Hey everyone, I was just hoping that you all could do a favor for a fellow soccer fan. I live in Little Rock, AR and I rushed home to watch the final only to come across an infomercial!!! This is the second year in a row that the local station has done this. If you could please send them a note to tell them that this is not acceptable please go here http://www.katv.com/contact.hrb Also, if you know anyone else that would be willing to send a letter please refer them. Hopefully we can generate enough voice to prevent this from happening in the future. Thanks everyone!
I'm in the same situation. I sit down to watch the game but the retards over at KATV have decided to put on some crap about a frigging steamer. Bastards!!! I sent emails to KATV, ABC and MLS. Not that I think that it will do any good. I also sent an email to Landers motor group (big time advertiser with KATV) and told them that I will no longer consider purchasing a car from them because they advertise on KATV.
i sent them a note that said "what the hell was the station thinking putting an infomercial on.. you are the biggest group of idiots ever, and im not even a soccer fan. you guys get my vote for worst station on TV"
Me as well. Sorry you guys in Little Rock, whoever your favored team may have been. Crappy situation to deal with. -c
i got a response: Thank you for contacting KATV about our weekend sports programming. One of the most often voiced complaints KATV, or any television station, gets is about the choice of sporting events. Many express your same concern about the weekly football game selection as well as about the preemption of some or all of ABC?s coverage of golf tournaments and other sporting events. No matter what programming choice a television stations makes, there will always be some who disagree. Because of KATV?s commitment to carry the Houston Nutt Sunday afternoon program at 4:00pm, KATV is forced to carry alternate programming earlier in the afternoon. This is to prevent KATV from having to leave a sports event in progress at 4pm when the Houston Nutt program begins. When KATV preempts a Sunday afternoon ABC Sports program, most of the ABC preempted events are shown at 1:00 AM Sunday night/Monday morning. We realize this is not a convenient time, but does allow those interested to see the entire event. This was the case of the MLS Cup on Sunday afternoon. I hope this helps explains our position on why KATV carries the SEC sporting events. KATV understands there are legitimate differing opinions for every decision we make, but we want you to know that we make every judgment in good faith. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome, and I hope that you will continue to share your views with us. Thank you for visiting the KATV website and for watching Channel 7. Richard Farrester Program Director
Don't ya love canned responses. I got the same email also. Doesn't change my mind. I'm saying Goodbye to my local ABC station.