MLS All-Star Game [R]

Discussion in 'MLS: News & Analysis' started by kenntomasch, Aug 3, 2002.


    MUTINYFAN Member

    Apr 18, 1999
    Do you think Veronica and Landon make a good couple, although she is probably a bit too old for him.
  2. JohnnyRev

    JohnnyRev Member

    Feb 23, 2001
    Boston, MA
    I was hoping Jack and Ty would be hit by a lightning bolt!
    Just kidding.

    I was hoping to see Twellman and Ruiz return in the last ten minutes, when the field had drained a bit. I can't stand watching Graziani. What a miserable louse!

    Jurgen Sommer has definitely lost "it,"if he ever had "it."
  3. Newman

    Newman New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
    Madison, WI
    Will respectfully withdraw Maiz as exhibit B of who shouldn't have seen as much time. Deering is far more deserving of that.

    My main point was that Ruiz and Twellman are guys that MLS should be pushing, right up there behind Donovan and Mathis-Young, talented, productive goal-scorers who chose MLS to play in. It's not enough to have the "strike force". MLS needs to make the connection with the soccer public that there are more where they came from.
  4. jmeissen0

    jmeissen0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2001
    page 1078
    this is something they (mls) and many fans do not seem to understand... even if we lose guys to europe, there will be people that will rise up in their place... some are already in mls (suarez and martino for example)... some will come in and make it right away (ruiz and twellman)

    but if we go with the notion of just import, do not export... we will not become the soccer power that we can be... new faces will not make it, there aren't enough spots, we will not have players pushing even higher levels of play... we will piss off players, who will have put in time here, honed their skill, and then told they can't go get their payday and chance at the big time because mls doesn't want to see the big picture, they aren't looking at the future of the league

    and no, i am not talking about becoming a feeder league to europe, i am merely talking about making mls better... making us soccer better... for those two things to happen, we need more players to come through, we need more youth to come in and get chances, learn in professional environments, more players try their luck abroad and show others here that they too can reach the stars... other than every 4 years
  5. seahawkdad

    seahawkdad Spoon!!!

    Jun 2, 2000
    Lincoln, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    jmeissen0, your points are well taken and fit a line of reasoning that one of the current top MLS players (don't remember who) makes: if top MLS players are allowed by MLS to transfer they won't clog up the opportunities for the rising new stars and we will develop even more good players.

    Of course, the fact he wants to go to Europe might have something to do with the reasoning, but it makes sense to me.
  6. FootyMundo

    FootyMundo New Member

    Mar 1, 2001
    Veronica's English is improving. Also, she has much less of an accent than when the season started.
  7. GoHawks4

    GoHawks4 Member

    Apr 24, 2002
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    She's still not atractive.
  8. Ajax65

    Ajax65 New Member

    Feb 28, 2000
    Miami FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Would we hear the television producers and directors scream, "It's alive! It's Alive! It's Alive!
  9. Fanaddict

    Fanaddict Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
    streamwood IL USA
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah I thought Damarcus would be hurt on that play and miss the rest of the season. Dema you dummy.
    I thought the game in the second half was pretty good. The one thing about playing mls vrs national team is that the mls players not selected for the world cup team wanted to prove something to Arena and thus played harder.
  10. jmeissen0

    jmeissen0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2001
    page 1078

    that would have been pablo... he had a great quote on the matter... i know that beasely, mcbride, and mathis are bit frustrated too (although beasely's deal essentialy fell through at the last second on the other end and mathis became injured, making his case moot)

    but if they start pissing off the present stars of mls, isn't that going to register with the new talent that mls is going to seek? yeah they are going to think, hey if i go to europe, i am probably not going to get first team play in quite awhile... but if i go to mls for first team play, they won't give me a chance to get to europe

    ask any kid outside of donovan where they want to make it... they will all say europe... ask wolff, he signed here, but he would still love to make it there too
  11. burning247

    burning247 Member+

    Liverpool FC
    Sep 16, 2000
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I've said it once and I'll say it again. I HATE DEMA KOVALENKO, that stupid hack. I mean I hate the Fire as much as the next Burn fan, but why would you do that to your own player. That hack broke our defenders leg 3 years ago, have hated him ever since. Why was he even there, I mean I haven't seen many Chicago games (despite them being on ESPN 2 every weekend), but Fire fans, has he played well this season?

    Anyways, I liked the All Star game. Veronica Paysee is gross, she's a brown bag special though. As for the Shakira wannabe, I didn't see her perfomance but heard it sucked. The game was good, JASON SCORED, oh yea. Ruiz wasn't playing too well IMHO, but I don't like that guy. Twellman should have played instead of Graz., even though it felt like Retro Burn with the Graz-Kreis connection.
  12. Mississippi Flash

    May 19, 2002
    Take out our European based players, and throw in a couple of injuries, and our national team looks very ordinary. Sure, MLS can develop players, but a few need to play overseas for us to compete at the international level. I hope MLS loosens up a bit on player tranfers.
  13. btousley

    btousley New Member

    Jul 12, 1999
    thoughts from the front - I was at the game

    solid crowd - some MLS officials told me in advance that they expected 22-25K ..... 31K showed up ... a healthy dose of the upper deck was populated ....

    the rain and lightning was unbelievable - I am surprised Hall let it go to the 19th minute. I was not happy about 30 in the first 45 in the second half - but at least the second half play was entertaining.

    I could not tell whether Rubio was talented or not - the sound system was too loud and muffled ... we were lucky not to have an errant bottle rocket hit the Pepsi bottle after her one song - instead in took off like a worm burner across the pitch.

    regarding the play -

    Ruiz was active
    Donovan was simply in command of the US side
    if JOB and Reyna are present - the game would not have been a contest ....
    Klein is a monster
    Lalas is over the hill

    final thought - is Kovalenko on coke? What the xxxx was he thinking - cleats up from behind on his own teammate - everybody in the stands could not believe what an incredibly stupid thoughtless ruthless play that was. It was nearly at midfield directly in front of Bradley ..... simply unbelievable ....
  14. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

    DC United
    Jun 24, 2001
    Chester County, PA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Actually, kebzach, the 1995 A-League All-Star Game featured UNAM Pumas of Mexico against the A-League All-Stars in Atlanta. The A-Leaguers (featuring future MLS players aplenty) won, 2-0. IIRC, Pumas played not quite their starting 11, but something close to it. So, all-stars can beat a competitive club team.
  15. Hmm..I think it was late 90s....A League All Stars vs Hershey Wildcats....I think we wont that game 4-0. I vote to keep the East vs West or MLS vs MFL all stars until 2006 when we make it to the semis, and then we bring back the crew fro another curtain call. Except this time mayve we could try to get the WHOLE team byt holding it a few weeks earlier.
  16. norfcath

    norfcath New Member

    Aug 17, 2000
    I predict that they will switch to the 6:00 o'clock news, and that the rest of the game will be shown on ESPN. Am I clairvoyant or what!!!
  17. Red&Black

    Red&Black Member+

    Aug 30, 2001
    Lot 8
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Burkina Faso
    just to clarify on the "deserted" stadium, Barra Brava and La Norte and assorted psychotic hangers on (yours included) stood and chanted during the hail and lighting (it was big ass hail) and only left when forced by DC police.
  18. BenReilly

    BenReilly New Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    Take out our MLS based players and our national team looks very ordinary. Sure, Europe can develop players, but a few need to play at home for us to compete at the international level. I hope MLS tightens up a bit on player transfers.
  19. TxSoccerPlayer8

    TxSoccerPlayer8 New Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    Either way, isn't it supposed to be in the interest of the player whether he/she would wanna go to Europe? Its their choice and signing a long term contract with any club in the MLS or out needs consideration doncha think? I personally think letting them go overseas for a fair amount of time wouldn't be bad for developement. But we did show a good fight in our developement here during the WC doncha think?
  20. Lloyd Heilbrunn

    Lloyd Heilbrunn Member+

    Feb 11, 2002
    Jupiter, Fl.
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Minor League Soccer

    Once again this league, despite its best(?) efforts comes off looking bush league......

    If the field is playable, you finish your halfs.

    Especially if you have time for an 18 minute halftime and "concert". I can't believe the loyal fans who were there sitting through the storm got shafted like that!!

    And, of course, we can't let anyone F/U the local news.........:(

    Has Garber and Selig ever been seen at the same time?????:)
  21. harttbeat

    harttbeat Member+

    Dec 29, 1998
    New York
    At least our All Star game didn't end in a tie...

    Garber, let's not have any halftime show anymore... we ain't the NFL yet!!!
  22. UncleSam527

    UncleSam527 Member

    Jan 14, 2002
    Anyone notice the difference in video quality between ABC and ESPN? ABC was a local channel of mine and came in bad, but ESPN was just a clear mass of blended colors. What is ESPN's problem(s)?
  23. Rodan

    Rodan New Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    Ty Keogh moment of wisdom (regarding a Joe Cannon save)

    "That save did not seem as difficult as it appears..."

    The man is the Zen master of the inane.

    I though it was a pretty entertaining game. Biggest matchup turned out to be Cannon (and some very active goal posts) versus Sommer ('nuff said).

    Scary to see that the 2001 Eastern All Star team (shown during the rain delay) was basically this year's New England Revolution (minus Preki). New England sports fans find these cruel kinds of ironies pretty standard fare...
  24. ThreeApples

    ThreeApples Member+

    Jul 28, 1999
    Smurf Village
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I though Scott Cannon retired?
  25. Rodan

    Rodan New Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    No, that's Scott Cannon. Joe Cannon was the keeper for the MLS Allstars.

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