NCAA Rules let students try out for pro teams?

Discussion in 'College & Amateur Soccer' started by jeremys_dad, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. jeremys_dad

    jeremys_dad Member

    NYC Football Club
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    Read this piece in LA Times that has kids going to Foreign countries to try out in pro leagues and was always under the assumption this went against NCAA rules and regulations. Could have sworn I read this was a nono. Thanks for any information regarding this issue. It will be appreciated.
  2. JoeSoccerFan

    JoeSoccerFan Member+

    Aug 11, 2000
    My understanding is that the player went to train NOT tryout. Or that is the story.
  3. ENB Sports

    ENB Sports Member

    Feb 5, 2007
    I read the article not to do with NCAA but player development in general.

    I think the idea the European clubs signed these players is a bit exaggerated. In Europe now it is very hard for non EU players to play so realistically unless a player is proven potential star like a Jordan Morris or has EU passport the chance of him signing a contract with a European club is very slim.

    In terms of training that is a more common occurrence and in many cases players in US and Canada will pay to be apart of some big European Academy. In Europe players are not recognized as Pro's until they signed a Pro Contract at the age 18/19 prior to that they are on Work Experience which I guess is the reason all these established European youth players are able to play in NCAA

    So to answer your question I think its fine to be associated with any club and still be NCAA qualify unless the player is given a pro contract although I'm assuming this from seeing what is happening then knowing 100% correct.
  4. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    Current student-athletes can "train" with pro teams as long as school isn't in session. Winter break, spring break and summer vacation.

    And, of course, you have to pay your own way and not have an agreement - wink, wink - with an agent.

    Of course, what one person calls "training" and another calls a "trial" or a "tryout" tends to be in the eye of the beholder. But other than the money and the academic calendar, nothing stops college kids from training with pro teams.

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