mar 30, 2002
    on the road
    Well, I sure hope it's soon, because maybe they just aren't gonna let Rusty play again until Kamler can.
  11. mlsrevs

    mlsrevs New Member

    Dec 28, 1999
    I think Kamler has been replaced, Griffiths and Marshall may have forced him to the bench, especially if Pierce is healthy. Unless they put Griffiths on the bench
  12. PiwoProsze

    PiwoProsze Member

    Aug 2, 2002
    Boulder CO
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I am new to posting to Big Soccer but I have been a season ticket holder since the beginning. Speaking of line-ups the last I saw a game at CMGI (Oops, I mean Gillette Stadium) was against Colorado, I brought two Irisih guys who are in Newport for the summer to the game (they said MLS is as good or better than the Irish league, but they the Irish league isn't good since their best players go to the EPL) and we subbed John Wilson in with minutes to go. The Irish guy and I were very impressed with his touch, and how his goal made the last minutes of the game interesting even though we were destined to lose it. I hope to see Wilson at least subbed in 2nd half. I also want Fuller paired with TnT but only if he starts scoring more.

    SUPAH REV New Member

    Apr 2, 2002
    Well it looks like there may be as many as 5 members of the Rev Army attending this away fixture. We'll do our best to help make the Revs feel at home (not sure if that is a good thing).

    I'm still not optimistic of our chances....
  14. RevsRule

    RevsRule Member+

    NE Revs, LAFC
    Jun 9, 1999
    N. Eastern, Mass
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    <I put Chacon with Twellman, Wolde playing attacking midfield, Cullen playing defensive midfield, Ralston and Griffiths at right and left midfield, respectively, and whoever we can throw together at defense. Brown in net. >

    I agree with Chacon & Twellman but want to see Wolde playing steel drum, back on the island, mon
  15. Soccer Doc

    Soccer Doc Member+

    Nov 30, 2001
    Keene, NH
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well, from todays Globe and Hearld columns it sounds like we will be without Rusty and kamler for the LA match. However, at least on the wings we should be solid with Griffith on the left and Ralston on the right.
    The huge unknown is still who will be playing defense. Sounds like Kante was solid with Llamosa at central defense last night but I'm still waiting to hear first hand reports of how the defense shaped up last night against Cape Cod.
  16. Rodan

    Rodan New Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    Looks like Kamler will be a go - but not Pierce (according to Danzinho).

    I doubt the Revs will want to put Kamler on the backline, but wouldn't be surprised to see him start on the left and have Griffiths subbed in later.

    Backline is certainly going to look "ad hoc". Makes you understand why the Revs were looking for a left-sided defender (unfortunately it turned out to be Carlos "Slo-mo" Semedo) earlier in the year.

    A lot of new faces. Key players out with injury/suspension. Makeshift backline. An opponent that always plays tough at home. This one's going to be an uphill battle...

    LA 4 Revs 2
  17. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    Kamler hasn't been out because of the dustup with Pierce. That was a bruised shoulder, and he didn't miss any games for that. Kamler got his knee sprained on that nasty sliding tackle from behind that didn't even draw a card!

    Since Pierce is not ready, I predict Cullen, the handyman, will take his spot.


    Marshall - left, Llamosa + Kante - center, Cullen -right

    Griffiths - left, Hernandez + Rooney - center, Ralston - right

    Twellman, Chacon

    Kamler - wing mid sub, Cloutier - dmid sub, Harris + Fuller - forward subs
  18. mlsrevs

    mlsrevs New Member

    Dec 28, 1999
    Marshall Kante Llamossa Griffiths
    Ralston Cullen Chacon Kamler
    Twellman Fuller
  19. soccertim

    soccertim Member

    Mar 29, 2001
    That might be the scariest defense we've seen all year.
  20. Soccer Doc

    Soccer Doc Member+

    Nov 30, 2001
    Keene, NH
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    As reported in todays paper we can expect to see Knate starting with Llamosa in the center of defense. Still unclear who will starting at left and right back. Rusty will be making the trip and could be a surprise starter if he feels OK near game time but I sure wouldn't risk him if he's not completely ready.

    I'm also expecting to see Griffith play at left midfield against the team that waived him. I hope he's able to extract a measure of revenge.

    Pierce, Llmosa, Kante, Cullen
    Ralston, Rooney, Hernandez, Griffith
    TnT, Fuller(APC)

    If --and thats a big if-- Rusty is able to play I think this lineup can get at least point. Obviously our defensive problems are a big issue but I'm also wondering if Griffith will be able to give us sufficient diversity in the attack to free up TnT and Ralston. A very hard to call match up.

    Sure hope that Ralston doesn't get a card and need to sit out against the Fire next week.
  21. Rodan

    Rodan New Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    If Pierce is really day-to-day with a groin injury, I sure Nicols keeps him out if there's any doubt at all in his mind. The game's a long shot to begin with (although it sure would be nice to get a win), and a further injury to Pierce would probably keep him out for the season - thereby almost ending any playoff hopes.

    Might be a chance to see if the new guys can hold down the fort, while hoping that the offense can pull our arses out of the fire (in other words, do what the team's been doing all year long - except this time by choice).
  22. Rodan

    Rodan New Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    From today's (8/8/02) Globe, it looks like might be:





    Beware the left-hand side....
  23. Jim Dow

    Jim Dow New Member

    Mar 20, 1999
    Belmont, MA
    If the left hand side is a problem waiting to unfold, consider the right, behind Ralston. Since he is our main penetrating player whoever plays behind him needs to be capable of covering acres of space and not getting suckered into overcommitting and letting runners get behind. A difficult job description for young Nicholas? I think so. He'll need help.

  24. jw

    jw Member

    Feb 18, 1999
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Gus in today's Herald, (8.8), also said, "Daniel Hernandez also has not been with the team this week and was instead attending a "bereavement''. So that could answer your Rooney/Hernandez dilemma.

  25. Soccer Doc

    Soccer Doc Member+

    Nov 30, 2001
    Keene, NH
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States




    I guess I can live with this as a starting lineup but I sure would rather have Pierce at right back instead of Downing.

    Question: With LA have only one significant scoring threat don't you think he will be man marked by Llamosa?

    Of course he's new but from what has been written about him and his National Team experience at the position I like that we will be adding Griffith as a attacking left winger. Sure hope he can take some pressure off Ralston/TnT.

    This is a winnable match for the Revs. Will they? I guess it all depends on whose healthy and who shows up to play and who executes consistantly. As we've seen, on any given day the Revs can look very good but unfortunately on most game days this year the defense has forgotten their ABC's.

    Still too tough to call.

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