Can somoene give me a hand on Mp3 players? I don't know anything about them and i want to getm ore info... i am not looking for the CD type ones, but rather the compact ones that say '64 mb' one. The thing im not getting is that some you only have 64 mb one, but others you have like 64 mb internal and then you can get more by buying a Scandisk card of around 128 mb or so and then getting some more MB on it. For me, i don't think 64 MB is good. Its small, and its compact. I want alot of mp3s and most mp3s i have are around 4-6mb that will be kinda tricky........... But which is a good mp3? my budget is below 75 dollars and i want something cheap... and what does - Extendale: 32/64/128MB MMC mean? It means i can buy 64 mb cards and stick it in? Can i get lets say 10 cards and store them in and have them as CD's?
Well, I don't know a lot about mp3 players, but I DO know a heckuva lot about media. For starters, it's not scandisk. It's SANdisk (sorry, pet peeve of mine. EVERYBODY gets that company's name wrong). As for what it means to have an mp3 player that is expandable to 64 or 128 or 256 mb, what that usually means is that there is some memory built right in to the player (usually 64 mb). If it's expandable UP TO 128, then you can buy a 64 mb card for it (MMC is multimedia card by the way. It's a type of memory used in most mp3 players, pda's camcorders and Kodak cameras. You can also use a type of memory called secure digital or SD. It works in anything that uses MMC, and it's usually cheaper). The key thing to remember for expandable mp3 players is that the internal memory and the added memory combined can't be higher than the total (ie: if it's expandable up to 128, and it has 64 built in, you can't use a 128 mb card, as 128 + 64 is more than 128). You could technically just get alot of cards as "cd's", but those cards are really expensive, so if you are on a budget, bad idea. a 64 meg card will likely run in the $40 - $50 range. Hope I helped
I am maybe biased ... but I love my iPod. I would not want to change it to anything that has, say, 128 MB... I have 20 GB of music in my pocket. Beat that! PS. For a cheaper option ... buy a second hand or a refurb ipod
Other than ebay, where might one find a refurbished (or used) iPod? I was bored out of my skull flying back from San Diego yesterday, and I don't want to spend on a portable CD player (why buy outdated technology?)...