MLS Cup Hotel

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by Midnight Riders, Aug 15, 2002.

  1. Midnight Riders

    Feb 17, 1999
    New England
    New England Revolution
    Hello all ...

    Sorry it's taken so long to send this out, but due to a variety of issues, we've been a bit delayed on the MLS Cup Planning.

    Anyway, here's the information for the MLS Cup Hotel that will be hosting the Summit. We were able to only save 30 rooms for now, but if we need more, we can try and get some.

    Four Points Sheraton Norwood
    1125 Boston-Providence Highway (Rt.1 South)
    Phone: 781-769-7900
    Fax: 781-551-3552
    3:00 check in/12:00 check out

    *Each room has queen beds (ask how many when you reserve)
    *$109 single/$119 double ($125/$135 regular rates)
    *Price includes a buffet breakfast
    *Must reserve by 9/21/02
    *Commuter rail is 3 min away, $6 round trip shuttle is available
    *It's only 20 minutes to Boston from the hotel.

    If you call to reserve, please ask for the Midnight Riders rate.

    We know people are a bit worried about the price of this hotel, but it's the best rate we could find at a hotel near the stadium/Boston and get a group rate. MLS Cup this year is the same weekend as the Head of the Charles Regatta, which annually brings in tens of thousands of visitors to Boston. So hotel rooms are at a premium.

    Considering that the Summit will be held at this hotel, this seemed the best hotel to offer the group rate at (and breakfast is included!). We are also exploring the idea of a bus/van to transport people back to the hotel once the Bash on Saturday night (which will be held in Boston) is over. Most likely, there will be a small charge to help us cover the cost of the van, but it will be better than a cab back to the hotel, or having to leave 2 hours early due to public transportation.

    If you have any issues, please email me at

  2. Eggy

    Eggy New Member

    May 28, 1999
    Do they have a place I can Pahk my Cah?
  3. kaiser kraut

    kaiser kraut New Member

    Jun 26, 2001
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Are you kidding Eggy? I didn't realize there was such a thing as available parking anywhere near Boston.
  4. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    how about, if i go, IF I go, which i'm not planning on it, i'll just stay at my cousin's house.
  5. swims

    swims Member

    Does your cousin just happen to be a horny, beer drinking, 6 year old who yells 'sucks!' after player introductions?

    Or is this a cousin that knows better?
  6. Eggy

    Eggy New Member

    May 28, 1999
  7. Eggy

    Eggy New Member

    May 28, 1999
    Poor Bastard.
  8. Flyer Fan

    Flyer Fan Member+

    Apr 18, 1999
    Columbus, OH
    Very well done, swims; an excellent tie-in to that amazingly entertaining thread at

    BTW, Kryptonite, why the stiff comment? The guy's just passing along hotel info that people might find useful.
  9. hangthadj

    hangthadj Member+

    A.S. Roma
    Mar 27, 2001
    Zone 14
    Columbus Crew
    3 stripe and i may reserve a room, when the crew doesn't make it we just cancel and get our refund, if they make it bunk with us and split the cost.
  10. hangthadj

    hangthadj Member+

    A.S. Roma
    Mar 27, 2001
    Zone 14
    Columbus Crew
    made reservations last night. if anyone needs a floor to sleep on let me know.
  11. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    At last!!!!

    Supporter's Summit info.

    I tell you, what an exciting time THAT baby is. Closest I ever came to feeling like I was at Origins or ComiCon or a StarTrek convention.

    Andy Meade pimping his rag outside while a bunch of really fat guys told Ivan Gazidis how he ought to run the league. I didn't notice him taking any notes, though.

    Absolutely surreal. But Lefty and I managed to steal a couple really nice signs from the MLS Press luncheon on our way out, so it was worth it.

    Comment of the day went to my old partner, who met us in the basement of Damon's on Saturday night. He and his paramour were there for about 20 minutes and then he turned to me and said -"Hey, I gotta shove off - I'm a little worried the geekiness might be contagious"

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