Manuel Brasil in Brazil?

Discussion in 'Yanks Abroad' started by Dave Marino-Nachison, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. Dave Marino-Nachison

    Jun 9, 1999
    Some of you may remember Manuel Brasil, who went from high school in California to the D3 Pro League, tore it up a few years back, was to go from there to Portugal and apparently never did, then spent 2003 with the Portland Timbers.

    Doesn't look like he was with the Timbers last season, and I'm not sure where he is now (though I didn't look very carefully). However, a player named Manuel Brasil did score this past season for a Brazilian team called Princesa do Solimões:

    What to make of this I don't know.

    Some more information (in Portugese) about the club:
  2. jri

    jri Red Card

    Sep 28, 2000
    Isn't the thread overdue for a report from Jordan Older?
  3. Benfika

    Benfika New Member

    Nov 30, 2003
    Turlock, CA
    Its not the same person, I'm a friend of Manuel and he's still around Modesto for now. My best friend and his high school coach is workin on a Portuguese passport, just like we did for Adolfo Gregorio. They both from same high school and had same high school coach, Ozzie Toste.


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