Meet the Players Party Report

Discussion in 'Sporting Kansas City' started by KC Salty, Apr 2, 2003.

  1. KC Salty

    KC Salty Member

    Apr 27, 2000
    Kansas City, Missouri
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ok, as part of my pledge to be better at relaying information here is my report on the "Meet the Players Party".

    The whole event was very nice. The Overland Park Convention Center is a fantastic facility. All the players were in suits. So the whole event had an air of class. Plus catering by Chipotle was a huge bonus! Aside from the Chipotle catering, there were free bags of pasta given to everyone in attendance. Martha Gooch is an official Wizards sponsor now. There was also a table set up for the American Lung Association, and a table hyping the movie "Bend it like Beckham" and I saw several soccer balls with the movie's imprint on them that kids were carrying around.

    The evening kicked off with a viewing of the "Our Way" DVD of the 2002 US Men's World Cup team.

    Then Sean Wheelock introduced the 2003 Kansas City Wizards individually. Then there were speeches from Bob Gansler, Tony Meola, Curt Johnson, and Lamar Hunt, in that order. The event concluded with an autograph line.

    Highlights off the speeches:

    Bob Gansler is quite funny. Best of his jokes was telling Jimmy Conrad that his ice cream truck was double parked outside. (Conrad was living up to his status as team cut-up by wearing a bright red sports jacket and white pants. Personally I believe he might be our key acquisition of the off season).

    Sean Wheelock has big news, but I don't feel comfortable breaking it hear. (I know that's a tease, but Sean told me that the official announcement hasn't been made yet). Regardless, Sean did call attention to three groups tonight: Season Ticket holders, Crusaders, and his (quote) favorite (end quote) the Mystics. Thanks Sean!

    Tony followed up on that by saying that he loved the Mystics, and that if there were a million of us across the country that soccer would be even more of a force in the American sports landscape. He encouraged everyone there to spend at least one game this season in the Cauldron with us! Thank you Tony!

    Curt and Lamar gave updates and info on the following: season ticket sales, crusader sign-ups, the Zards program, and the kick-off party on the Plaza this Sunday.

    I did get to talk to Curt personally, and as I promised Ben, I brought up the concern that the Mystics have over being able to bring in the checkerboard flag and the Forza banner amongst other flags and signs. Curt assured me that he wanted us to bring those. He told me that if we had any problems to contact him personally. I can't emphasize this enough, but Curt wants the Mystics to be part of the gameday experience and atmosphere. The Mystics have an excellent relationship with the general manager right now.

    I also talked to Tony personally and he let me know that he is going to be part of a new radio show on WHB. The format is going to be laid back and fun. Chiefs player Marcus Spears and another person I can't remember are going to share hosting duties with Tony. It is going to be starting up soon (in the next week or so) on Thursday evenings, initially from 7-8, and then when the T-bones start up I think it will be from 6-7. Tony said it will be open format but he wanted me to encourage the Mystics and Wizards fans to call in.

    So that's it. It was a thoroughly classy event that I hope becomes a tradition. I'm excited about the coming season, even more so than just the usual new season optimism.

    I hope to see some of you in Tulsa (I'll be riding the fan bus), and/or at the Plaza on Sunday. Regardless, I expect to see all of you at the opener on the 12th.
  2. Wizardscharter

    Wizardscharter New Member

    Jul 25, 2001
    Blue Springs, MO
    I see absolutely nothing wrong with Conrad's decision to sport red and white. About 10,000 elderly folks show up dressed that way on fall Saturdays in Lincoln! GO 'HUSKERS!
  3. Wizardscharter

    Wizardscharter New Member

    Jul 25, 2001
    Blue Springs, MO
    I wish I could have gone, but work kept me on the other side of town. Between the DVD and Chipolte, I was not happy to have a long last appointment in Blue Springs. Seriously, is there a better fast food establishment that Chipolte anywhere in town?!?

    Glad to had a classy event. Maybe they can extend that philosophy to other areas of town.
  4. McGinty

    McGinty Member

    Aug 29, 2001
    Sporting Kansas City
    I must say that the Wizards organization has done a great job in making all of the fans feel very special. I really hope that all of the teams are run like this (I know Fire supporters love Peter Wilt, especially after writing an open letter to fans explaining the fire sale, no pun intended).

    It should be known that Jimmy Conrad said he will be writing a column this year. For those of you who hasn't read any of them, go to and check them out. (go to the US Soccer page and scroll down, you'll find it). Interestingly enough, last season he talked about playing against KC where he will meet the Nick Garcia fan club whose motto is "Kick Landon". :D

    Its too bad they didn't show the outtakes on the DVD. Some very funny stuff.
  5. AndyMead

    AndyMead Homo Sapien

    Nov 2, 1999
    Seat 12A
    Sporting Kansas City
    What DVD is this?

    How do I get one?

    Did my dad, who I bought season tickets for, get one?
  6. BenC1357

    BenC1357 Member

    Feb 23, 2001
    Sounds like a classy event. Interested to find out what the Wheelock news is, but if I had to guess I'd say he's the American voice of FSW.

    Big thanks to Sean, Curt and Tony for giving us props. Especially coming from a player, its great to have them encouraging fans to join us. And coming from three educated soccer fans themselves, it tells me they see us doing good things.

    I think the video being talked about it the one available at the BigSoccer Store. I have been thinking about getting it. Note: Its title is "Coming of Age".
  7. PezJunkie

    PezJunkie Member

    Apr 30, 2001
    Independence, MO
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    "Coming of Age" is a different DVD. "Our Way" is the one put out by the USSF. You can get that one from

    They gave a season ticket update? What's the current number?
  8. Spoon

    Spoon Member

    Feb 25, 1999
    Overland Park Ks
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    LOL Coming of Age is a porn flick staring Jill Kelly and other stars. Yes I know it is sad that I know this, but hey I like porn dammit.
  9. SamPierron

    SamPierron BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 30, 1998
    Kansas City
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    They showed "Our Way" Last night. Season ticket total was...5611?
  10. BenC1357

    BenC1357 Member

    Feb 23, 2001
    Is the DVD worth $30??

    5611: Have we reached our limit? This number is only 150 more than over a week ago.
  11. ojsgillt

    ojsgillt Member

    Feb 27, 2001
    Lee's Summit MO
    I believe that we have, another 100 or so may still come in. Still it is about 2000 better than last year.
  12. pblake

    pblake New Member

    Jun 11, 2000
    i'd say that as the Family Pack orders come in, this number will continue to increase. for $48, you get a midfield seat, free frosties from Wendy's, free hot dogs and drinks. Plus for every two family packs you buy (8 tix total), you get a free soccer ball AND a free jersey. now that's $12 well spent.
  13. SoccerNutScott

    SoccerNutScott New Member

    Feb 6, 2001
    Olathe, KS
    I am not positive but I think they told us when we Crusaders were helping sell the family packs that they only counted towared Season tickets numbers if sold before April 1st. Still it is a good buy.
  14. SoccerNutScott

    SoccerNutScott New Member

    Feb 6, 2001
    Olathe, KS

    You say that like it is a bad thing
  15. LSNsoccer362238

    LSNsoccer362238 New Member

    Dec 6, 2001
    Lee's Summit, MO
    Its a lot of money for a DVD, but its a really nice DVD. Its really fun watching it and rembering the world cup. If theres any toss up though, get Our Way over Coming of Age...COA was basically Our Way w/o the behind the scenes.

    As KC Salty said, it was a classy event. The Wizards organization really treats their fans well.
  16. BenC1357

    BenC1357 Member

    Feb 23, 2001
    They are begining to treat their fans well. They haven't always. I think they are one of the first organizations to realize that to prosper they are going to have to get a core group of die hard fans and cater (sp?) to their needs. They are doing this by working with the Mystics and more importantly continually holding events like meet the players.

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