LOS ANGELES CHARGE - Coming June 2003

Discussion in 'NWSL' started by la_charge, Aug 25, 2002.

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  1. la_charge

    la_charge Red Card

    Aug 25, 2002
    Los Angeles
    Coming June 2003 to Home Depot field at Dominguez Hills: The LOS ANGELES CHARGE.

    In case you folks are still hibernating in Philly after ODing on cheesesteaks, this is what Comcast thinks of the $10 million it blew on Loudy Foudy and Mr. Discovery's rogue operation:


    Hmmm, high school and college sports, minor league hockey, minor league baseball (including the 3 teams owned by Comcast: Bowie, Frederick, and Delmarva), and indoor soccer.

    Guess what team and what sport is missing from the corporate e-brochure?

    Needless to say, one Mr. Brian Roberts, whom Mr. Discovery booted from the WUSA Board of Governors a year ago, is pissed at Mr. Discovery and Loudy Foudy, not to mention that blowhard by the name of Lee Berke who suckered him and his programming lieutenant Amy Banse into investing in WOOOOOSA in the first place. Brian Roberts expected 1.0 ratings on CSN and CN8 and got 0.1s.

    In case you missed the events of the past year months, Loudy Foudy, her trusty sidekick Ms. Gear Magazine July 1999 (B. C.), and Mr. Discovery have been doing the mating dance with Uncle Phil's men, most notably Kevin Payne, ever since Comcast put up the "FOR SALE" sign on its 12.5% share of WOOOOSA 14 months ago.

    The March WOOOOOSA exhibition in Denver involving the SJ C-Rays, and the September 14 WOOOOOOSA exhibition in LA involving the soon to be Los Angeles Charge, aren't accidents.

    Notice that the rhetoric from Foudy and B. C. toward MLS has softened in the past few months, with B. C. in particular using the phrase "world class" to describe the MLS boys who performed in Korea (B. C. invited San Jose Mercury columnist Mark Purdy to her house to watch the World Cup games live in the middle of the night.)

    Remember that Foudy and B.C. didn't want
    MLS to "piggyback" on "their attendances" a year before WOOOOOSA started. Funny how being $80 million in the hole can change your tune quickly.

    As for Ms. Philly Magazine June 2002: Uncle Hef is waiting with open arms at his Beverly Hills mansion when she comes to town...
  2. Adam Zebrowski

    Adam Zebrowski New Member

    May 28, 1999
    Oliver, is that you?
  3. Jo

    Jo New Member

    Jan 15, 2000
    What a vicious diatribe. There has to be a more mature way to present your views.
  4. Adam Zebrowski

    Adam Zebrowski New Member

    May 28, 1999
    It is my belief, the poster is Oliver Tse, aka soccer_tv.
  5. Charge!

    Charge! Member

    May 7, 2001
    BSG 75
    There is, but our visitor hasn't figured that out yet.

    Original post reported and thread closed.


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