Post-match: MLS Matchday 4 CREW "@" Fake Rivals in Red Wednesday 5/12 7 pm

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by Big J 0526, May 9, 2021.



Poll closed May 12, 2021.
  1. Crew win by 2 or more aka Caleb Porter Master Class

  2. Crew win by 1

  3. Draw

  4. Crew lose by 1

  5. Crew lose by 2 or more aka Coachbot 9000 disaster class

  6. Beep Boop road game = no win - CB9K

  7. The Sanch - Pedro has 2+ G/A and Crew Win (worth 2 points(

    0 vote(s)
  1. Big J 0526

    Big J 0526 Member+

    Columbus Crew SC
    United States
    Sep 8, 2010
    Columbus, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    It has been a whirlwind of betrayals fans. First, a defector from the enemy in red allowed our lovable CREW to victory. Then, it was revealed that a dastardly plot to steal the identity of our lovable yellow clad heroes had been carried out by minions of E.V.I.L., in collusion with the leadership of our heroes!!! An uprising amongst the citizens has already begun. And now, and old foe from the north again rears their heads, looking to inflict more pain and suffering.

    With no one else to turn to except themselves and their loyal citizens, can this CREW triumph against their foe and E.V.I.L.? Or, so soon after their triumph, will they be struck down in the name of the all powerful corporate dollar?
    chr1st repped this.
  2. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    For those lucky enough to get the game, check all your overflow channels. The Cavs play at just about the same time, taking the regular Bally Sports Ohio channel out of the equation.

    MFRONE Member+

    Jul 24, 2000
    Columbus, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Valenzuela, who was said to be day-to-day with a hamstring injury, is now listed as out with a thigh injury.
  4. hangthadj

    hangthadj Member+

    A.S. Roma
    Mar 27, 2001
    Zone 14
    Columbus Crew
    Freed from the albatross of Precourt-era branding Eternal Champion Caleb Porter delivers a tactical Masterclass and leads Team to first road win since 2019.
  5. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    A goddamn poet.
    Ch(Elsey), redi44crew and hangthadj repped this.
  6. SLSHOT01

    SLSHOT01 Member+

    United States
    Oct 26, 2017
    Edison, Ohio
    All I got to say is if I miss out on a grouchy point due to choosing Crew Win by 1 instead of Columbus Win by 1....

    chr1st repped this.
  7. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

    Feb 11, 2000
    Columbus, OH, USA
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The thigh bone's connected to the hamstring bone, right?
  8. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah, it's rough to see. Poor kid. I'm glad Francis has been (mostly) solid in Milton's stead. We lose so much going forward, though.

    To go along with this...

    1391898810054492161 is not a valid tweet id

    Not super pleased to see Gya$i and Pedro on this list, especially with big matches against Foxboro and NYLetters coming up, as well as the Trillium Cup (ha!) on the line.

    I'm glad we've got BWP to stand in for Zardes when needed, but we're getting Afful-y (ha-ha!!) thin through our attacking/wide mid ranks. Here's hoping Etienne and Mățan are up to the task.
  9. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    1392148316591378438 is not a valid tweet id

    My man! Says he'll keep playing through it. Dude's an absolute champ and is just waiting to drop 13 goals in one game.
    Ch(Elsey) and CybrSlydr repped this.
  10. SLSHOT01

    SLSHOT01 Member+

    United States
    Oct 26, 2017
    Edison, Ohio
    I love that he definitely did not say they were excited about the C>
  11. CybrSlydr

    CybrSlydr Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Jun 30, 2013
    Casper, WY
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    1392156168261406720 is not a valid tweet id

    1392157882146299908 is not a valid tweet id
  12. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I guess it's good that Toronto hasn't been playing well.
  13. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Rest easy. You have Steve Lyons personal permission to refer to Columbus SC as "The Crew".

    Or "The Lugnuts". Or "The Tinkerbelles". Or " The Fighting Haslams". Whatever you like. He won't mind. Much.

    Of course, calling them anything other than "Columbus SC" will mark you as a boob, a Neanderthal and probably a Trump voter, and eventually they will.use facial recognition software to.identify you and thereafter deny you tickets anywhere other than a mens room in their swanky new stadium, butat least you can sit down.
  14. CybrSlydr

    CybrSlydr Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Jun 30, 2013
    Casper, WY
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    1392158319830310922 is not a valid tweet id
  15. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I wonder if Toronto will have Osorio, Altidore, and Lawrence available for this one. It sounds like Pozuelo is still a few matches away from coming back, so that's a big plus. And we've got to hope Bradley's out there; it's always good to have a traffic cone on the field.
    Bill Archer and zman31 repped this.
  16. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #16 chr1st, May 12, 2021
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
    It's gameday, Columbus SC fans (see? rolls off the tongue!)! You are valuable to us. Please give us money.

    Get wild,
    go crazy,
    drink enough to make your memory hazy!

    Projected lineups are out and, apparently, nobody told the MLS graphic designer about the de-brand:
    Good job, you knobs! That's the level of competence I've come to expect from this league!

    Here are the bad guys:

    Here's Toronto's latest injury report:
    • OUT: Ifunanyachi Achara (left ACL surgery)
    • OUT: Julian Dunn (right hip osteochondral injury)
    • OUT: Erickson Gallardo (right groin surgery)
    • OUT: Alejandro Pozuelo (right thigh)
    • QUESTIONABLE: Jonathan Osorio (right thigh)
    Take that with a grain of salt, obviously.


    Just win, you Columbus Soccer Club! Goal the ball! Show the world what Columbus Soccer Club means!
    Ch(Elsey) and hardhead repped this.
  17. hardhead

    hardhead Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    chr1st and Ch(Elsey) repped this.
  18. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    May 2, 2003
    Green, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
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    Giddy feeling when the voice of the people proclaims a hyper-positive message from his perch on high.
  19. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You won't get one more goddamn Bell out of me, Tom Crook!
    hardhead repped this.
  20. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We go for golry tonight. The TRILLIUM CUP is on the line.*

    This is where legends are born!


    *First leg. Winner decided by the team that wins the most points from the series at the season's end. In the event of a draw on points, the first tiebreak is determined by the away goals rule, then by the team with the largest overall goal differential at the conclusion of the match.
  21. DGA57v2

    DGA57v2 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Apr 1, 2019
    Why Keita and not Vito? Why Etienne and not Matan? Inquiring minds want to know.
  22. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm guessing it's Keita and Etienne because they've logged more minutes. Or they're higher on the MLS editorial team's depth chart.
  23. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ah... memories...

  24. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #24 Bill Archer, May 12, 2021
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
    You dare to question your betters, peasant?

    Our overlords know what is best. We are not to ask questions. Our place is to plunk down money, make noises that create a sense of excitement and then plunk down more money.

    If the masters of our community SOCCER club choose to send eleven midgets in expensive panties to play this game your response may not be "what the f*ck" but only "Hurrah for Columbus, particularly the Park of Roses and Leveque Tower and our zoo is particularly lovely"

    C R E
    Double U
    buy more panties
    And shut your mouth

    What do you mean it doesn't rhyme? It rhymes if they tell you it rhymes.

    I know that change is hard but folding money doesn't fall in between the sofa cushions, so get it right.
    TRUJDUB, CBusAlex, chr1st and 1 other person repped this.
  25. zman31

    zman31 Member+

    May 5, 1999
    Columbus, OH
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I am really wondering what jerseys got on the plane with them yesterday. Maybe Bradley will gain confidence thinking he's facing a third tier USL team, a level he's able to compete against, and we'll take them unsuspecting.

    We don't need more salt in the wound. I'm hoping BWP bags one, Zelarayán puts on a show, and the good guys maintain the shutout for a 2-0 CP9K masterclass.

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