Congratulations not only on a beautiful crowd this past Saturday, but on your Open Cup victory. You played a gritty and tough game and pulled out the result. Well-deserving champions and a fine club. As a Metro supporter, I hate losing, but congratulations on the Cup. When our management cares enough to promote the match, then we deserve the cup, until then, enjoy it.
SB, Thanks for the kind words. It sounded like a pretty evenly played match. It's a real shame that barely 5k fans decided to make the trip to the swamp to take it in. But, as you say, until your management decides to take it seriously, I guess that's to be expected.
What world are you living in. Soccer is still not where we wnat it to be and it's not as if MLS clubs have disposible revenue to spend. What more can they do than radio, web, direct mail. If you don't hace a strong season ticket holder base than this 5k is what you get. Probably about the same amount of season ticket holders. If you want to change attendance than buy a season ticket and sell everyone you know to buy as well. MLS gets it's revenue from the gate not t.v or merchandise. Soccer fans bitch more than gossiping old women. Support your team with you Ca$h and that will give the business of MLS more revenue to work with. Being there every game dressed head to toe in your clubs merchandise will allow them to "promote one game". When fans care enough to spend a lously $500 up on a season ticket than you'll see the league do something great. If you are not spending your dough ang getting everyone to spend their dough on MLS than shut the hell up!!!!!!
You know, Wilt isn't cheering for the Fire, but for the fact that she is jumping up and down cheering for the Fire.
I'm not sure what your problem is, but this is just BS. In the two previous USOC Finals that the Fire has played in (and hosted), they have drawn almost 20k. And the Fire is not particularly noted for having a gigantic season ticket base. (Just damn good fans.)
I'm not sure what your problem is, but this is just BS. In the two previous USOC Finals that the Fire has played in (and hosted), they have drawn almost 20k. And the Fire is not particularly noted for having a gigantic season ticket base. (Just damn good fans.) No doubt that the Fire has great atmosphere. However if you don't have a large season ticket base than you'll never be able to compete. This is a business first and foremost. A business can't survive if "fans" can't shovel out a measley few hundred bucks to "support" their club. As long as MLS 'fans to get it this league is and will still be in trouble. Next time you think some "fans" are great, just remember that even the best clubs still get their but kicked in attracting $$ from sponsors and competing with non soccer events.
Are you just jealous cuz even when we were playing in limited space in Naperville (cap. 15,000) we still usually had more people at the games than you?
Hey Seagroves, I'll take this one. Dcrpoop didn't you have a Staten Island Ferry to catch this evening? Shame you missed it.
It sounded like a good game. At least the Giants Stadium made some effort to remove the logos (Giants and the NFL) from the field. Watching some of the game on TV, I could at least make out the yellow lines. As for the low attendance, I might suggest that Game 6 of ALCS up the road at Yankee Stadium might have had something to do with it. No Yankee-Red Sox game (heck of a game, BTW), and you might see slightly higher attendance. But then again, there wasn't much promotion of the game and not much mention of the game itself unless you really look for it. Keep the faith. MLS does its game right and the fans will come out in force. And like what was said later in this forum, buy tickets to the games yourself and convince others to do likewise. Word of mouth can be a big seller in the right circumstances.
Mike, She's, like, 12. Shame on you. (My wife just gave birth to our second daughter, so I'm getting a little worried. )
#1) Props to Simon - to me its more than gracious of you to have the courage to be congratulatory - very sporting of you sir. Well as a Bears & Cubs fan [espically today] - I'm used to being on the loosing end - and it's very respectful of you to be so gracious. It was a well fought game - could have gone either way, no doubt. But thank God at least Chicago maintained some of its' dignity tonight!
A couple points: Is it wrong that this picture makes me want to cry tears of joy? Really. I got the opportunity to watch the mexico game from a sky box at soldier field(bare with me, i'm telling everyone that part) and I spent most of the game watching the Fire on TV. I just wanted to say that, if the Fire game would have been after the Mexico game, then it might not have been that bad of an idea to have the cup in jersey. Mexico put out a B- team and got schooled. On top of that, after a uruguay goal, the players ran to the sideline and taunted the mexico fans. After that, things just got ugly. The fans where throwing everything they had at the field. I blame Mexico just as much as the Uruguay players because of their total disinterest in this game. It was an insult to the fans. Needless to say, there where about 50,000 fans that would not have been too happy come game time for the Fire. A fun side note: There was a Fire representative hanging out with us in the box. When the Uruguay players ran to the sideline after their goal, he said "oh, this can't be good". The rest is history.
On behalf of humanity worldwide, I´ll field this one-- You should only go for that girl if your idea of a good time is making love to a rusty syringe... or if your idea of a date is getting syphilis and a bony ass-stab in the leg.
Stop ogling little girls. Why haven't you posted the avatar all premium Stars fans should be forced to use from now on (a la your bet with GringoTex)?
I glad that Chicago came up with at least one winner yesterday. Hope they got more coverage in Chicago than they did in Des Moines
yeah. donLt listen to the others though. age-wise sheLs legal... and thats all that matters. but lets just say that "there are cleaner pastures to farm" in this wide-world of ours.
If I remember correctly, the Fire won the Open Cup at home on weekends, at least one of which was played not only after the season, but after a championship match. That right there, is incentive to go to the match, and the winning of the championship is plenty of free advertising, which Metro didn't get locally for this tournament..... This is not to say that Metro didn't blow a great opportunity to showcase themselves and that the front office really didn't give a crud. The ESC was out in numbers, and was loud the entire match. I think no club in the league is able to go toe-to-toe with the ESC on a night like last night. But with all that being said, the Fire deserved the win, they played feisty and hard. Razov is a much more dangerous forward then Mathis, yet will be constantly over-looked by Arena for some bizarre reason. The Fire's future looks very bright indeed, a really nice blend of youth and vetrans, bring in a number ten next year and you could be the best side in Concacaf. Once again, congrats to Peter Wilt, the entire organization and the fans on this win. Enjoy the cup and treat it well, because I think with a year under his belt, Bradley's boys next year could be dangerous.