Malaga CF [R]

Discussion in 'Andalucia' started by BrianCappellieri, Aug 4, 2002.

  1. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
  2. Pichi

    Pichi Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 17, 1999
    San Jose, CA
    Real Betis
    Nat'l Team:
    Malaga -Granada (R)

    Fútbol/Pretemporada.- El Málaga sufre la primera derrota de la pretemporada ante el Granada, un Tercera División


    El Málaga sufrió anoche su primera derrota de esta pretemporada y dejó escapar el Trofeo Ciudad de Granada ante el equipo local, un recién descendido a Tercera División, que supo poner más derroche y valentía ante un Málaga dormido y sin presión por ganar.

    La Copa Intertoto es la única obsesión costasoleña y el técnico madrileño ha ideado un par de choques ante equipos modestos (el próximo será ante el Jaén) para preparar con mimo el partido de vuelta ante el Villarreal.

    Joaquín Peiró utilizó el partido como banco de pruebas y utilizó dos equipos muy diferentes en cada tiempo. Tanto cambio debió trastocar las ideas de los malaguistas, que salieron a verlas venir ante un Granada más impetuoso. El equipo de La Alhambra acaba de descender a Tercera División por impago a sus jugadores, aunque posee una plantilla digna de jugar en Segunda B.

    El Granada salió al césped de Los Cármenes dispuesto a plantar batalla. Sólo un disparo muy intencionado de Darío Silva llevó la inquietud al equipo dirigido por Pepe Parejo, que vio cómo en el tramo final de la primera parte Aranda rompía la igualada de un fuerte disparo por alto. El guardameta Arnau no pudo hacer nada.

    En la segunda parte, con un Málaga muy renovado, el choque varió y el equipo de Primera División llevó en todo momento la manija del partido. Peiró optó por reservar a jugadores muy castigados en esta pretemporada, como el cancerbero Contreras, el centrocampista Gerardo y el veterano ariete Dely Valdés. Ninguno jugó un sólo minuto aunque sí pudieron ver desde la grada como los intentos costasoleños no fructificaban.

    El Granada pudo olvidar por unas horas su delicada situación y se deshizo de un rival que está a un sólo paso de jugar la Copa de la UEFA.


    --RESULTADO: GRANADA, 1 - MALAGA, 0 (1-0, al descanso).


    GRANADA: Gustavo (Espinosa min.46); Zapata, García, Acebal, José Luis; Guzmán (Carmedlo min.70), Gordillo (Garrido min.72 y Lunas min. 90), Galán, Batista (Cordero min.68); Aranda (Óscar, min.77) y Vicente.

    MALAGA: Arnau (Rafa min.46); Rojas, Litos, Juanito (Leko min.46), Iznata; Manu, Sandro (Miguel Angel min.46), Romero, Musampa (Duda min.46); Edgar (Canabal min.46) y Darío Silva (Coque min. 46).

    --GOL. 1-0, min. 40: Aranda.

    --ARBITRO: Llañas Mejías. Amonestó a los granadinos Zapata, Guzmán y Aranda y al malaguista Raúl Iznata.

    --ESTADIO: Los Cármenes. 800 espectadores.
  3. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    In the middle of a tough week for Malaga. Over the next 11 days the depth of their side will be tested. First test passed, however, with the win over Extremadura in La Copa del Rey.

    The more important games are coming up however, and it looks as though Malaga will be without Dario Silva on Saturday after he received a red card (very questionable call, according to Marca and Joaquin Peiro, he didn't make any physical contact with the opposing player, but was given a red card anyway for a tackle with his studs up).

    Then the big premiere in Europe midweek, meeting the Bosnians, Zeljeznicar, and then looking forward to a meeting next weekend with Valencia.

    These next two weeks should tell us what kind of year to expect. The tie against Extremadura doesn't bode well, but with all of the big games approaching, who could blame them?
  4. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    2 wins, Malaga's best start ever in Primera!! Things are looking good, but I must say our competition thus far hasn't been from the top flight of the league. These were games that Malaga should have been expected to get at least 4 points from, so the 6 points is better than expected, but not a huge surprise.

    The big test comes next week with Valencia coming to La Rosaleda. Playing the league champions should be a good litmus test for how good this team is this year. Last year, Valencia came to Malaga and won 2-0 to seal their league championship. I'm hoping the Malaga players will remember that match and play with pride to defend what they lost last year. If they had won that game, they wouldn't have had to play the Intertoto and would have qualified for the UEFA outright.

    No predictions yet, but a draw looks to be the best bet.
  5. Juanele

    Juanele Member+

    Aug 4, 1999
    Colorado, US
    Musampa is on fire. I wished I picked him up for my fantasy league team before the season started. As it is right now he is way too expensive.

    Do you think Malaga will score against Valencia? Everybody knows that Valencia will play the counterattack in this game and when they play that type of game is awfully tough to score against them, especially if Valencia scores first.
  6. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Hard to say...

    I saw the Malaga-Valencia match in 2000, obviously these are two vastly different teams (that Valencia had Piojo Lopez and Mendieta) and played a different style of play.

    This new Valencia team has a Malaga flavor to them, with De Los Santos and Rufete both moving to Valencia on transfers a year ago.

    I agree that Valencia will be tough to score on, and with Dario Silva out, Malaga will be without as much scoring punch. My prediction would be 1-1, 1-0, or 0-0. I don't see many goals this game, and Malaga can't afford to get down early like they have in their two previous matches. I'm a little concerned about their defense, with the exception of Koke Contreras in goal.

    Interesting enough, Musampa came to Malaga their first year in Primera, highly touted as a member of the '95 Ajax Champions League winners. He had a difficult time adjusting to La Liga and rode the pine for most of the year, rarely playing, never starting, and certainly not scoring. Most of the fans didn't like him very much and weren't happy with the transfer. He also had to break through a midfield lineup that included Rufete, De Los Santos, and Movilla (now of Atletico Madrid) and Agostinho (who transferred to Paris-SaintGermain and hasn't played, despite tremendous speed and fantastic crossing ability, a poor man's Mark Overmars, including the lack of a right foot). Musampa may have made a difference earlier on, but I think the strong midfield that Malaga had prevented him from getting in on matches the past couple of years and improving. This year, Musampa is showing his quality, everything that Malaga hoped he would be when they got him (fairly cheaply, I believe) from Ajax.
  7. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Darn it, I know. My opinion of him, unfortunately, has been colored by my lack of seeing him since his first year in Malaga, when he was definitely not playing at the same level. Too bad, because I should've known better and picked him from the start.
  8. Pichi

    Pichi Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 17, 1999
    San Jose, CA
    Real Betis
    Nat'l Team:
    Málaga - Zeljeznicar UEFA Cup Second Leg (R)

    Fútbol/Copa UEFA.- Previa del Málaga - Zeljeznicar

    El Málaga busca un triunfo en La Rosaleda para seguir vivo en Europa


    Tras el empate a cero obtenido en la ida, al Málaga sólo le vale mañana (21:30 horas/La Rosaleda) la victoria en el choque de vuelta de la primera ronda de la Copa de la UEFA ante el Zeljeznicar para que su estreno en la competición continental sea completo. Tras conseguir un sufrido empate a cero goles en Sarajevo, los hombres de Joaquín Peiró están obligados a ganar, sea cual sea el tanteo, para no caer a las primeras de cambio. El gran objetivo de los malaguistas es hacer, cuanto menos, un gol. Con él, los bosnios tendrían que abrir su juego para buscar el empate y el Málaga hallaría más espacios para superar la primera eliminatoria europea. El Zeljeznicar no es un rival cómodo. El equipo de Amar Osim basa su juego en el aspecto físico. Los bosnios son hombres muy fuertes físicamente que presionan a la perfección. De hecho dejaron al Málaga sin marcar un solo gol en esta temporada. Algo muy meritorio, ya que los andaluces han arrancado en esta campaña en un estado de forma ideal, tras la disputa y triunfo de la Copa Intertoto. Para el trascendente encuentro Joaquín Peiró tendrá que prescindir de dos hombres fijos en sus esquemas: el lateral derecho Josemi y el ariete uruguayo Darío Silva. El joven canterano cumplirá su segundo y último choque de sanción, tras ser expulsado en la final de la Intertoto por una trifulca con Martín Palermo.

    Mientras, la estrella uruguaya vio en el encuentro de ida la tercera tarjeta amarilla en competición continental y cumple ciclo de amonestaciones. Todo hace indicar que será el lateral Rojas y el ariete Koke los que sustituyan a los sancionados. El resto del equipo será el mismo que tan buen comienzo liguero ha hecho.

    El Zeljeznicar, actual campeón de la Liga bosnia, ha llegado con mucha moral a Málaga y está dispuesto a plantar batalla en La Rosaleda. La calidad de sus extremos, Zeric y Silic y la lucha constante de todos sus jugadores serán sus principales armas para dejar en la cuneta al teórico favorito, el Málaga.



    MALAGA: Contreras; Rojas, Fernando Sanz, Roteta, Valcarce; Gerardo, Miguel Ángel, Sandro, Musampa; Dely Valdés y Koke.

    ZELJEZNICAR: Hasagic; Mulaosmanovic, Alihjozid, Tica, Kajtaz; Zeric, Biscevic, Karic, Silic; Guvo y Cosic.

    --ARBITRO: Ladislav Gadosi (Eslovenia).

    --ESTADIO: La Rosaleda.

    --HORA: 21:30 horas.
  9. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm nervous for this game, more so than for the Colorado-Dallas game last night, even though I support both teams, seeing Malaga go further in the UEFA is such a bigger deal than the MLS Cup for me.

    This game should be tough. Malaga will be without Dario Silva (again) after he earned a yellow card in the first match, leading to 3 carrying over from the Intertoto. Tough, especially when Malaga must score.

    However, Malaga will not exit the competition this early. 2-0 to Malaga, with Dely Valdez and and the young malagueño Koke scoring.
  10. Juanele

    Juanele Member+

    Aug 4, 1999
    Colorado, US
    Who won that game? Sad to say but even living in Colorado there was no coverage, no game shown, no advertisement. Really they do a piss poor job of marketing MLS and the Rapids here.
  11. Qdog

    Qdog Member

    May 8, 2002
    Sevilla FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Colorado advances off the tiebreaker. Here's hoping they hang it on LA.
  12. Pichi

    Pichi Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 17, 1999
    San Jose, CA
    Real Betis
    Nat'l Team:
  13. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Malaga goes through on a Dely Valdez penalty. Hey, I'll take it any way we can get it. Good win and on to the second round!

    Does anyone know when the draw is for the second round?
  14. Pichi

    Pichi Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 17, 1999
    San Jose, CA
    Real Betis
    Nat'l Team:

  15. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Malaga beat Amica Wroski or something like that in the first leg (home for Malaga) of the second round of the UEFA Cup, after letting in a goal, off a deflection in the first minute of the game, Malaga came back to score two and were unlucky to get more.

    2-1 in the first leg, back to Poland for the second leg.

  16. Malaga CF fan

    Malaga CF fan Member

    Apr 19, 2000
    Fairfax, VA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    On to the next round, with Malaga winning by the same score, 2-1 on goals by Dario Silva and Musampa. They let in an early goal again (16 minutes in) but four minutes later, Dario Silva knotted the score and gave Malaga the all-important away goal that they needed. Musampa made Malaga's pass to the next round sure in the 73rd minute.

    According to Marca, the players are now hoping that they will play one of the "big fish" either the large teams that were in the UEFA or the teams such as Newcastle, Liverpool, etc... that dropped out of the Champions League. The draw takes place on Friday, we shall see....
  17. Pichi

    Pichi Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 17, 1999
    San Jose, CA
    Real Betis
    Nat'l Team:
    Malaga-Real Madrid (B)


    1-0 Musampa
    2-0 Dely Valdes
    2-1 Zidane
    2-2 Raul
    2-3 Figo (P)

    Malaga let this one slip away after leading 2-0 aftter 45 minutes. they totally outhustled and outplayed Madrid. In the second half Zidanes goal in the 46 minute changed the whole panorama of the game and Madrid had it relatively easy from there.



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