Matchday Thread | GROUP E

Discussion in 'Group E: Switzerland, Ecuador, Honduras, France' started by JohnnyFutbol, Mar 28, 2014.


Who Will Advance.

  1. Switzerland

  2. Ecuador

  3. France

  4. Honduras

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Catracho_Azul

    Catracho_Azul Member+

    Jun 16, 2008
    New Orleans
    Corinthians Sao Paulo
    Nat'l Team:
    Like who?? lol What Golden Generation??

    This is news to me m8.. same generation that got bounced out by Guyana? lol
  2. Teso Dos Bichos

    Teso Dos Bichos Red Card

    Sep 2, 2004
    Purged by RvN
  3. Waliatiger

    Waliatiger Member+

    Jul 1, 2013
    Arsenal FC
    I was joking but in CONCACAF anything is possible.
  4. Catracho_Azul

    Catracho_Azul Member+

    Jun 16, 2008
    New Orleans
    Corinthians Sao Paulo
    Nat'l Team:
    Yea, no. lol I think unless a serious team steps-up it'll be the same four in Russia.
  5. zahzah

    zahzah Member+

    Jun 27, 2011
    FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd
    Ecuador only need a goal to progress, but will be tough with only 10 men.
    Honduras turn out to be group whipping boys.
  6. waitforit

    waitforit Member+

    Dec 3, 2010
    FC Steaua Bucuresti
    Nat'l Team:
  7. Hesky

    Hesky New Member

    Jun 14, 2006
    Somebody needs to tell Ecuador the 0-0 eliminates them. They seem pretty cool with this score!?!
  8. Froboy69

    Froboy69 Member+

    Inter Milan
    Mar 25, 2011
    FC Internazionale Milano
    Nat'l Team:
    20 minutes left.
  9. waitforit

    waitforit Member+

    Dec 3, 2010
    FC Steaua Bucuresti
    Nat'l Team:
    Ecuador need 2 now

    I thought France beating the Swiss 5-2 and the 3-0 in 10 showed that Honduras is clearly the better team
  10. Waliatiger

    Waliatiger Member+

    Jul 1, 2013
    Arsenal FC
    Ecuador blowing it late against the Swiss really ended up biting them in the behind.
  11. zahzah

    zahzah Member+

    Jun 27, 2011
    FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd
    All I can say is this group is terribly poor in terms of football quality.
  12. Waliatiger

    Waliatiger Member+

    Jul 1, 2013
    Arsenal FC
    Disappointed performance by France.
  13. zahzah

    zahzah Member+

    Jun 27, 2011
    FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd
    Still... easily dominating this game.

    Ecuador, Switzerland and Honduras several rungs lower in quality.
  14. Froboy69

    Froboy69 Member+

    Inter Milan
    Mar 25, 2011
    FC Internazionale Milano
    Nat'l Team:
    Damn and I thought that the Swiss would call up this guy.

  15. zahzah

    zahzah Member+

    Jun 27, 2011
    FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd
    Domingues with arguably the best GK performance of the tournament so far. All to naught if Ecaudor don't score.
  16. Froboy69

    Froboy69 Member+

    Inter Milan
    Mar 25, 2011
    FC Internazionale Milano
    Nat'l Team:
    Disappointing from France and Ecuador .
  17. Pandore

    Pandore Member+

    Jun 24, 2014
    Paris Saint Germain FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Decent game. It was frustrating seeing all the wasted chances, but I figured we were due for a draw after the two first games. If anything, the players will probably be more rested and more determined to go for the win against Nigeria.

    Glad to hear about Switzerland. This WC is starting to seriously lack European teams.
  18. Ed-D

    Ed-D Member

    United States
    Jun 13, 2005
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Will be one less after Switzerland lose to Argentina
  19. Pandore

    Pandore Member+

    Jun 24, 2014
    Paris Saint Germain FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Well of course, I'm definitely not saying they'll beat Argentina (then again, stranger things have happened), I'm just happy for them that they're advancing even if it's not going to last long.
  20. Wolfie65

    Wolfie65 Member

    Jun 16, 2010
    Albuquerque, NM
    Guess Ecuador took a few pages from the Honduras playbook in the first half. Hope the French team doctors brought lots of supplies and the ice chest at the hotel is full.
    France, on the other hand, were trying to be Italy and just barely stumble backwards into the next round by playing at half steam and not losing.
  21. Brasitusa

    Brasitusa Member+

    AC Milan
    May 14, 2014
    New York City FC
    OK, belatedly because I worked all day long and avoided the results in order to see my DVR recordings as if live, I finally watched today's matches, and here is what I have to say:

    I sincerely wonder now if France is as good as it seemed at first. I confess I haven't followed French football for a while. People were saying this morning during my commute in a British football radio show (which was reproduced on satellite radio in the US) that the team is performing better without Ribéry because he tends to slow down the offense. OK. Hard to believe, but oh well, like I said I haven't been following. But then, we get to this game. Sure, France had little to lose since they'd keep first group place on goal differential even with a defeat, and maybe they weren't trying too hard, thinking already of the knock-out phase.

    But they surely did give the impression that they were trying hard, so, how couldn't they get passed a 10-men Ecuador? I mean, Ecuador may have impressed the spectator, but people who are less familiar with South American football maybe haven't realized that Ecuador didn't win *a single* match outside of the Quito high altitude, during the qualifiers. Pretty much every time they played at sea level, they crashed. So, then they manage to win an official game for the first time in three years, out of their altitude, and it is against Honduras, the weakest of the CONCACAF teams. OK, so, then they go to play France and look very impressive, and bother the French a lot in spite of having ten men, and almost score several times?

    So, Switzerland... oh well, not very impressive either. Sure, they beat Honduras 3-0 but also the score doesn't really do justice to the match. What we saw, again, was Honduras giving a lot of trouble to the Swiss, except for some atrocious finishing. So, what made the difference was that Switzerland didn't have as atrocious finishing and three of their balls got in. But it could easily have ended 3-3.

    So, are the French so impressive because they are arguably in the weakest World Cup group, with a seeded team that didn't really deserve the seeding, and two of the weakest South American and Central American teams?

    I'm asking seriously. No bias. People who know this French team better than I do, what do you think? How well will they do in the knock-out phase?

    It also looked to me like France got away with two players extensively using their elbows and not collecting any cards, while the red card to Ecuador was clearly in an accidental play. The Ecuador player clearly went for the ball, which got caught between his foot and the Frenchman' leg, and then there was an unlucky bounce and his foot slid down the Frenchman's chin. Sure, a very harsh foul, but it did look entirely accidental, with no intention whatsoever to harm his colleague. OK, still probably a red card offense because intent is hard to gauge, but then, deliberate harsh elbowing might also be red card offenses. What would have been the score of this game, if Ecuador did not play one man down for most of second half?

    Now, a Honduras fan earlier in this thread berated me for calling his team a weak one. I told him, "let's wait and see; maybe I'll be proven right." Well, I guess I was proven right. Points, zero. Goals for, one. Goals against, eight. I'm sorry that he took offense, but I was just speaking the truth. I told him at the time - "what do you want me to say; lie and state that Honduras is a great team? It just isn't."
    futbol in Miami repped this.
  22. futbol in Miami

    Sep 11, 2011
    FC Internazionale Milano
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    agree, Valencia did not deserve a red. a yellow at most. Ecuador did good despite being a man down for so long. they rely much more on physicality and individual play. their strategy more counter attacking, but that can only take you so far. France took full advantage of this group. took care of business but still not convinced until i see them face a good side. Switzerland really did not deserve that seeding. wow FIFA. honduras still have a loong way to go, with Costa Rica going super saiyan, México coming back from the dead and USA being top dog of CONCACAF the past couple of years... its not looking good for the catrachos.
  23. guignol

    guignol Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 28, 2005
    Olympique Lyonnais
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    that's pretty out of place considering all the françafrica flames i've had to put out over the years. please abstain.
  24. guignol

    guignol Moderator
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    Apr 28, 2005
    Olympique Lyonnais
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    knowing they were already qualified was one thing, but much more important was that the with a couple of players getting their first NT start and one even his first minutes in bleu. the intrinsic quality of these players is one thing, the lack of coordination between players who had never played together another, all together it was a pretty mediocre showing. the ecuadorian keeper deserves some credit too.

    as for ribéry, that analysis is good, but incomplete. he DOES slow the game down, but above all he takes up too much space in all ways.

    it would be wrong to discount this match for the reasons i gave. the loss in momentum is huge, and we'll have to see if we can get it back against nigeria. the weakness of the first two opponents shouldn't be overestimated either. the team was really clicking on all cylinders, the quality of play and the attitude were real.

    i tuned in just too late to see sakho's elbow, but the french commentators were talking about it long enough to make me realize it must have been very bad.

    the ecuadorian red card is absolutely the right call... IF the referee really saw the play as well as we did on TV. because it's precisely that intent to cause harm, at least absolute lack of effort to try to avoiding same, that maes this foul so bad. he went for the ball, missed it, and his reaction after that went al towards making the contact as bad as possible instead of the opposite. he very well could have broken digne's leg. this is also his FIFTH red card since he's been captain of his NT. he's a recognized butcher.

    that said, i'm not sure the referee actually saw all of that. if he had given a yellow i would have understood completely.

    later on, digne made a foul tat absolutely deserved a yellow card, so i could also understand claims that the referee favored france. but all in all i think he did a good job.
    Brasitusa repped this.
  25. Nico Limmat

    Nico Limmat Member+

    Oct 24, 1999
    Dubai, UAE
    Grasshopper Club Zürich
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    #750 Nico Limmat, Jun 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
    I'm still not happy with our play at this WC but I wouldn't go that far. The win was well deserved and we also missed some clear chances.

    Anyway, very pleased with the "revenge" against Honduras. All the paper pressures (including the silly 6th place ranking) are now gone and we have nothing to lose against Argentina. Also pleased for Hitzfeld. Another Honduras spoiler truly would have put a stain on his tenure as Switzerland coach. As it stands it's quite mixed:

    South Africa 2010 - Qualified. Failed in WC group stage.
    Ukraine/Poland 2012 - Did not qualify. Only major tournament missed since qualifying for Portugal 2004.
    Brazil 2014 - TBD

    Also scored seven goals in the group stage - not bad. Now if only the defense would settle.

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