Monkee - thought I'd pass this on to you and other NYC Blues. Caught it on the Man Utd board on SNet. Don't know if its for real or not but would be worth checking out if you normally go to Nevada's. Mates, I discovered a fantastic place in New York to watch football. It's called the Riviera Sports Bar and it's located in Greenwich Village at 4th street and 7th Avenue. The thing is, they just started showing football this year so no one yet knows about the place. They'll be showing the Chelsae match this Friday and have a full slate of Saturday & Sunday matches as well. I know that there are other places downtown (like Nevada Smith's) but most of them are dives. This place isn't. They also have 21 screens! Check this out...I spoke with the manager and he said he's thinking seriously about an "introductory offer" of $1 pints of Guinness!!! Trust me, you'd be crazy not to give this place a try at least once. Call (212) 929- 3250 and ask for Steve. I won't be posting for a few hours before the match as I will be downing a few in preparation at the pub. Hope you all have the same luck.
Fanks Mate sounds cool - Another football bar cannot hurt really can it? - I do normally got to Nevadas, sometimes McCormacks when I'm not in an early morning drinking mood, but generally nevadas. Nevadas is where all the NY blues hang out. I know a lot of them, although I have not joined yet (always been a lone wolf really). They have an organisation, split with the US blues or something ? Don't know why. Nevadas is alright although the bar staff (Jack is a good man) all support man yoo, I've been a little lary in there sometimes I was even barred on one occasion. mst77 - if you are ever up this way or I'm down in DC we should meet up for a game.
You two should consider yerselves lucky...i'm surronded by rednecks. And most of them are now relatives..thru marriage of course. Still i could take the 2Hr east journey to the big Apple i suppose if i felt like it. Hundreds leave the Poconos here every day to go to work there. 4 Hr commute.....flipin nuts they are.
lol You don't have to go to far from the city to meet a red neck eh clan? I know, a 4 hour commute would kill me, and as you say folks do it (every day) - amazing. The wiffle (a wiffle is a small battle axe - btw) wants to move out of manhattan, I couldn't move too far. It'd have to be Brooklyn or Joisey City,but no further. If you ever fancy a game and a pint and you're in the city Clan, that'd be grande.
Aye it would to be sure. I've been in and out over the years, but always had the trouble and strife with me and she was all business if ya know what i mean. Wiffle..ha ha ha...likes that one i does.
Monkee - Clan Thanks for the offer. I usually make it up to NYC once or twice a year. I have some friends who live in Chelsea (of all places). They just got married though so I don't know how long they'll be living there. If you're ever down DC way, let me know. I live a few minutes outside the city but there is a bar close by that shows all the big matches as well as a few bars downtown that do too. Clan, I sympathize with your plight. I grew up in bumfukc PA, a bit further south than the Poconos though - York. Redneck heaven.