I know that when games are broadcast that "they" are trying to promote a family friendly atmosphere by showing endless amount of screamimg little brats, but what is wrong by showing big breasted hot women at the games. All of the orther sports do it. Are we so different that we don't like hot chicks with big ones? I think no. I think that until the broadcasters start showing a more mature audience( chicks with big ones) we will still be labeled as a kids sport. Kind of like wusa and that is scary. So keep mls and show us you t*ts.
What on earth brought this on?! However, showing little kids in the stands...you can be sure that MLS is the highest rated sport watched by Pedophiles. What did the pedophile say when he was released from prison? "I feel like a kid again."
They're not shown because there aren't any women at MLS matches that fit your description (at least not at MetroStar matches).
Metro were going to try to pay some women to hang out at the stadium, but they were alarmed at the cost. Instead, they got a better deal on the samba band that has periodically haunted the stadium over the years...
Instead of two guys marching through the stands banging drums, have two babes doing it with two natural drums each. Guys that get in on freebies now will gladly pay.
I second that, get rid of the little drummer boy. BTW I've actually seen some hot girls at the game, only problem they're always sitting to some Forko lucking broad.
Well, if the Hawaii Hooters ever gets created, like Tino Palace wants, you'll get exactly what you're asking for.
dude, whats wrong with you? you want to see hot chics at Metro games? you're not supposed to see that. Don't you know that compared to the big 4 soccer is a *#*#*# sport?!? If they start showing hot chics at the game on TV then straight guys will start going to the games. If straight guys fill up the stands then soccer will become a manly sport, then the whole world will stop spinning.
i disagree, there are plenty of sweet women at the games. Most of them are real, so no Pam Anderson plastic sets
Doesn't KC have cheerleaders? I seem to remember some at Home Depot Center, as well (and I'm not talking about AimerCat, though she's someone to build on) Maybe crew stadium, as well. I'm suprised we don't have the off-season Jets/giants dancers.
Uh Jets and Giants don't have cheerleaders. And @imer is someone to build over, like Jimmy Hoffa. I am for cheerleaders, especially if recruiting is done exclusively through Scores. (It is, after all, a "sports cabaret")
Sorry, you aren't sitting in the right section! There's always a few worth a glance waiting for a goal kick...
I believe the Crew got cheerleaders, in my day I loved to watch the Cosmos cheerleaders, they did a lot for the team by entertain the fans at half time, do club functions etc. Bring back the cheerleaders, have a contest and do it.
I completely disagree with that. In section 130 there are quite a few hotties. And I'm not talking bout borderline, I'm talkin bout model types.
I don't really want to see cheerleaders, however if it's done right, there could some some hot chick element at the games. I want to see MLS sex it up. I bet if I turn to any US or MLS site I'll find girls with no hair down there. I want to see hot chicks! http://www.ussoccer.com/ What a frickin surprise!