MLS Cup Halftime show...

Discussion in 'MLS: General' started by LowEnd, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. LowEnd

    LowEnd New Member

    Sep 19, 2003
    Washington, DC
    Does anyone have an archive of who's played the MLS Cup halftime shows in the past?

    After Michelle Branch last year and Switchfoot (?) this year, you'd think they could get more creative even with a small budget. How much could Modest Mouse or the White Stripes cost? Or someone like Mos Def if they wanted some hip hop? Or if they wanted to stay local, Ozomotli or Los Lobos, you know?

    Granted, we're all there for the soccer first and foremost, and yeah, I was hitting the bathroom and ordering drinks during most of halftime. But just for general vibe to the general public, something even remotely hip would be a good thing.

    Just a thought.
  2. Stogey23

    Stogey23 Member+

    Dec 12, 1998
    San Diego, CA
    Remotely Hip doesn't sell many records or appeal to the masses. Halftime shows are all about appealing to the masses.
  3. Bonji

    Bonji Moderator

    Feb 4, 2003
    Denver, Colorado
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I saw Christina Aguilera in '99 at the old Foxboro. Another terrible MLS Cup halftime show.
  4. greatscott

    greatscott Member+

    Dec 21, 2002
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    i think what he was trying to say is that these ones they have been using were not hip AT ALL. therefore, anything remotely hip would be a serious upgrade.
  5. greatscott

    greatscott Member+

    Dec 21, 2002
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    but yeah, MLS Cup halftime shows suck
  6. PZ

    PZ Member

    Apr 11, 1999
    Ipswich Town FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    With all those Radio Shack banners being waived, it was obvious who paid for the show. Fortunatly I was stuck in the beer line so I missed most of it. ;)
  7. LowEnd

    LowEnd New Member

    Sep 19, 2003
    Washington, DC
    For all we know, maybe MLS gets a deal on these artists if the label needs to showcase someone? I've never heard of that Switchfoot band in my life, but they were on the American Music Awards (or whatever they're called) later last night, which means they were in LA and available.

    Michelle Branch, same thing. Maybe I'm just that out of touch, but I kind of doubt it.

    Every band I mentioned has gotten major radio play and have had songs in advertisements. Aside from Ozomotli, all of their last albums went at least platinum if not double.
  8. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    Probably. I must've heard "Columbia Recording Artist" a dozen times. How much should MLS spend on this? I actually already had the Switchfoot CD (at least I think I have it which shows how often I've listened to it) and think they're decent but nothing special. I think they said Third Eye Blind played halftime before. I might be confusing it with an All-star game but I remember some Hispanic female singing (not Aguilara) within the last couple of years.

    White Stripes would cost too much IMO.

    Modest Mouse wouldn't have wide enough appeal (got that CD too but only like a song or two so far).
  9. billward

    billward Member

    Oct 22, 2002
    El Cerrito, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    AEG does music promotion too. I haven't checked but I gotta assume the acts that have been booked for halftime shows would have to be AEG's properties.

    The thing is, FIFA says maximum 15 minutes of halftime. They waste way too much time with setup for the halftime shows. And the cameras did a terrible job picking up the (so-called) musicians. There was some kind of dance thing going on too, but it wasn't clear quite what they were up to. I think the TV folks weren't adequately briefed on the choreography or timing of the halftime show, and did it by the seat of their pants.
  10. metrocorazon

    metrocorazon Member

    May 14, 2000
    The problem is that its hard to book bands when MLS Cup isnt a major event yet. I mean if youre on tour halfway across the country would you fly over to do some minor sport halftime show and make very little money, with the already packed schedule? And the AMA's where there and most bands probably were thinking about looking good for that and getting ready than being in a minor league cup. The only bands that will do it are TRL type small up and comers that need the exposure. Indie bands and good underground acts are not worth the money or time because although they would ROCK the show, they wont attract enough attention to have people watch it, it will only be AFTER everyone hears about a what a great show they had that they will get recognition and Radioshack wants you to watch it LIVE not hear about it later.

    Then you have the problem with Radioshack picking the bands. MLS doesnt pick them, they suggest and Radioshack being the one that actually pays them makes the decisions. SO even if MLS came out with Modest Mouse Radioshack may say no to it.
  11. metrocorazon

    metrocorazon Member

    May 14, 2000
    Its 18 for major events. Like finals.
  12. Detective40oz

    Detective40oz Member

    Jun 16, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    DC United
    Third Eye Blind played the halftime at the MLS All Star game at the HDC between MLS All Stars & Chivass

    Paulina Rubio was the halftime show for the MLS All Star game @ RFK...US Men's National Team vs. MLS all stars
  13. MFRONE

    MFRONE Member+

    Jul 24, 2000
    Columbus, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Switchfoot is a more appealing band to the masses than Modest Mouse so that's why they were selected. Plus the fact the MM was on SNL the night before probably had something to do with them not being considered, or the fact that they are terrible live could have added to it as well.
  14. cosmojado

    cosmojado Member

    Oct 18, 2002
    in sin
    AEG owns Goldenvoice. I don't know if Goldnevoice means anything to anybody outside of LA, but they have been promoters for ages. I remember when they promoted punk bands way back when in the 80s. While not the avant garde force that they used to be, they would still have access to better bands.

    BUT.........Radio Shack probably had rights to the show and that is what dictated who played.

    And both sucked and blew at the same time.

    50 10 year olds from AYSO playing a game would have been better. A supporters game would have been better. An excecution would have been better.........especially if it was switchback or switchfoot or swissmiss.....whatever that crap band is called.

    Hell.......mimes would have been better.
  15. cosmosRIP

    cosmosRIP Member

    Jul 22, 2000
    Brooklyn NY
    It's a scary thought that the league is being run by people who think an MLS Cup halftime show is a good idea.
  16. metrocorazon

    metrocorazon Member

    May 14, 2000
    Well would you rather NOT have extra sponsor money? A little song being sung while you take a piss isnt going to make a difference to you but it will on the overall $$$ bottom line to MLS.

    Its a scary thought that fans are such dorks they care about something they are probably arent going to watch anyways.
  17. cosmosRIP

    cosmosRIP Member

    Jul 22, 2000
    Brooklyn NY
    This is not the Super Bowl, there aren't all these folks in the room who have only been watching the ads and ignoring the game who might now look over at the TV to watch some band.
    There are only fans watching, give them want they want.
    And let me guess, you have a Switchfoot poster over your bed.
  18. metrocorazon

    metrocorazon Member

    May 14, 2000
    What do they want? NOTHING? During the time most people are doing other things? PLEASE! Who cares if anyone watches or not watches this its all about RadioShack paying us money suring a timeslot that doesnt really matter what we do with it. Might as well make some money with it right? Its not like its a sacred thing like no music during play or no NFL lines on field. ITS HALFTIME.

    SUNDROP Member

    Mar 8, 2000
    Grand Junction,CO USA
    Appearing at halftime at MLS Cup 2005! "FLATBED TRAILER" for the 10th consecutive year!
    Geez, get some styrofoam shapes & stuff. Maybe from all the parade float builders in Pasadena. Damn thing looks like the entertainment at a stock car track in southern Alabama.
    And I hear Michael Jackson may be available - especially if you get those U-11's out there too.
  20. rocketeer22

    rocketeer22 Member+

    Apr 11, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Case in point...I have been a season ticket holder at DC United for 7 or 8 years. I've heard of Switchfoot (even before the 2 songs in fairly good rotation). However, until this thread I'd never even heard of Modest Mouse or White Stripes.
  21. Fanaddict

    Fanaddict Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
    streamwood IL USA
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Some female KC or Dc fans should have exposed their breasts then maybe we would have gotten some publicity.
  22. FuzzyForeigner

    Oct 29, 2003
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    half time shows are a waste of money and are not necessary...another aspect of the american stubborness...

    many of you here are so upset about MLS copying European leagues and teams but you dont seem to get too fired up about imitating stuff from other american sports like half time shows????

    so why do they have half time shows anyways...are tiucket holders really going to leave the stadium at half time?

    Throw away half time shows and do something fun like make 4yr old kids ride a sheep across the field. The winner gets a signed Adu jersey.
    Have i been living in Montana too long?
  23. billward

    billward Member

    Oct 22, 2002
    El Cerrito, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    OK, so what do they do at halftime in Europe? All I ever see on FSW is clips of other games, and commercials.
  24. nostopping

    nostopping Member

    Sep 7, 2001
    Missouri Bootheel
    Birmingham City FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    No one else has dared post it, so I will...

    Why didn't they get Yellowcard?

    I'm sorry. It had to be done.
  25. bigredfutbol

    bigredfutbol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2000
    Woodbridge, VA
    DC United
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    United States
    Maybe it's because it's an American event by an American league on American television attempting to appeal to Americans. I'm just guessing.

    Like the sheep-racing idea, though. And you don't need to worry--you haven't been in Montana too long until 'riding sheep' beomces a euphamism.

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