Mexico opportunity for three California boys

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad Academy' started by Dave Marino-Nachison, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. Dave Marino-Nachison

    Jun 9, 1999

    Alan Ramos, 12, Elmer Carballo, 11, and Erick Rincon, 11 each had a tryout with the Monarcas Morelia youth team between Nov. 9 and Nov. 16.


    The boys will sign a six-month contract with the club, and their food, housing and schooling will be taken care of, according to Hernandez. The Moreilia youth squads serve as farm teams for the professional club, much like the minor leagues in professional baseball.

    Evidently three other boys who were given the opportunity to go to Mexico but didn't will be at another tryout at which Bayern Munich will be present.
    Testudo repped this.
  2. Dave Marino-Nachison

    Jun 9, 1999

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