Maybe we need another Owen Hargreaves thread, eh?

Discussion in 'Manchester United' started by Achtung, Aug 28, 2006.

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  1. Achtung

    Achtung Member

    Jul 19, 2002
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    No offense to our Canadian posters. I just couldn't resist. ;)
  2. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    Apr 14, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    Won't happen. I don't know how Van Bommel is supposed to be a direct replacement for Hargreaves, they're two very different players. With MvB, Bayern have finally replaced Ballack. This doesn't have anything to do with strengthening the chances of United getting Hargreaves. Stupid Press.

  3. bestbecks

    bestbecks Member

    Jan 12, 2006
    Ottawa, ON
    As a Canadian I can honestly say whatever ill feelings I held towards Hargreaves have gone away, they've moved on to his club now.
  4. Alan_V

    Alan_V Member

    Apr 22, 2003
    Anaheim, CA via NJ
    Blackburn Rovers FC
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    United States

    I dont' disagree. That said, now that they've replaced Ballack, they could be more agreeable to selling Hargreaves. They'd be back to needing one midfielder not 2. I still don't think it will happen, but it does put him back in play.
  5. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    Apr 14, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    But Hargreaves is Bayern's most valuable player, believe it or not. He's not onlny their most versatile but he's the heart and soul of the team. Bayern cannot afford to lose him. If he would leave, they'd have nobody to replace him with and have yet another void in the team.
  6. rossgreen

    rossgreen Member

    Jul 16, 2006
    My hope for Bayern-

    Sell Hargreaves to us, buy Mascherano with the money.

    Benefits both teams greatly.
  7. Reptile1234

    Reptile1234 New Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    If only i didn't agree with you, i want him but there is little chance now ecspecially with onlt 3 days of thw window left :(
  8. ForeverRed

    ForeverRed Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    So you hold ill feelings towards Bayern now because they won't sell him to United?
  9. Teso Dos Bichos

    Teso Dos Bichos Red Card

    Sep 2, 2004
    Purged by RvN
    Why don't WE sign Mascherano and you can keep your overrated Canadian? JM won't move to Die Bundesliga anyway.
  10. littleman

    littleman Member

    Oct 18, 2005
    Mascherano over anyone else, imo.
  11. Numquam Moribimur

    May 30, 2005
    Manchester United FC
    I still dont want him....17m are you havin a laugh
  12. Reptile1234

    Reptile1234 New Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Doesn't matter anyway we probally won't get anyone else this window (hope i'm wrong) but we're doing well so far.
  13. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    Apr 14, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    Let's not pretend that throwing a shitload of money at players we must have is something so dramatically alien.
  14. Reptile1234

    Reptile1234 New Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Right again sir manchester infact i expect that the par for ok player is going up and the par for world class has exploded.
  15. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    Apr 14, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    Of course he won't, the ******************** can't even put together a concise sentence, he won't fit in.
  16. mhtwins113

    mhtwins113 Member

    May 9, 2005
    Lincoln City FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Thank you, Uncle Teso!

    Sheesh, I knew I couldn't be the only one who thought that way.
  17. Rakim_22

    Rakim_22 Member

    Manchester United
    Sep 6, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I agree too. OH is quite talked about here but I'm not impressed. Hell I'm not even that impressed by Carrick but now thats he's here he's cool in my book. I mean being England's best player int he WC ain't sayin much IMHO.
  18. DutchFootballRulez

    Jul 15, 2003
    Baltimore, MD
    FC Barcelona
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Teso is a funny guy..
  19. sdotsom

    sdotsom Member+

    Manchester United
    Mar 27, 2005
    Manchester United FC
    i know we balk at spending over 17 mill on Hargreaves...but we paid 18.6 mill for the guy behind him in the england squad. Bayern aint stupid, if they see us pay 18.6 for Carrick they'll ask for something just as astronomical for Hargreaves, if not more. Not to mention he is their best overall player right now, maybe only one close to him there is Podolski. Its our stupidity in the transfer market that makes this nonsense happen. Spurs sold us Carrick then got a direct replacement in Zokora and made 16 mill pounds on the deal....we havent done anything smart in a while.
  20. muusa

    muusa New Member

    May 29, 2006
    You might want to check your math, we paid 14 million up front for Carrick, Spurs paid 8 million for Zokora.

    14-8 = 6
  21. sdotsom

    sdotsom Member+

    Manchester United
    Mar 27, 2005
    Manchester United FC

    i meant on carrick specifically...they bought him at 2.5 and sold him at possibly 18. even if its 14, they are still looking alot smarter in transfers than we are..
  22. Hendrik

    Hendrik Member+

    Aug 27, 2005
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    He's a good squad player, has never been more than that.
  23. billyireland

    billyireland Member+

    May 4, 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    ...and let's not pretend it's something that we can still afford to do frequently with our current debt. I would rather Mascherano, too.
  24. rossgreen

    rossgreen Member

    Jul 16, 2006
    Why don't Fergie and Gill look at Muntari and Appiah? Essien would be proof that Ghanian Holding Mids can play in the EPL...
  25. muusa

    muusa New Member

    May 29, 2006
    Appiah is already European cap-tied. Is Muntari really a holding mid, he played as a winger in the World Cup?

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