More player aquisitions?

Discussion in 'New York Red Bulls' started by USFootiefan1980, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. USFootiefan1980

    United States
    Aug 19, 2005
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    According to a post on Bruce Arena has said that by the end of the transfer window we should be seeing two new faces. One a european player (Schopp? Jensen?) and another possibly a trade from another MLS side. Thoughts?
  2. Metrosuccess

    Metrosuccess Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Sure would be nice top get a top player like Pavel Nedved who can control games as a fiuture replacment for Youri. Some whener there has to be abog name player that wants to come here before he is done. Maybe?
  3. viper

    viper New Member

    Jun 7, 2000
    Paramus, NJ
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The European player is thought to be Schopp. The possible trade could be the O'Rourke to Columbus for Jensen's rights.
  4. ag nigrin

    ag nigrin Member

    Mar 4, 2002
    NJ, USA
    Yeaf for sure Schopp but Jensen (a Brit no?) is tied to Columbus and they want
    Knuckles but last I heard the Bulls didn't want to give O'R away but rather another future draft pick... To bad we couldn't give them Hendo back..
  5. viper

    viper New Member

    Jun 7, 2000
    Paramus, NJ
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah, I just read in Galarcep's column that Columbus and RBNY were not able to come to an agreement over Jensen's rights. Columbus, of course, has not intention of signing Jensen (or is it that Jensen has no intention of joining Columbus?). Looks like O'Rourke will be staying, unless he's traded for someone else. I hope he stays as I don't think he's quite as terrible as he's been made out to be.
  6. Devil500

    Devil500 New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
    Section 101
    New York Red Bulls
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    United States
    O'Rourke is a great player in the making....Schoop will do..We don't want to throw out players that will burns us in the ass later on like Ricardo Clarke...
  7. dbm20th

    dbm20th New Member

    Sep 18, 2002
    Morris County. NJ
    If I were Jansen, I would be breathing a sigh of relief that he found out this league is a joke before signing a contract.
  8. viper

    viper New Member

    Jun 7, 2000
    Paramus, NJ
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Apparently, Jansen didn't think this league was a joke as he was quite willing to sign with RBNY. He might have thought that Columbus was a joke as he wasn't willing to sign with that team.
  9. Thomas A Fina

    Thomas A Fina Member

    Mar 29, 1999
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm gonna have conniptions if they do that.
  10. viper

    viper New Member

    Jun 7, 2000
    Paramus, NJ
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You had to go and mention Clarke! :( We would be so friggin good right now with Rico at Defensive Mid and would probably have a few more points to our name also.
  11. stinky

    stinky Member

    May 14, 2000
    Long Beach, NY
    personally, i'd hate to see o'rourke go. much like i hated seeing rico go.

    i think he's got a lot of potential, especially under bruce.

    i do think we need a starting forward to partner up with buddle and keep henderson on the bench with woly as late game subs.
  12. USFootiefan1980

    United States
    Aug 19, 2005
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well it looks like Schopp is coming, on loan for the rest of the season at least, according to Rumour is that a deal for Jansen couldn't be reached with Columbus.
  13. fidlerre

    fidlerre Member+

    Oct 10, 2000
    Central Ohio
    He was also willing, and in the process of talking terms with Columbus...

    When Arena did an about-face and said he wanted to sign him, Matt then determined he only wanted to play in NYC and the Crew wouldn't let his rights go without decent compensation.

    (It was a given he would have signed with the league if RB got his rights)
  14. Metrosuccess

    Metrosuccess Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    How, prey tell, did columbius get his rights and where prey, tell will they get salary cap space??And also what gives them the rioght to screw us in any trade we ever make?
  15. ag nigrin

    ag nigrin Member

    Mar 4, 2002
    NJ, USA
    I don't think the league is a joke... but perhaps Columbus is... and it was Jensen who wanted to come to NYC and not stay w/ Colombo but Colombo got in the way again...didn't they do something similar w/ us with Danny Szetela (sic)
  16. ag nigrin

    ag nigrin Member

    Mar 4, 2002
    NJ, USA
    The Bulls didn't want to give up Knuckles that is why the deal fell thru...
  17. Thomas A Fina

    Thomas A Fina Member

    Mar 29, 1999
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    There is a definite difference of degree here :

    Jansen trained with Columbus - whether or not he ever intended to sign there is another matter that really only Jensen knows for sure. That allowed Columbus to claim him, even though they knew that by doing this the only thing they would accomplish is keeping him from going to Metro. This is RBFO's (oh wait, there wasn't one!!!!) fault for not moving quickly and the pirce you pay for switching GMs and coaches in the revolving door manner

    The Szetela situation was Garber's fault (and to an extent Szetela's) through and through - after raping Dallas to award Adu to DC so he could stay home, and the Szetelas making it plain one of the reasons Danny was going to join MLS was to stay close to home (i.e Jersey), Garber goes ahead and make the lottery "transparent" on national TV (ESPNNews) no less. So Cloumbus won the lottery, infuriating Metro fans and the Szetela family, and leading to one of the better Eli Manning Draft Day imitations we have ever seen. The look on the poor kid's face was comical - it's sad that photoshopping him in the background of one of those hostage videos would have been considered over the line. So when Metro came asking, Columbus set the price real high because

    a) they could

    b) They have gotten nothing from MLS as far as cap relief/allocations, etc...(at least we had Mattheus and Mathis/Jolley gifts - but nothing since 2000) and were justly enjoying the chance to turn the screws on anyone - just happened to be us. Misanthropic perhaps, but toally understandable

    The real loser in this is Matt Jensen. At least Szetela got some homemade peirogies and vodka out of the deal from the Warzychas. Although he did have to suffer through Andrulis, so that's probably a wash. But Jansen is stuck because he would either have to play for Columbus cut-price or not at all unless Red Bull gives CBus the satisfaction of a reacharound.

    To me this is the most retarded part of the whole thing. In essence, MLS is forcing a player to sign for less money solely because one team can't fit him under the salary cap. This is about a sure as way possible for players to go elsewhere
    If the salary cap is truly the issue, then if Columbus wants Jansen that badly they should trade something for a minor allocation which would allow them to sign Jansen without going over the cap. If not then either Columbus was dealing in bad faith or this claiming system is beyond retarded in creating indentured servants (*thinks back to Preston McMurray calling Gazidis Ivan the Terrible* *laughs*) Don't know if they can be punished for that.

    Mind you, I think this is all a bit ridiculous since I'm not convinced he would really be worth this whoel frickin mess in the first place.
  18. ag nigrin

    ag nigrin Member

    Mar 4, 2002
    NJ, USA
    Granted and agree on all fronts...
  19. Grasscutter

    Grasscutter Member

    Jan 21, 2003
    DC United
    This is a nice analysis. But regarding Danny Boy, I do think MLS had made pretty clear that he needed to enter the proper draft to get the Freddy/Landon/DaMarcus/Convey/Gaven treatment (local kids to their local teams--it certainly didn't start with Freddy).

    Danny's family thought they had a decent chance to sign with Manchester City, so they held back from the draft. When City didn't make an offer, the Schetizzles were more or less stuck with trying to get Danny into MLS mid-season, for which there are different rules. Not saying the rules still couldn't have been bent, but the Schezzetezzlizzles had a chance to get him to NY, and they banked on England instead.

    r.e. Jensen--and I'm really not trolling--but I just can't see where Red Bulls have any more cap space than C-bus at this point. Since the season started, NY has added a couple of expensive All-Stars (Kovalenko; Dunivant) and only gotten rid of Martins, who was barely making the minimum.

    If you're talking about a intra-Red Bull transfer, I can see being able to make the Schopp numbers work. Not sure I can see it for Jensen, after you add up Dema and Dunivant's salaries.

    I'm also assuming Red Bulls are paying Dema the $150,000k that he was set to make this year when D.C. decided to release him for salary cap reasons.
  20. trmtrm

    trmtrm Member

    Sep 19, 2002
    New Sweater
    He's no Michael Bradley, but he's not awful.

    Part of the problem is when your dysfunctional team is playing like a bunch of mules, the D-mid is constantly in a position to do poorly; over loaded defensively, no reasonable outlets upfield on the attack. A stellar d-mid might be able to make a few things happen, but when the whole team donks, well, he's left out to dry.

    Now, if you have a functional team, it's perfectly acceptable to have an O'Rourke in the position; not because he is being carried by the better players, but because he just has to be competent to help the team.

    Actually, this applies equally well to any position on the field.
  21. Michael K.

    Michael K. Member

    Mar 3, 1999
    There or Thereabouts
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    United States
    Jansen, people. JANsen.

    Minor quibble; Damarcus Beasley didn't go to his "local team" in the draft. He was taken P-40 by LA, and only got shipped out after a year, because his family despised Sigi, or so the story goes.
  22. BLewis1968

    BLewis1968 Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    1) Dema took a pay cut from his D.C. days.
    2) Austria is picking up a large portion of Schopp's salary, and Red Bull New York has more than enough to pay both Jansen and whatever fraction of Schopp's salary they'd be on the hook for.
    3) Remember, they got a fairly large undisclosed amound (Im told about 250k) from the Peguero transfer.
    4) I have no clue how much Columus has to spend. But its clearly not much
  23. Metrosuccess

    Metrosuccess Member

    Jan 6, 2000
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Gaven was drafted in 3rd round of reg draft by MetroStars, was not given to them. We have one of lowest guaranteed salary of any MLSeam right now.
  24. Thomas A Fina

    Thomas A Fina Member

    Mar 29, 1999
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Pretty easily - IIRC the WaPo artivle, we had about the fourth lowest salary in the league. We had a lot of cap room to play with. Next year is even better when we drop Hendo, Canero, Graham and Youri.
  25. tigerfan

    tigerfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
    and Meola

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