NCAA Football Week 11 Power Rankings

Discussion in 'Football' started by WarrenWallace, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese
    List your top 16 teams and then maybe a couple of teams on the outside.

    And yes, we can have a discussion in this thread now.
  2. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese
    CityIceMan's Top 16

    1. Auburn (9-0)
    2tie. Oklahoma (9-0)
    2tie. USC (9-0)
    4. Wisconsin (9-0)
    5. Utah (9-0)
    6. Georgia (8-1)
    7. Texas (8-1)
    8. Michigan (8-1)
    9. California (7-1)
    10. Boise State (9-0)
    11. West Virginia (8-1)
    12. Virginia (7-1)
    13. Florida State (7-2)
    14. Louisville (6-1)
    15. Iowa (7-2)
    16. Virginia Tech (7-2)

    Next couple of teams.....LSU, Arizona State, Boston College
  3. Mr Hanki's Throne

    Mr Hanki's Throne New Member

    Mar 13, 2001
    Wellington, Colo
    Massey ratings (

    1. Southern California (9-0)
    2. Oklahoma (9-0) [+1]
    3. California (7-1) [-1]
    4. Utah (9-0) [+1]
    5. Auburn (9-0) [-1]
    6. Texas (8-1) [+2]
    7. Arizona State (7-2) [+2]
    8. Wisconsin (9-0) [+4]
    9. Louisville (6-1) [-3]
    10. Georgia (8-1)
    11. Boise State (8-0) [+2]
    12. Virginia (7-1) [+3]
    13. Florida State (7-2) [+1]
    14. Miami FL (6-2) [-7]
    15. Texas A&M (6-3) [+2]
    16. Tennessee (7-2) [-5]
    Others: Michigan, Oklahoma State, Virginia Tech, Louisiana State
  4. Mr Hanki's Throne

    Mr Hanki's Throne New Member

    Mar 13, 2001
    Wellington, Colo
    Personal Pooratings

    1. Southern California (9-0)
    2. Oklahoma (9-0)
    3. Auburn (9-0)
    4. Utah (9-0)
    5. Boise State (8-0)
    6. California (7-1)
    7. Wisconsin (9-0)
    8. Texas (8-1) [+2]
    9. Georgia (8-1) [+2]
    10. Virginia (7-1) [+5]
    11. Arizona State (7-2) [+3]
    12. Louisville (6-1)
    13. Michigan (8-1)
    14. Tennessee (7-2) [-6]
    15. West Virginia (8-1) [+1]
    16. Florida State (7-2) [+1]
    Others: Virginia Tech, Miami FL, Louisiana State, Iowa
  5. needs

    needs Member

    Jan 16, 2003
    1. USC
    2. Auburn
    3. Wisconsin
    4. Oklahoma
    5. Utah
    6. California
    7. Michigan
    8. Texas
    9. Georgia
    10. Boise State
    11. Virginia
    12. West Virginia
    13. Louisville
    14. Miami
    15. Iowa
    16. Florida State
  6. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese
    I have a question and will post it here. A lot of the media people are talking about saying that Oklahoma should be dropped in the polls and/or moving Auburn up. Just because OU has had a couple of tough road games against ranking competition. However, these same media types are giving USC a free pass for playing close road games against lesser competition. Oklahoma State/Texas A&M or Stanford/Oregon State?
  7. writered21

    writered21 Member+

    Jul 14, 2001
    Middle of the Road
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The only thing I can think of is that perhaps as half-champs last year, USC is receiving more of the benefit of the doubt and no one wants to move them down until they lose.

    I just don't think they're comfortable moving Auburn all the way to 1, but that could change if they thrash Georgia. It plays in to that theory about how important the ranking you start with is compared to how you actually play. Auburn may in fact have been better than Southern Cal all along, but given where each started in the rankings, the Tigers have not been able to move farther up.
  8. Mr Hanki's Throne

    Mr Hanki's Throne New Member

    Mar 13, 2001
    Wellington, Colo
    When you have a problem with how teams are ranked, look at an objective system. The Wilson computer rankings take in account only games for the present year and start each Div IA team with the same ranking, so everybody is treated the same.

    1. Southern California
    2. Oklahoma
    3. California
    4. Utah
    5. Auburn
    6. Boise State
    7. Arizona State
    8. Texas
    9. Wisconsin
    10. Virginia
    11. Virginia Tech
    12. Miami
    13. Florida State
    14. Texas A&M
    15. Georgia
    16. Michigan

    Point here is USC is #1 because their best win is against #3 California. Oklahoma is #2 because their best win is against #8 Texas. California is #3 because their best win is #7 Arizona State. Utah is #4 because their best win is #14 Texas A&M. Auburn is #5 because their best win is #17 Tennessee. Boise State is #6 because their best win is #26 UTEP. Wisconsin is #9 because their best win is #30 Ohio State.

    Without changes in rankings of other teams, Auburn can't really improve much by beating #15 Georgia. The SEC is a bit weaker than the Big 12 this year. That has helped Utah maintain their position. Because of this relative weakness of these conferences, Auburn can't advance much.

    I think the human polls have stumbled on a ranking that is more or less confirmed with an objective ranking system. Auburn's climb in the SEC is come in a weak year for the traditionally stronger teams. Somehow I think the initial human rankings pick up on this. Start LSU and Florida with high starting rankings; if they falter the whole conference will probably be a bit weak. Thus the emergent SEC team, Auburn, comes out as one of the weaker undefeateds.
  9. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese
    ESPN Power 16

    1. USC (9-0)
    2. Auburn (9-0)
    3. Oklahoma (9-0)
    4. Wisconsin (9-0)
    5. California (7-1)
    6. Texas (8-1)
    7. Utah (9-0)
    8. Georgia (8-1)
    9. Michigan (8-1)
    10. Virginia (7-1)
    11. Louisville (6-1)
    12. Boise State (8-0)
    13. West Virginia (8-1)
    14. Virginia Tech (7-2)
    15. Florida State (7-2)
    16. Miami (6-2)

    Others receiving votes: Iowa, Tennessee, LSU, Texas A&M
  10. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese
    CNNSI Power Rankings

    1. USC
    2. Oklahoma
    3. Auburn
    4. Wisconsin
    5. California
    6. Michigan
    7. Georgia
    8. Texas
    9. Utah
    10. Louisville
    11. Virginia
    12. Boise State
    13. West Virginia
    14. Tennessee
    15. Iowa
    16. Virginia Tech

    On the cusp: LSU, Arizona State
  11. Mr Hanki's Throne

    Mr Hanki's Throne New Member

    Mar 13, 2001
    Wellington, Colo
    What in the world is the USC power ranking?
  12. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese

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