Major Cities In Northern Europe

Discussion in 'Scandinavia' started by BrianCappellieri, Aug 4, 2002.

  1. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    I was wondering how fans are divided up in larger Northern European cities.

    Is it based on the neighborhood where you grew up that decides who you support in places like Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, etc.?

    Or is it usually just who you choose and your family?

  2. gerby

    gerby Member

    Jan 14, 2001
    South of Belgium
    I'm living in Belgium so I don't know if you'llbe interested in my answer as I'm not really part of larger Northern Europe but I found your question interesting and wanted to give my opinion.

    I live in South Belgium close to the border with Luxembourg and I support Anderlecht (suburbs of Brussels) at about 130 miles from my home.
    A good friend of mine is a supporter of Brugge and is living at 150 miles from this city.
    So as you can see it's not always the closest club from your home that you support but it's just maybe a question of feeling.
  3. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002
    I've been well hammered by the bandwagon jumper convention on this subject before but here is how it's done anyway.

    1. You reach an age where you are capable of making a decision about supporting a football team. This is usually around seven, give or take a year.

    2. You get a map of the city in which you live. You also get out a ruler.

    3. You pinpoint your house on the map.

    4. You pinpoint your nearest local football ground.

    5. Bingo. You've got your team, easy as that.

    Take the steps above and you can go through life being proud to support your local team, of knowing you have accepted your inheritance and birthright based on the true principles or real supporterdom.

    Or could you be a Man Utd fan, and measure the distance from your house to the TV set in your living room (often mistaken for the football ground of your "home" team.)

    Or, you could be Brian Cappelieri and have so many rulers and so many maps that you actually find it takes less time to name the teams you don't support!

    Just think, it's totally, entirely up to you.

    Syd -- Palace 'till I die (my hair).
  4. Clan

    Clan Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    Er...what happens if yer move sid?

    I was born in Reading...we moved to gardner lane in the bush?
  5. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002
    I thought I answered that. See point one, and read it carefully this time please. It's not where you're's where you live at the age when you are able to choose which football team to support. After that, there are no excuses. So, if you lived in the Bush when you were seven or so, of course you wouldn't support Reading. That I happened to be born near Palace and still living there at seven was, unfortunately, just my luck. Sometimes I wish I'd been born in bloody Manchester but then again, if I had been, you wouldn't be able to see me for the bandwagon jumpers (and, of course, I'd have a City shirt on).
  6. Clan

    Clan Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    What if i was to turn seven during the move?

    Would that mean i would have to have supported Brentford? :)
  7. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    If I took Syd's advice I'd support a middle school soccer team. :)
  8. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Yeah, I'm interested about fans everywhere. For the smaller and lower division clubs do they get good support?

  9. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Well, you see, that all depends. Did you know how to use a ruler? ;)
  10. Clan

    Clan Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    When i was going to the Shed on a regular basis Chelsea were a second division team.
    Crowds of about 14 to 18 thousand were the norm.
    If we got a juicy cup tie at home to one of the bigger first division teams we could expect about 25,000 or so.
    We were definitely a "smaller" and "lower division" team in my days.

    And yes we were well supported.
    To be sure we had the "fair weather" fan that would rather go to islington than the Fulham road....but yeh know what, we didn't effin need 'em.

    Today i see thay have all returned as last yera the team averaged 38,000 per game.

    Where the fuk where they in 1984?
  11. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002
    No, the only way this would have happened is if you'd actually moved when you were seven, and you were passing Griffin Park on the M4 en route from Reading to the Bush with all your luggage and worldly goods in tow at the precise moment when you whipped out your ruler (wouldn't have needed more than a six incher at that age, I should think) and said, to pass the time, "bugger me dad, I need to figure out which football team to support". As, at that precise moment you would have been homeless but in very close proximity to Brentford FC, then that would have been your only real choice. Years later, you'd have come to hate your parents (not least for what they did when you originally said "Bugger me, dad"), because no one can be really happy living with Uncle Ron, and I should bloody know.

    I remember Chels when you were a lower division team. Bloody hell, the only way you stopped being one was by selling us Micky Droy and Trevor Aylott, and I haven't even got on to Tommy "Lungs" Langley yet.

    I think we agree on one thing though. People who find their way to Islington on a Sunday afternoon generally have never worked with rulers. Mind you, if you're a bloke without a penis (which Gooners invariably are) what do you need one for anyway? Bloody Hornbys, the lot of them.
  12. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    So Syd, should I really be supporting the "Bears" of Broadview Middle School? :D
  13. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002

    It cannot be accidental that you do not fill in the location box that appears next to your posts. This is because you are extremely rich, have twenty five homes, and actually spend two weeks a year living in the neighborhood of each of the many, many, many teams that you support. I have deduced therefore that you do, in fact, subscribe to my ruler theory and, armed with 25 maps and 25 rulers, you picked your many, many, many teams exactly as I suggested.

    BigSoccer readers should also know that, to the best of my knowledge, Brian Cappelieri has never appeared in a photograph with Elvis, so the obvious conclusion is that the King is not dead, but rather that he can be found in the home supporters end at Standard Liege. I can't remember if Standard Liege is one of your teams, to be honest, Brian, but let's face it, you can pick almost any team out of a hat and the odds are that they're on your list.

    As for the Broadview Middle School Bears, you don't support them because no self-respecting soccer fan would support a team with such a ridiculous name, wherever they lived. A further example of this is "United", another ridiculous name. You will notice that nobody who lives in Manchester supports a team called "United" any more than you support the Bears.

    As my wife said last night, "wherever we go on holiday, we'll never be far from Brian Cappelieri (and his ruler.)" She was right.


    ps: American's who, unlike you, don't have a lot of houses should, if they have any credibility, still apply the ruler principle if they want to support a team in Europe for some reason. I always assume when I meet an American, therefore, that I don't need to ask which team he follows. I just imagine that Plymouth Argyle, Le Havre, etc. are his teams of choice.
  14. Clan

    Clan Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    Er..i think the Yanks would have to get behind Sligo rovers...or Cork city...or perhaps maybe Cobh ramblers.......all they would have to di is mail Brian for directions to home games.

    Hey, syd, yeh know what else is roll over effin in stitches funny is the amount of people who support the manc on here and put in Man U as their team......any mancurians that i met detested that shortened name.....
  15. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002
    No no no. All Americans are actually Irish anyway, so they have mystical ways of aligning themselves to teams from that country which involve, in no particular order, rosary beads, child abuse, guilt, and the unusual sport of papal bullfighting. Don't believe me? Just as the next Yank you meet what nationality he is.

    The second thing has me in stiches, too and you're dead right. Not that you'd be likely to find a mancunian anywhere near Old Trafford PLC in the first place.
  16. Im not Irish...rather an interesting mix if Italian, Croatian, and German.
  17. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002
    Either way, you're not claiming to be American, are you? And the fact is, if you are what you claim to be then you should be spending your time atoning for various war crimes and not posting on, because believe me you've got a lot of atoning to do. Next to Croatia, Germany is a model of global good citizenship and militaristic integrity. If you're both...

    Oh bloody hell stop bothering me. You're Irish and you damn well know it. Now go back to Old Trafford immediately.
  18. Clan

    Clan Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    Yea, wot e said...and you can ask any of Manures fans in islington how to get there.

    They all have the Manchester fans "the official directions to old trafford" guide book in their arse pocket at all times.
  19. sydtheeagle

    sydtheeagle New Member

    May 21, 2002
    When a Man Ure fan tells you he likes a good crack, then puts his hand in his arse pocket, you might want to know that he's almost certainly NOT reaching for his guidebook.
  20. Treetaliano

    Treetaliano Member

    Jun 29, 2002
    Charlotte, NC
    Funniest. Post. Ever.
  21. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    :D Syd, you're off your rocker.

    Keep takin' that LSD!
  22. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Crazy Syd is spot on once again. I'm Irish and believe in stereotypes. ;)
  23. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    This is all true as well.
  24. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Syd is an ugly c**t and has brown rotting teeth. He's also the "scum of the Earth" (aka a football hooligan).
  25. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    Feb 11, 2002
    Believe it or not I've met a ManUre fan from Manchester. There's even a post on this board who claims the same...

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