Moderating for the rest of the season

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by John_Harkes_6, Aug 27, 2002.

  1. John_Harkes_6

    John_Harkes_6 New Member

    Mar 29, 2000
    Baltimore, MD.
    OK, this is my opinion and I encourage Knave, Meridian, and Revelation to share their thoughts as well.

    I know that our third straight year of losing is getting to some people and we lack that lightening rod where we can direct all our anger (Rongen). However, this does not excuse recent behavior of almost all of us - myself included.

    Here is the deal - for the rest of season I will do a little better job of making sure I read more posts (I am only human and can only get to so much) and I encourage everyone to report any post that might be questionable.

    Now - here is where you all come in. We all need to do a better job of keeping things on track. If an opposing team supporter comes into our forum and starts something - report it to a mod or simply ignore them.

    The official thread will be just that. No smack talk. Take it to the Rivalries forum.

    I encourage you all to have input into this situation but keep it on topic. I don't want to see - "well a Metro started it"

  2. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Thread stuck. And with that I sign onto JH6's opinion.
  3. Dave Brother

    Dave Brother New Member

    Jun 10, 2001
    Okie Dokie. Sounds like a plan to me.
  4. MeridianFC

    MeridianFC Member

    Jul 26, 1999
    Washington, DC USA
    I want more power!


    BTB - let's try to completely eliminate racism, sexism, and homophobia from our board.

    Focus all hate on the Metros.
  5. Lowecifer

    Lowecifer Member+

    Jan 11, 2000
    Baltimore, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Is that Metrophobia?
  6. revelation

    revelation Member+

    Dec 17, 1998
    FC St. Pauli
    FC Sankt Pauli
    Um, phobia means to fear not to hate...Baltimoreans...sheesh... ;)

    I firmly agree with JH6 (especially since I gave him the idea about no "lightning rod" to channel our "piss and vinegar"). Sure, this season has been tough and we've gotten a little bitter. But remember no one on this board is actually responsible for the demise of the once proud DC United (except of course the sockpuppets and actual IDs of people that work for DC United).

    As for trolls from other teams, we will simply get rid of your posts. Take it to the Rivalries forum!

    Plus guys it could be worse - you could support a team like FC St. Pauli, which was relegated last season (with only 22 points from 34 games), lost most of their players, has lost their first three games by 0-4, 1-4, 0-6, and fired their manager without a replacement in sight! :(
  7. K

    K BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 16, 1999
    DC, Fake America
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I think that's the fear of getting your arm caught after the door chime sounds.

    Hey I'm all for putting the hard core stuff on the Rivalries (or hey kids, if you're a premium member you can put on your own board!)

  8. ursula

    ursula Member

    Feb 21, 1999
    Republic of Cascadia
    Thanks. I like this. A couple of things:

    - That Baltimorons.

    - Has anyone here actually used their own private forum (other than Meridian's where he has all the power he wants)?

    -I officially am calling for Ray Hudson to be hoisted on his own petard. And fired. In case you didn't know.

    -I want to be able to write The Carevelationisgreat. Oh, forget it.
  9. Lanky134

    Lanky134 New Member

    Oct 25, 1999
    134, 3, 6
    Yes. A lot...

  10. Th4119

    Th4119 Member+

    Jul 26, 2001
    Annandale, VA
    I used mine some, but my powers are limited, I can't even stick a thread!

    Oh and noone else posts there.

    I'm going to start a "Landon is a Hunk" thread soon though maybe that will rack up the posters.
  11. DouginSJ

    DouginSJ New Member

    Mar 15, 2000
    San Jose, CA USA
    Please do... maybe that'll draw them away from our board. ;)
  12. Th4119

    Th4119 Member+

    Jul 26, 2001
    Annandale, VA
    Fine with me. I'll take all the groupies I can get in my personal forum. And by personal forum I mean bed.


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