List of Real Madrid Players Coming Along on their Summer Tour!!!

Discussion in 'LA Galaxy' started by CalGalaxy, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. CalGalaxy

    CalGalaxy New Member

    Jul 10, 2005
    For all of you interested in the players making the trip with Real Madrid.. here's the list as posted on real madrid's official site.

    They are as follows

    Goalies Casillas, Diego López y Carlos Sánchez
    Defenders Salgado, Mejía, Helguera, Pavón, Diogo, Roberto Carlos y Raúl Bravo.
    Midfielders Pablo García, Beckham, Zidane, Guti, Figo, Gravesen.
    Forwards Raúl, Ronaldo y Owen.

    Not making the trip Samuel, Woodgate, Rubén, Portillo, Borja y Miñambres.

    Should any of you know what Canteranos means, then post on your reply. Thanks
  2. Elisa Uranga

    Elisa Uranga New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
    Sierra Madre, CA
    Canteranos are the youngsters from Real Madrid B. Alot of them played in the under 20s WYC. Good to see the homegrown academy players.
  3. TequilaJoal

    TequilaJoal Red Card

    Mar 3, 2002
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Good list

    Well after witnessing Guatemalas disasterous match against Mexico today....

    If I were Salgado, Helguera, Roberto Carlos and Bravo - I would be sh!tt!ng in my pants after watching the Bow-legged ballhog today. He Rules !!!

    Pando took over the match and made every mexican on the field his b!tch today... I especially liked his 45 yard blast that missed the frame by inches, they said it was probably going like 90mph too.

    And it was only out of pure frustration at being the best player on the field by far that he feined b!tch slapping the referee towards the end of the match so he could go home warly to his kicking pad in Hermosa Beach.

    Yeah, I dont think Real Madrid know what they've gotten themselves into when they face "pandont" ramirez - the los angeles galaxy's best player.
  4. christopher d

    christopher d New Member

    Jun 11, 2002
    Weehawken, NJ
    Re: Good list

    Hey! You want to put an [R] next to this?!
  5. Bill Schmidt

    Bill Schmidt BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 3, 2003
    Washington, DC
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Added info:
    Means "of the cantera" which is the youth development system.

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