Love at the DC United Game

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by Soccer-Six-Shooter, Sep 1, 2002.

  1. Soccer-Six-Shooter

    Soccer-Six-Shooter New Member

    Jan 17, 2002
    Arlington, VA
    Love at the DC United Game

    I bought my ticket for the DCU/SJ game
    NY/NJ got lucky last week, I was aflame
    Some fans are upset with Coach Hudson, Ray
    They want him gone like Timothy McVeigh

    But, I want to tell you about a girl I just met
    while I finish smoking my last cigarette
    It happened yesterday at famed RFK
    where DC needed points versus San Jose

    Shes wearing a DCU jersey and in line at the snack bar
    She orders a beer while holding her binocular
    She is cute, blonde and wearing the Black and Red
    while eating her nachos with the cheese spread

    I sure like to meet her, I would turn to clay
    I hope she is single and not a divorcee
    I order my usual hot dog and frosty cold beer
    I put mustard on the dog after paying the cashier

    I approached her with some small talk and asked her name
    "My name is Kathy," and what is your aim?
    Nothing, how do you thing United will do? Playoff?
    Maybe, but lets see what the Post guy says. You know Steve Goff.

    I asked her if she is a Eagle. She seemed kinda shy.
    I am not a Eagle, but I gotta go, bye-bye
    Wait, I can sit with you the rest of the game?
    Sure she said in her cute voice and sexy frame

    I had my arm around her by the second half
    when they took that guy out by the security staff

    After a great pass by Bobby Convee
    I looked into her eyes, and said "kiss me"
    Our lips met, there's something magical in the air
    as San Jose gave United a real big scare

    I heard the crowd roar!--what a save by Rimando!
    Hes been doing that since a long long time ago
    Then Villegas scores! what a magnificent goal!
    Cant wait for discussion among Bigsoccer trolls
    Moreno put on a nice assist!
    Boy was Coach Frank Yallop really pissed!

    Do you wanna attend the next game versus metrostars?
    Sure, it sounds fun and I no need to use my VCR
    After the game, we hit McDonalds for burgers and fries
    and remember the game that DC United survives

    Yes the evening was terrific, as we gazed upon the midnight view
    and the final of DC United 4, San Jose Earthquakes 2!!
  2. 1MADDOG

    1MADDOG New Member

    Aug 15, 2000
    u lucky bastard.
  3. MarioKempes

    MarioKempes Member+

    Real Madrid, DC United, anywhere Pulisic plays
    Aug 3, 2000
    Proxima Centauri
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    She was 14 years old ;)
  4. Lanky134

    Lanky134 New Member

    Oct 25, 1999
    134, 3, 6
    ...which explains why she agreed to another game after having been taken out to McDonald's...
  5. sebakoole

    sebakoole New Member

    Jul 11, 2002
    Hey Soccer Six Shooter, this poem is better than that Lord Byron romantic crap I had to read in high school! Way to go!
  6. 79United

    79United Member

    Apr 10, 2000
    SW DC
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Did you get her a happy meal?!?! I can only guess as to what the prize inside was.
  7. McOwen

    McOwen Member

    Jun 13, 2000
    Retirement Community
    Nottingham Forest FC
    Pump her full of beer at the Barra tailgate and see where THAT gets you! --Don't know if you'll be able to slip that poem around the moderators though... hehehe :)

    p.s. next time... just for romantic atmosphere/artistic license, drop the hot dog reference!!! While this may be kinky anywhere else at RFK (nasty GREY hotdogs?) it just reminds most people of a cadavers "...."
  8. Pennyfan01

    Pennyfan01 New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
    Anne Arundel County

    You are a dork...wake up.. maybe you were dreaming but Landon Donovan was not sitting next to you in the stands.......Take that story to some AOL chat room for big fat dorks who what to make up fantasy stories that will never come true
  9. Anthony

    Anthony Member+

    United States
    Aug 20, 1999
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Cut the guy some slack.

    My first date with my now wife was at RFK, where we watched United beat Miami (it was 1998, the good old days!)
  10. Victory

    Victory Member

    Sep 20, 2000
    RFK LOT 8
    Now if only the rest of us could find love at a DCU game. :)

    What was the pick up line....If you want to see a score....
  11. McOwen

    McOwen Member

    Jun 13, 2000
    Retirement Community
    Nottingham Forest FC
    Until last Saturday he was probably the ONLY one "scoring" at RFK ;-)
  12. Z010 Union

    Z010 Union Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: LOSER!!!

    So he didn't give you his number?
  13. Th4119

    Th4119 Member

    Jul 26, 2001
    Annandale, VA
    It was probably soccerbarbie! ;)
  14. MarioKempes

    MarioKempes Member+

    Real Madrid, DC United, anywhere Pulisic plays
    Aug 3, 2000
    Proxima Centauri
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It was Mike Mejido
  15. Soccer-Six-Shooter

    Soccer-Six-Shooter New Member

    Jan 17, 2002
    Arlington, VA
    A person creates their own luck in this world, my friend. And as for you, Pennyfan01, I think you're jealous. Victory, I didnt use any pick-up lines just regular conversation with a little charm and confidence. Now back to the regular crap.

  16. Victory

    Victory Member

    Sep 20, 2000
    RFK LOT 8
    Well at least this weeks crap is better than last weeks crap.
  17. Richth76

    Richth76 New Member

    Jul 22, 1999
    Washington, D.C.
    Nice one. I haven't had that type of luck. My fiance announced she was leaving me after a horrible DCU loss, talk about a double wammy. I guess she was tired of the losing.

    But dude, I have to ask...McDonalds? If this is how you treat your ladies your going to quickly find yourself in my boat!

  18. McOwen

    McOwen Member

    Jun 13, 2000
    Retirement Community
    Nottingham Forest FC
    Hey they met over an RFK hotdog... I guess ANYTHING looks good after that :)

    --Word to the wise 6 Shooter next time at least hit a nice little diner.
  19. DCUEagles

    DCUEagles New Member

    Jun 20, 2001
    Bangor, Maine USA
    Hey, I think that was great. Yeah, yeah so you went to McDonalds. I've heard of worse places to have something to eat! I think you got some talent man.
  20. Th4119

    Th4119 Member

    Jul 26, 2001
    Annandale, VA
    Wow man, sorry to hear that!
  21. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    Does she know that you don't ACTUALLY play for United, but just root for them?
  22. Richth76

    Richth76 New Member

    Jul 22, 1999
    Washington, D.C.
    It's been difficult only because I haven't seen the team win since then. Everytime we actually do when, I'm out of town. So everyone can blame me now!

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