Mathis to Real Salt Lake..?

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by jri, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. jri

    jri Red Card

    Sep 28, 2000
    Rumors on Big Soccer have abounded this past week, and per another BS poster- A. Williams just said they want him to play behind "Kreis and Clint".....

    Are we at a substantial enough level to consider this a REAL (no pun intended) possibility?
  2. mschofield

    mschofield Member+

    May 16, 2000
    Union Berlin
    Nat'l Team:
    Well, he doesn't have anything else to do right now, so why not.
  3. Shaydee

    Shaydee Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    New Jersey
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    sounds like it's almost a sure thing
  4. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    Mathis? I remember that name; wasn't he the guy who was supposed to be "tearing up" the Bundesliga?
  5. Shaydee

    Shaydee Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    New Jersey
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    he did for about a week and a half
  6. rorschach

    rorschach New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
    Kirkwood Atlanta
    Liverpool FC
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    I, for one, would be scared to be a beer-drinkin' boy from Conyers in Salt Lake City. Sounds like an old Chris Farley movie....

    Hope his attitude towards the game improves, as SOMETHING seems to impede his career.
  7. Indiana Jones

    Indiana Jones Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    Re: Mathis to Real Salt Lake..? COACH CHANGE at Hannover.

    The reason - a COACH CHANGE. Clint hasnt changed, the new coach is a military maestro and eschews physique over finesse. Ya Ya and all that Kraut crap. New coaches often screw up players brought in by the coach they have replaced........
    Again Clint remains a world class player.
  8. IMOX77

    IMOX77 New Member

    Jun 15, 2003
    Long Island, NY
    Re: Mathis to Real Salt Lake..? COACH CHANGE at Hannover.

    Wasnt it Clint who blew his chance at Hannover with his gesture twoards the coach during the last gamehe played in?
  9. cl_hanley

    cl_hanley New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
    Costa Mesa
    My opinion is that the one thing that keeps Mathis from becoming a world class player is his attitude. Something is missing there, and it can't all be attributed to a coaching change. I guess one could add that injury has plagued his game as well, but at any rate, the sharp shooting ace for our national team has gone on vacation and has yet to return. One can only hope that RSL will get him back on track.
  10. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    Re: Mathis to Real Salt Lake..? COACH CHANGE at Hannover.

    The real reason - he's the American Gazza. Bags of talent but completely self-destructive. This is hardly the first time he's fallen out with a coach.
  11. Shaydee

    Shaydee Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    New Jersey
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    the real reason is clint has played like ******** since the summer. after he showed up the coach he was given a start in the next match and played his worst game since going to germany
  12. jri

    jri Red Card

    Sep 28, 2000
    No personal attacks in this forum.
  13. UxSxAxfooty

    UxSxAxfooty Member+

    Jan 23, 2003
    Rochester, NY
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I can't believe this thread has gone on this long without TAKK jumping in and posting something yet.
  14. TAKK

    TAKK New Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    Westchester, NY
    Would be a good move for MLS and Clint IMO. Hope he comes back.

    Won't be hearing from me much anymore because our young guys are finally playing for the Nats...Clint has blown it for himself in Europe...and talent is finally starting to rule.

    I'm also getting bored (pretty much always the same thing), but thanks for thinking about me.

    Can anyone build me a stadium here in NY?
  15. onefineesq

    onefineesq Member+

    Sep 16, 2003
    Laurel, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah, i'm pretty happy now too, for the same reason TAKK. by the way, I got someone who can get you a stadium. her name is ...... um, fai .... fai ........ fairy godmother!! that's it!
  16. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    And there was my thinking he was moving because he didn't actually get to play, let alone "burn up" the Bundesliga.
  17. TAKK

    TAKK New Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    Westchester, NY
    I always said that Checketts was going to get that team a stadium before us and now I'm sure of it.

    Good luck to you guys. If any fans deserve one it's you.

    The day we have at least 8 SSS's built (inc NY) I will finally feel like our league has made it. Getting there. Hopefully by 2010. Then again, looks like Toronto will have theirs now (5), Colorado got the $$$ improved which is the hardest part (6) and then its' you guys and Utah. That would be 8 without us.

    Just don't see SJ happening I'm sorry to say. SSV is incredible though. Wish I could build it for them, but I don't have that much. Should have kept working I guess.

    BA - Keep playing the actual talent please. Thank you.

    Making fun of the unstable ones on this board has just become boring. Funny thing is, if they had any idea how straight laced corporate I am (was) they would drop...but's that's where the fun lies ( the emotional clever responses that go nowhere but off a wall). No one ever truely knows.

    Will always check in though...

    BTW - How the hell do you actually deal with appoo and carry on with him?
    The lies, exagerations, revisionist history on his own comments and viewpoints, circular arguements that lead nowwhere, wrapped in that insecure, emotional cocoon.

    You've got patience my friend. Impressive. Very impressive.

    Play the talent. Oh yeah, one last shot. Jamaica is wwwaaaaayyyyyy overated by virtually 99% of the people on this board. Do you hear me now?
  18. Bruce S

    Bruce S Member+

    Sep 10, 1999
    Re: Mathis to Real Salt Lake..? COACH CHANGE at Hannover.

    you must be joking.The guy who scored exactly 9 goals his last year in MLS, at least 2 from the penalty spot, is a world class player.The guy who had to go on trial to a bottom team in the BL?
  19. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 15, 1999
    Leicester City FC
    M and jri - This is your final warning. Ignore each other or you both will be banned from the forum indefinitely.
  20. swilso01

    swilso01 Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    Re: Mathis to Real Salt Lake..? COACH CHANGE at Hannover.

    World class players produce for their club and for their country on a consistent basis. Clint has done neither.
  21. Onionsack

    Onionsack BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 21, 2003
    New York City
    FC Girondins de Bordeaux
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Even though it was unprofesional I really liked what Mathis did...I think Linden was just suffacting Mathis at Hannover and he was very unhappy to be cast off to the bench. What can I say the guy is a maverick and he's got zeal.

    Mathis was a Ralf Rangnick guy..he was brought in to set up and score in a system that was a good compliment to Mathis's game. Under the tactics of Rangnick Mathis scored 4 goals in 7 games and was an every game starter. He was on a pace to score around 10-12 goals in the second half and his stuff was highlight reel quality.

    Then in March Rangnick is canned and in comes boring boring Linden doing his best Tim Hankinson impression and totaly sucked the life out of Mathis, once he realized Clint was not the guy he needed his system he was bench material. 17 games played for Linden and only one goal...we all know which one that was. Thing is I bet he could have found another German team if he didn't show up Linden but I have a feeling Germany despite its wealth of good beeer is not Mathis's kinda place...not like Salt Lake is either.
  22. pething101

    pething101 Member

    Jul 31, 2001
    Smyrna, Ga
    West Ham United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The one thing I dont think anyone can argue with about Clint ... is that he creates a buzz about himself. Whether creating a piece of magic on the field or just doing the most retarded thing off of it, he gets people talking and that can never be a bad thing for this new club. Personally, I hope he has the hijinks worked out and he is ready to give it his all for Real ... if he is indeed comeing back which I am not sure I buy into anyway.
  23. Toolhead

    Toolhead Member

    Jul 6, 2003
    Williamsport, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Jersey was going to build you one, until the Gov turned out to be gay. I guess the new gov is a red state type of guy? [lame attempt at a joke}
  24. Joel Goodson

    Joel Goodson Member

    Jan 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The guy in one fluid motion wrecked his career in one of the biggest footbal countries in the world. How can you possibly like that. It was a stupid, stupid thing to do and now he's paying the price. period.

    Good luck trying to find a bar in Utah, Clint.
  25. Perugina

    Perugina Member

    Aug 7, 2003
    Grand Rapids MI
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The guy needs a shrink. His tendency to self destruct and bite the hand that feeds will get him nowhere.

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