Liverpool Fc Vs Chelsea - Fa Cup Final - May 5 [r]

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by el-capitano, May 2, 2012.

  1. el-capitano

    el-capitano Moderator
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    Aug 30, 2005
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    [​IMG]v [​IMG] 5 May 2012, KO: 17:15

    The good guys versus the plastic flag wavers. Time to make Fernando cry, alongside John Terry. :)

    idreamofpikas and usscouse repped this.
  2. liverbird

    liverbird BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 29, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    In for the win. They didn't look good against Newcastle with most of the first team playing. Actually they never really looked like scoring. But they defended well, it was down to sheer brilliance by Cisse that it wasn't 0-0. I felt that they simply didn't look dangerous and it will be very important who scores the first goal
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  3. dcc134

    dcc134 Member+

    Liverpool FC
    May 15, 2000
    Hummelstown, PA
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Controlling the midfield and creating movement around the Terry is going to be key.

    Norwich lineup with Agger for Carra and Maxi for Downing? Spearing or Shelvey is a tough call. Carroll to start? Don't know. He's in pretty good form but terry can handle him if we just lump balls forward. On the other hand, Bellers offers more off the bench than Carroll, so perhaps a front 3 of Carroll Suarez maxi, with gerrard and Suarez close together in the right channel.

    Henderson needs a big game.
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  4. blanconi

    blanconi Member+

    Aug 25, 2008
    A few more days fellas...
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  5. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    Shit, I don't know how to feel or know which Liverpool team will show up in London.
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  6. liverbird

    liverbird BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 29, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The one that "wins in Wembley in May" with a Liverbird upon their chest :D
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  7. kopiteinkc

    kopiteinkc Moderator
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    Jun 1, 2000
    Liverpool FC
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    Please play Bellamy from the start ...
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  8. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    I'll take that one then..:)
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  9. That Phat Hat

    That Phat Hat Member+

    Nov 14, 2002
    Just Barely Outside the Beltway
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    We should treat this like a cup final.
  10. liverbird

    liverbird BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 29, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    As long as we dont play like :poop:
  11. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    Hey, I've just noticed. It's my 10th aniversary with BS today. With 11,933 posts.

    Just sayin' :)

    Better let Kenny know now.
    idreamofpikas and liverbird repped this.
  12. liverbird

    liverbird BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 29, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Rookie -- 11 and a half years and well over 17,000 posts. Like Carra, I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was.
    idreamofpikas and usscouse repped this.
  13. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    Cara said that did he?! I remember saying that to a girl in a pool in SoCal too many years ago to post here..:)

    Oh, and it didn't work then either. :rolleyes:
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  14. liverbird

    liverbird BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 29, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    No Toby Keith said it but it is true of many of us alte kockers
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  15. kopiteinkc

    kopiteinkc Moderator
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    Jun 1, 2000
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    Joined in May 31, 2000 and 15,670 posts .. and was on here before that, there was some sort of crash or something.
  16. kopiteinkc

    kopiteinkc Moderator
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    Jun 1, 2000
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    I know this one is on Fox Soccer, but did the telly thread get lost in the upgrade?
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  17. el-capitano

    el-capitano Moderator
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    Aug 30, 2005
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    Its probably still on its way..... ;)
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  18. Fussballer

    Fussballer Member+

    Liverpool FC
    Sep 18, 2002
    In my head
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    First match in a coon's age that I'm arsed about. Will be down at the booozer to enjoy this one. Let the Chel$ki blowup start on Sat and end on May 19th! Hard to beat a team 3x in a season but we did it to Everton so it can be done. I hope that Saurez continues his scoring and Gerrard plays right behind him. Make it happen, Kenny.
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  19. blanconi

    blanconi Member+

    Aug 25, 2008
    I don't like this new forum format.
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  20. goonermaui

    goonermaui Arsenal No Ka 'Oi

    May 12, 2006
    Lahaina Maui
    It seems that my 160 reps turned into 60 over this new 'upgrade'.

    Ah well, you know what they say...."Pride cometh before a fall" I'll just keep schtum.

    Managed to switch my work shift, just to watch my match against Norwich,(at 1.45AM local time)
    and then yours against Chucking Felsea.

    I sincereley hope, that you will put them in their place.

    All the best,

    idreamofpikas and el-capitano repped this.
  21. liverbird

    liverbird BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 29, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Ta, La. I'd rather you get third than that other lot from Norf Lahndahn or The Toon. And we both hate the plastic rent boys.
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  22. liverbird

    liverbird BigSoccer Supporter

    Sep 29, 2000
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
    Or close the wall up with our Scouser dead.
    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
    Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;
    Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
    Let pry through the portage of the head
    Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
    As fearfully as doth a galled rock
    O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
    Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
    Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
    Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit
    To his full height. On, on, you noblest Scousers.
    Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof!
    Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,
    Have in these parts from morn till even fought
    And sheathed their swords for lack of argument:
    Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
    That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you.
    Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
    And teach them how to war. And you, good Kopites,
    Whose limbs were made in Merseyside, show us here
    The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
    That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
    For there is none of you so mean and base,
    That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
    I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
    Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
    Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
    Cry 'God for Stevie, Suarez, and King Kenny!!!
    ForeverRed and idreamofpikas repped this.
  23. LiverpoolFanatic

    Liverpool FC, Philadelphia Union
    Feb 19, 2000
    Lancaster, PA
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We're visiting my in-laws at the moment. Dad just ordered FSC for me so I can watch the Final. So grateful I can watch it on a large screen TV in English without worrying the internet police will cut the stream. THANKS!

    Come on you REDS!!!!
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  24. B.A.

    B.A. Member+

    Sep 12, 2007
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Blah - My niece's first birthday couldn't come at a worse time.

    Let's run them into the ground and score first.

    Johnson Skrtel Agger Enrique​
    Kuyt Gerrard Maxi​
    Suarez Carroll​
    Bench: Doni, Kelly, Carra, Aurelio, Shelvey, Downing, Bellamy​
    idreamofpikas repped this.
  25. kopiteinkc

    kopiteinkc Moderator
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    Jun 1, 2000
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Great news.

    I have a new HD tV upstairs, but my old basement tv is where I saw the 05 Champions League win and 06 Fa Cup win (and the recent Carling Cup win and semi final win).

    I have to watch tomorrow on the old TV. HD be damned!
    idreamofpikas repped this.

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