Rumor: Messi Novel

Discussion in 'Introductions Board' started by haroldsann, Sep 1, 2020.

  1. haroldsann

    haroldsann New Member

    Aug 28, 2020
    Santos, SP, BR
    It isn't new the fact of Messi leaving Barcelona, even more that now the footballer world is getting crazy with all these news. Many of us probably have been discussing about the theme and what would be the next steps of this great journey from the boy Lionel. So I've created this thread for you to comment/argue about these rumors and what are your opinions about him getting into a new club, what are your expectations, and what things do you think Messi's departure will result in Barcelona. How is it going to be the club without him? Which team do you wish him to go?

    Let's talk about it!!!

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