My High School Coach's Perspective on the M.L.S.

Discussion in 'Soccer in the USA' started by kicktricks2, Nov 24, 2004.

  1. kicktricks2

    kicktricks2 New Member

    Nov 24, 2004
    Hey I recently made my High School Soccer team and the coach of my team is from England. He played pro there and he really doesn't enjoy the soccer in the U.S. He believes watching the M.L.S. is like watching paint dry on a wall. He thinks it that slow. I've grown up watching M.L.S. and I enjoy for the fact that I've grown up watching it. Tell me your feedback on this comment!!!

    (mod note: no advertising please)
  2. Rockey J Squirrel

    Feb 27, 2003
    Brigham city Utah
    English Style soccer (include Ireland, N. Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Norway) developed in a cool and wet Fall-Spring season on muddy fields. Europe developed their styles from many different sources and climates. The Latin, Islamic and African styles came about in Hot and often dry or humid climates on hard ground. The USA has all the climatic and seasonal differences of the rest of the World. So Each town, State or region has developed its own way of competing in its own realm.
    Soccer reflects the National Ethos or Psycology of game/competition/social structure better than anything else. The US is made up of the Peoples who were kicked out of Europe for religious reasons or who left because of the bad conditions there for a prospect of a better life. Slavery brought people here. And the Land of Oportunity is still attracting the World, who bring here their own set of values and of course their way of playing soccer.
    The local history of Soccer in a community from the very first introduction will still influence is style many years latter.
    Your Coach may have noticed that the motivational methods that work in English Soccer do not really apply to Americans.
    The MLS style is a Pragmatic, Eclectic, Convergent and player driven style. Note that the Coaches change frequently and the Players are from all over the US and the World. Liverpool may maintain its traditions in playing style through manager changes, but the MLS has not been around long enough to develop traditions.
    Also Your coach needs to watch some European as well as Mexican soccer which are readily available on TV. It will suprise many how convergent Top Division/National Team styles have become recently with the increase of International competition and player movement. Even the EPL is tending to play Euro-ball.
    Tell the coach to live with the MLS and prepare players to play at over 5000 feet altitude at 10% humidity with the FieldTurf at 125F. Yes and some games will be at 2C at sea level in rain on soggey grass.
  3. Roehl Sybing

    Roehl Sybing Guest

    By default I just stopped reading this post after this point.
  4. Winston Smith

    Winston Smith New Member

    Nov 17, 2003
    I bet you're the cool, hip guy at parties. :D
  5. Dr. Wankler

    Dr. Wankler Member+

    May 2, 2001
    The Electric City
    Chicago Fire
    I think you're lying. Seriously, it's late november, so "I recently made my High School Soccer team" is pretty vague, since you would've known this since August. Secondly, if your coach is from England, I'm sure he has a lot worse things to say about high school soccer, given some of the whacky rules. Thirdly, if you enjoy MLS, what do you care what he thinks or what we think? Fourthly, happy Thanksgiving anyway. Assuming you're even in the US.
  6. denver_mugwamp

    denver_mugwamp New Member

    Feb 9, 2003
    Denver, Colorado
    Note to mods: I've always wondered if we could cut down on some of the newbie crap by requiring everyone to list more information on their profile, especially their location and what teams/leagues they watch. What do you guys think? And may you all (even the newbies) have a happy Thanksgiving.
  7. savan

    savan New Member

    May 16, 2004
    Just a picture to prove the weather conditions in Norway, last nights Champions League match between Rosenborg - Panathinaikos..


    Hehe.. The Greeks were "flying" all over the place... (the Norwegians too though..) ;)
  8. worldfootballgenius

    New York Red Bulls
    United States
    Jul 9, 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Tell Him Juergen Klinsmann says, "Go fvck yourself"
  9. ur_land

    ur_land New Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Boulder, CO

    Actually it's possible that he just found out. I went to high school in Southern California where soccer was a winter sport. Had a few rain games like Pathaniakos-Rosenborg, but there was no snow and most games the weather was sunny and in the 60s and 70s. We didn't have tryouts until after (American) foootball seaon was over.
  10. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    So you too have notice that coaching in MLS just plain stinks...A sorry fact of life here in USA for us fans ...My feedback to you is to bark at the right three here you could hurt somebodys feeling, step on some toes, or being politically incorrect ...So going back to the right three write a letter to MLS telling them that they need to do something about our coaching carrousell because is old rottent and just plain suck perhaps even your hight school coach could get a job .....
  11. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    Hey take it easy on the kid, everybody have the right to comment...Who give you the right to evaluate other people comments or...perhap you already think that you know everything.... :confused:
  12. Elninho

    Elninho Member+

    Sacramento Republic FC
    United States
    Oct 30, 2000
    Sacramento, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Soccer is also a winter sport in Texas public high schools (January-March season).
  13. fuzzyBunny

    fuzzyBunny Member

    Aug 24, 1999
    Palo Alto CA

    I say, "Welcome to being an American soccer fan." No one said it would be easy. It helps to have a thick skin.

    You get it from all sides here. You get crap from the Euros. You get it from the American-Euro-wannabes, from the MFL fans. You get it from the American Joe-Six-packs who only like the big 3.

    MLS is not the best soccer. But it's not the worst. And it's American, and it ours.

    It's also live (assuming you live in an MLS city). Watching soccer in the stands beats watching on the TV in you living room, any day.

    Ask your coach if he'd watch England 1st Division (Coke-a-Cola). They're around the same quality. And if he says the Armenian 4th division is better than MLS, then just ignore him entirelly. It's not worth your troubles.

    Lastly, in 10 years time, the league will be better and you won't have to deal with this sort of thing as much.
  14. denver_mugwamp

    denver_mugwamp New Member

    Feb 9, 2003
    Denver, Colorado
    Hey, chill out Whip. Everybody has the right to post whatever they want to. It's just that I've noticed that 99% of the trolling threads are started by newbies who refuse to give their location. Are they kids who just happen on the site and post something as a joke? Are they Brits taking the piss? Are they sock puppets? I don't know. But it would be a lot easier to respond to someone if you knew where (literally) he/she/it was coming from.
  15. nicodemus

    nicodemus Member+

    Sep 3, 2001
    Cidade Mágica
    PAOK Saloniki
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It seems like everyone I meet from England used to play pro....or at least that's what they say......
  16. mpruitt

    mpruitt Member

    Feb 11, 2002
    E. Somerville
    New England Revolution
    I was on a youth team for... I would've been a pro but it didn't work out because I got injured and then.....
  17. Dr. Wankler

    Dr. Wankler Member+

    May 2, 2001
    The Electric City
    Chicago Fire
    Maybe it's like compulsory military service or something. Every able-bodied male has to play professional soccer for a year or two before they can be fully franchised Englishmen. Or so it seems based on the guys I've seen, too.
  18. crusio

    crusio New Member

    May 10, 2004
    Wow... On page two and still not a mention of the dreaded EUROSNOB yet. Impressive.
  19. Dr. Wankler

    Dr. Wankler Member+

    May 2, 2001
    The Electric City
    Chicago Fire
    Higher standards of discourse are maintained in this forum.
  20. Lithium858

    Lithium858 Member

    Aug 11, 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    MLS isn't that bad. People need to get over themselves.
  21. savan

    savan New Member

    May 16, 2004
    It's like people say about Norwegians: We are born with skiis on our feet. Maybe Englishmen are born with a football.........? :rolleyes:
  22. ButlerBob

    ButlerBob Member

    Nov 13, 2001
    Evanston, IL
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Well, that's not entirely true. If he lives in states like Florida or Texas, they are just now starting their high school season's. ;)
  23. (TxT)

    (TxT) Member+

    Jun 9, 2004
    Tampa, FL
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    In Georgia it doesn't start until early to mid February.
  24. england66

    england66 Member+

    Jan 6, 2004
    dallas, texas

    very good point...I wonder how long this kids coach has been in the States ?...less than a year..? find out who he played for in England (United will not do for an answer) and go to that clubs web site/history and find out if he indeed ever did play....I too used to think everything in England was better....after 35 years this side of the pond I changed my mind...

    posted by england66...
  25. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    Ask him why the EPL teams have a hard time beating DC United? :D

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