Just a little side note about Mike Meyers since the new Austin Powers Movie is out. I saw an interview with him on revealed with Jules Asner. I didn't watch the entire program, but his parents are from Liverpool and he grew up in Canada. She asked him what he wanted to be when he was growing up and one of his answers was a pro soccer player. Nothing earth shattering, I just thought it was interesting. I am curious if he is a Liverpool fan, MLS fan, Men's National Team fan, and if he watched much of the World Cup?
A Fat Bastard Sighting? Didn't Fat Bastard make an appearance in that Pepsi commercial with the other sumo wrestlers?
Remember the Scottish Soccer Hooligan Weekly sketch on SNL? And the scene in So I Married an Axe-murderer where his father is watching a Scotland-England match and keeps yelling at his son with the big heed?
Also, a while back, FourFourTwo published an interview with Vinnie Jones in which Jones said that Meyers played with his Hollywood United club. (Ex-Sex Pistol Steve Jones does too.)
Did anyone else notice that in Scottish Soccer Hooligan Weekly that the Scottmen in the sketch were wearing English team's kits, scarfs, and English posters were on the wall behind them. No Rangers or Celtic. but anyway, "If it's not Scottish, its crap!"
This sketch is on the Best of Mike Meyers DVD. There's one small thing that's different: When it originally aired the sponsers were Doc Marten and Hitler beer. They have been omitted from the DVD. It's still a very funny piece with David Hyde Pierce as a tennis hooligan.
There was more than one sketch done. They did one when Myers was a guest host with the guest being an Irish hooligan who the two scots beat up. One of the sponsors was "Bollocks" weiners. "You can't have a wiener if you haven't got Bollocks" very funny.
'm not kidding, that boy's head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Aye, now that was offsides, now wasn't it? He'll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow.
And the show was called Scottish Soccer Hooligans instead of Scottish Football Hooligans. One of the best SNL sketches nevertheless.
He’s the kind of actor I think that will jump on the bandwagon when soccer is takes off in the states. It’s a shame he doesn’t do more for the sport now. When asked of his sporting interest (aside from the Jules interview which had a snapshot of his youth soccer get up), he only ever says hockey. I bet when he gets interviewed in England he’s all soccer this and soccer that. Does his new movie have any soccer in it? The man char is an English guy from the sixty’s i'nit? Lets see now. We got the clothes, the hair, the teeth, the music, the women, the sexual morays, the cars, the art design. Hmmm what else is associated with that place and time? Hmmm. Oh well Myers is funny and will be a great addition to the bandwagon when it takes off. We don’t need a Hollywood connection anyway for soccer to do well. MLS marketing is doing a marvelous job and getting us all the right kind of attention…
He's Canadian so cut him some slack. Of course he likes hockey, and why would/should he then support MLS. We have a hard enough time getting American soccer fans to support MLS. It's a bit much to expect foreign soccer fans to support American soccer just because they live or work in the states.
I can't say that I've seen many of his movies but didn't he feature Stan Mikita (ex Black Hawks player) in one of the Wayne's World movies as a spoof of Tim Horton Donuts? Just wonder if there are any soon to be BIG American-born film stars out there who have (a)played youth soccer for 8 years (b) follow a MLS or foreign club (c) watched as much of the recent World Cup as most of us did and (D) will organize pickup games on the set of their movies? Name that actor and let's be sure that his films are box office winners.
I should clarify. I didn’t mean to say Myers should be supporting MLS although it would be nice. A league that plays on artificial turf with gridiron lines isn’t ready for the kind of Hollywood star treatment other sports get. He is a hockey fan to be sure. I’m just saying I think he is a closeted soccer fan who prolly talks up what a fan he is of soccer when he is over seas. Liverpool I assume he likes and he could mention soccer of any kind in his movie. After all EPL on televison here in the US what turns non-partisans into fans not MLS. (No I don’t want your anecdotal evidence that MLS attracts fans on its own. When MLS stops paying a network to air its games and actually gets paid then there will be proof) Only after they see how great the sport is, and can be, here in the US, only then do they turn on to MLS and support it out of obligation like the rest of us. Like that Pepsi commercial Britney Spears has where she is in soccer kit. Didn’t air here in the States. Why not? She is using soccer to sell something. Here in the US an add like that would sell Pepsi AND soccer, not just Pepsi.
His family were big Liverpool supporters. However, his real love is hockey and the Toronto Maple Leafs, which is why he tends to talk about that game more. Maybe, if Toronto had a top flight soccer team he will most likely support them instead of an American team.
Ok, let's look at this: 1. Mike Myers is a soccer fan. 2. Verne Troyer (aka mini-me) is a soccer fan. (there's a thread on this) Soooo.... Austin Powers 4: From MLS with Love. Dr. Evil and Mini-Me could create a soccer league with no SSS, single entity and a paltry TV contract. Enter Austin Powers to save the day and thwart the evil-doers. Groovy, baby.
There you go! What team(s) do Verne Troyer/Mini-Me/Mini-Austin follow, if anyone knows? Since he is a recognized icon, the league could try to have him for marketing. Myers might be difficult to get, but Troyer by recognition alone would be good for the pop-culture crowd. Cheers!
DC will take Vern as a striker if the deal for Gazza falls through. Imagine the attendance boost that would give.