Des Moines Menace Stadium Update Stadium Foundation to Announce Naming Rights Sponsor at Press Conference Naming Rights have been secured for the new soccer stadium in Urbandale! Please join us for the exciting announcement of our sponsor. Time: 2 p.m. Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 Place: Krause Gentle Corporate Office 6400 Westown Parkway West Des Moines, Iowa 50266 515-457-6364
Well it's official Liberty Bank Stadium, I can handle that. Hey, it's $3M! It's a better name than othes out there, like Dunkin Doughtnuts Arena
More info on DM Stadium name rights The $3M tag is for 10 years. Liberty Bank is chaired by William Krause, the father of Kyle Krause, the majority owner of the Menace.
I'll take it. (Well, not me, but the stadium-observing populace as a whole. I think. I haven't actually talked to all of them, but....oh never mind)
FYI - Pictures from the press conference, drawings of the new stadium and the new stadium logo are now posted on the stadium website.